Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1464 Wordless Divine Book

"So you are such a scumbag?" Zhao Yang's words made the rabbit's face darken.

"Did you talk like that?" Rabbit rolled Zhao Yang's eyes.

"You don't have anything better?" Zhao Yang asked after pondering for a while.

"There must be good things, but you have to pass the assessment." Rabbit said solemnly.

"That's it, it's okay, you give me the flower of death and this rabbit." Zhao Yang looked at the rabbit and said.

"Don't you look down on it?"

"I don't like it, but I can give it to others." Zhao Yang looked at the rabbit like he was looking at a silly beep.

"Bugs Bunny, from now on you'll hang out with him." The big rabbit patted the little rabbit on the head and said.

The little rabbit nodded, then jumped to Zhao Yang's side.

"Will it be obedient?"

"Does it dare not listen to me?"

"That's it." Zhao Yang opened the entrance to his small world after hearing this, "Go in."

Bugs Bunny turned into a ray of light and entered Zhao Yang's small world.

"I have a question, aren't you from the Death God Realm? Why are you in the Central God Realm?"

"I can only stay in this secret place." Rabbit explained.

"What's the next challenge?"

"You have to wait until everyone is here before you can challenge."

"Then what's the point of me arriving early?"

"I said it will be good for you when everyone is here." The rabbit said helplessly.

"I do not believe."

"Come with me." The rabbit had no choice but to say.

Soon Zhao Yang followed the rabbit to a battlefield.

On the battlefield, Zhao Yang saw many ferocious beasts, and these beasts stared fiercely at Zhao Yang and the rabbit.

"I need to kill these beasts to get the opportunity inside, right?" Zhao Yang asked.


"Can we start now?"

"Are you sure you want to break in by yourself?"

"Otherwise, what's the point of me coming so long?"

"Good luck then."

After its voice fell, Zhao Yang took the lead and rushed forward.


Those ferocious beasts rushed towards Zhao Yang in a swarm.

They have been trapped here for a long time, and the hatred in their hearts has long been soaring.

Now seeing Zhao Yang how can he hold back?

Zhao Yang noticed that those fierce beasts were all at the Yuanshen Realm level, but none of them were higher than the sixth heaven of the Yuanshen Realm.

For Su Wanqing and others, this is indeed very tricky.

But it was nothing to Zhao Yang?

His whole body bloomed with the light of Tong Xuan, and turned into an afterimage, rushing forward.


As long as it touched Zhao Yang, all the beasts were shattered.

No matter what level?

Surrounded by many ferocious beasts, Zhao Yang rushed out a bloody path.

The rabbit was scared.

"So cruel?" After seeing this scene, it understood why Zhao Yang didn't like the flower of death and silence?

Zhao Yang will most likely be able to set foot in the realm of living gods in the future.

Zhao Yang moved forward and killed all the way.

Gradually, those fierce beasts could not catch up with Zhao Yang's footsteps.

Zhao Yang felt a little emotional in his heart.

A beast is a beast.

Even though so many were killed by Zhao Yang, they still chased and killed them fearlessly.

Then Zhao Yang saw a tree.

"Shen Huang Xing." Zhao Yang's eyes were full of surprise.

Zhao Yang took one off and found that it belonged to the second level of God Control Realm.

If Shenhuang apricot is taken alone, it can step from the peak of Yuanshen Realm to Yushen Realm, and if it is used as the main medicinal material, it can refine the second-grade advanced pill of Yushen level.

"There must be a hundred of them." Zhao Yang started picking them as he spoke.

When the rabbit hiding in the dark saw that Zhao Yang had plucked half of it, he hurriedly said, "Are you going to pluck them all?"


"Can you leave some for the monks behind?"

"Okay." Zhao Yang jumped down from the tree after picking another ten.

Another batch of fierce beasts appeared in front of them, and this batch of fierce beasts was stronger than the previous batch.

But for Zhao Yang, he still couldn't stop his footsteps.

After he killed a bloody road, he came to a pond.

"What's in the pond?"

"The delicacy fish in the pond are all grown up on the treasures of heaven and earth. Not only are their tastes unrivaled and delicious, but they can also strengthen your origin." The rabbit said after appearing.

"How do I catch it?"


"What kind of bait to use?"

"You don't need any bait, the more good fortune you have, the more delicacies you will be hooked." The rabbit said and gave Zhao Yang a fishing rod.

Zhao Yang threw the hook into the pond.

The pond remained unchanged.

The rabbit stared at Zhao Yang.

Should not be ah.

This kid should be good at first glance, why the fish in the pond haven't changed?

When it was stunned, it suddenly found that all the fish in the pond were boiling, and frantically bit towards Zhao Yang's hook.

As soon as Zhao Yang raised his hand, dozens of delicacy fish were caught.

Why are there dozens?

The one that bit the hook was a god-level delicacy fish, but the rest of the delicacy fish bit its tail and fins.

Just like this one hangs one by one.

"Three for the Upper God Realm, twelve for the God Control Realm, and twenty-one for the Primordial God Realm." Seeing this scene, Rabbit doubted life.

You must know that even its owner can't do this.

"You guy's good luck can't reach the god-king level, right?" Rabbit looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said.

When Zhao Yang threw down the hook again, the fish school became even crazier this time.

Zhao Yang caught more than 50 fish in the second shot, and this time almost none of them were in the Yuanshen state.

Zhao Yang caught more than 100 fish on the third rod, and this time there were eight fish in the God Realm, 72 in the God Realm, and 42 in the Primordial God Realm.

Zhao Yang caught more than 80 fish on the fourth rod, this time there were 81 fish in Yushen Realm and [-] fish in Primordial Spirit Realm.

Seeing that Zhao Yang wanted to continue, it quickly took back the fishing rod, "You will catch all the ones in the upper god realm and the god master realm in the pond, and you can't continue."

"Okay." Zhao Yang stood up as he said, and then walked towards the distance, "I will move on to the next level."

The ominous beast that Zhao Yang encountered this time was stronger than the previous one.

Zhao Yang felt that almost all the people he encountered were from the fifth or sixth level of the Yuanshen Realm.

After spending some time this time, he saw a cave.

After entering the cave, Zhao Yang saw a dazzling array of classics.

There must be thousands of these books.

"These classics include those in the realm of controlling the gods, those in the realm of the gods, and those in the realm of the god of death." Rabbit said with a smile,

"I need someone born in the God Realm or even the God King Realm?"

"There is no one in the state of the god king, and there is no one born in the state of the gods." Rabbit said with some embarrassment.

"Your master must at least be born in the God Realm?" Zhao Yang stared at the rabbit and said, "Didn't your master leave any classics?"

"Leave a divine book without words."

"Wordless divine book?" Zhao Yang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

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