Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1463 1 Ye Bianzhou

Some monks showed a thoughtful look, but no one dared to try it lightly.

What if not?

"If you don't go, I'll go and have a look." The disciple of Wu Chaozong thought about it and jumped into the river.

As a result, his screams were heard soon, and then there was no sound.

Everyone felt a creepy feeling.

They realize that there is absolutely no so-called chance in the river.

Those who had such thoughts before were also extinguished.

Everyone waited obediently by the river.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

Gradually, some monks became impatient with waiting.

"Have we been waiting here forever?"

"Will there be a way for us to walk along the river bank?"

"Our divine sense is greatly restricted here. To be honest, no one knows if there is a way?"

"I can't wait any longer."

Soon four monks left.

A few hours later, three more monks left.

Su Wanqing was also a little anxious at this moment.

"Just wait here." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"What if there is nothing by then?"

"If you don't have it, then you don't have it." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Su Wanqing was stunned.

Zhao Yang's face was calm, he seemed to really not care.

"I want to go and see."

"I suggest you wait here."

Su Wanqing thought about it and stayed.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

At this time, the remaining monks couldn't sit still.

"Maybe we have to take a detour."

"Is there no point in continuing to wait?"

"I feel so too."

After Su Wanqing watched eight more monks leave, she also became anxious at this moment.

"How about we go around and try?"


In this way, another two days passed and the other two monks also left, leaving only Zhao Yang and Su Wanqing here.

"I'm leaving." Su Wanqing said in a deep voice.

She came here looking for an opportunity.

"Then you go." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Why do you have to wait here?"

"I faintly feel that it is right to continue to wait here."

"I think it's stupid to keep waiting." Su Wanqing shook her head.

"Then please do as you please." Zhao Yang didn't want to say anything more.

"You come with me."

Zhao Yang refused.

Su Wanqing had no choice but to leave by herself.

As she walked, Su Wanqing was shocked to find that her mana was also restricted.

That's right.

Her whole body's mana was imprisoned.

what's the situation?

Su Wanqing's face was covered with horror.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Su Wanqing to see the two Sunset Sect disciples who had left before.

"Has your mana been imprisoned?" Su Wanqing asked.

"I'm imprisoned." A girl from the Sunset Sect replied, "We can only use our physical strength now."

"The strength of the physical body has also been imprisoned, and we are now ordinary people." A man from the Sunset Sect said in a deep voice.

"What should we do now?" Su Wanqing panicked.

"I can only take one step at a time." The girl thought for a while and said, "Where's your fellow disciple?"

"He firmly believes that he needs to wait where he is." Su Wanqing said with a wry smile.

"Waiting is no way out, let's go together." The man from the Sunset Sect said softly.

"Okay." Su Wanqing nodded.

The road is long.

Su Wanqing and the others walked for half a month before catching up with the eight monks who left before.

The eight monks were stopping by the side of the road.

They saw Su Wanqing and the three beckoning them to rest.

"The road seems to have no end."

"We have no other choice at the moment but to move on."

"Hopefully we can see the light."

After resting for half an hour, everyone went on the road again.

After spending half a month, they found that the road became curved.

Everyone suddenly became excited.

After another two days of walking, I finally saw the boundary of the river.

"It really needs to go around."

"This level tests our perseverance."

"Yes, I think so too."

Everyone is full of energy.

They continued walking in the direction of the road.

After walking like this for another month, they found that the river was getting narrower and narrower.

"I believe it won't take long for us to get there."

"Yes, victory is ahead."

And at this moment, a girl suddenly found a flat boat on the river.

Who is it if not Zhao Yang standing on the boat?


"what's the situation?"

"Zhao Yang."

"Are we all wrong?"

Seeing the figure on the boat, Su Wanqing was stunned.

Zhao Yang also saw Su Wanqing and his party, but immediately withdrew his gaze.

The speed of the flat boat is very fast.

Soon he surpassed everyone and walked forward.

Su Wanqing's mood at this time was mixed.

Before Zhao Yang told her to continue to wait, it is a pity that she did not believe Zhao Yang.

"We have to speed up."

"That's right, if we don't speed up, the opportunity will be taken by that guy."

"Hurry up, everyone."

But they also knew that no matter how fast they were, it was impossible to catch up with Zhao Yang?

It didn't take long for the boat to stop on the other side.

Zhao Yang got off the boat.

"At first, I thought that no one would be able to come through this road?" A fat white rabbit on the bank said with a smile, showing its two openings.

"who are you?"

"I am the guardian of this secret realm."

"I arrived first, is there any reward?"

"Have you heard of the flower of death?" the rabbit said with a smile.

"The medicinal materials that can make the existence at the peak of the God Realm step into the Death God Realm, but this kind of medicinal materials are of no use to me?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Rabbit looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said, "You must know that it is a dead flower?"


As soon as the rabbit finished speaking, he saw a cloud of death force appearing in Zhao Yang's palm.

"Is this the death power of the god of death?" Rabbit was stunned, "You are clearly in the primordial spirit state."

"This is the good fortune I got in the sea of ​​good fortune." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I can set foot in the Death God Realm anytime."

Only then did the rabbit realize that Zhao Yang didn't care about the dead flower that he thought was Chongbao.

"It seems that I have to come up with some good things, otherwise I will be underestimated by you kid." The rabbit said and clapped his hands.

A rabbit one size smaller than it bounced to Zhao Yang's side.

"This rabbit is for you."

"What do I want the rabbit for?" Zhao Yang was a little confused.

"The rabbit in the ninth heaven of the Upper God Realm, it can protect your safety."

"Is this what you call a good thing?" Zhao Yang looked at the rabbit speechlessly.

"You still don't like this?"

"If you take out a rabbit that is at the peak of the Death God Realm, I won't say anything. If you take out a rabbit that is at the peak of the God Realm, what use do you think it is?"

"I'm just a Death God Realm, okay? Where can I get you the peak Death God Realm?" the rabbit said helplessly.

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