Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1418 Kill Gu Badge

"How do you even think about it?"

"The entire Heavenly God Realm is [-]%, when it reaches the Primordial God Realm, it is [-]% to [-]%, and when it reaches the God Realm, it is [-]% to [-]%, and it is only [-]% when it reaches the Upper God Realm." The statue said angrily, "I gave You have a [-]% discount, do you know that the Ninth Heaven of Death does not have this discount?"

"My points are [-] million?" Zhao Yang suddenly noticed that his points had reached [-] million.

You must know that his points before were only a few thousand.

"Haven't you noticed the mall of the Alchemy Association? Some things you can't buy with money, you need to have the corresponding points." The statue explained.

Zhao Yang browsed the mall.

Only then did he notice that he could only open a part of the pages, which included exercises, elixirs, medicinal materials, and so on.

"When you arrive at the Central God Realm, some of them will be unsealed, and when you arrive at the Upper God Realm, all of them will be unsealed."

"Anything else?"

"Because of the limitations of the Lower God Realm, I really don't have much to give you." The statue pondered for a while and said helplessly, "You don't need resources for the skills and resources at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm. You also have the God Stone. You can give it to me." What are you?"

Zhao Yang's mentality collapsed, "Think about it carefully."

Finally entered the secret realm once, and got some points in the end?

"My side is all in the realm of the gods." After thinking about it, the statue said again.

"Then give me some sword puppets from the Ninth Heaven Realm."

"How much do you want?"

"Give me ten."

"No problem." As soon as the statue waved his hand, ten sword puppets appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

"You can give me some high-level medicinal materials in the God Realm."

With a wave of the statue, Zhao Yang appeared in front of more than 300 high-level medicinal herbs in the God Realm.

"Give me one hundred and eighty thousand of the divine stone?"

"I'll give you one hundred thousand."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and found that there was nothing more to ask for.


I can also refine it in the future.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang did not rely on pills to improve his cultivation.

"You don't have anything good here, so I'm leaving." Zhao Yang waved towards the statue.

"Wait." The statue was stimulated by Zhao Yang's words.


Who do you look down on?

"I'll give you a token." The statue said and a token fell into Zhao Yang's hand.

There are three words of law enforcement order written on the token.

"History of law enforcement?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"With this law enforcement order, no matter if it is from the Lower God Realm, the Middle God Realm, or the Upper God Realm, you can control it." The statue said in a deep voice.

"What if people don't listen to me?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"This Law Enforcement Order has a wisp of Danzu's divine sense. If anyone refuses to accept it, you can just communicate directly." The statue said seriously.

"Dan Zu is you?"

"Danzu is me, not me." The statue explained, "I don't know what state Danzu has reached today, but he can communicate with this law enforcement order, understand?"

"You mean that the divine sense in this enforcement order will increase as Danzu's cultivation level increases."


"With this law enforcement order, everyone has to give me face?"


"Where are the elders from the Upper God Realm?"

"Those elders in the Upper God Realm also have to give you face."

"How come those elders in the Upper God Realm have to be born in the God Realm?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.


"I'm just in the Death God Realm, you let me control the Life God Realm."

"I don't think you will stop at the Death God Realm in the future. You may not be able to reach the God King Realm, but I think it's okay to live at the peak of the God Realm."


"You were so amazing in the Lower God Realm, but when you come to the Central God Realm and the Upper God Realm, your potential will increase even more."

I have to say this guy is pretty accurate.

Zhao Yang took the token and saluted the statue, "Farewell."

When Zhao Yang came outside the palace, he found that there was no one there.

He walked towards the entrance and met several alchemists on the way, those alchemists were still looking for opportunities in the secret realm.

Zhao Yang did not continue to search.

There are indeed opportunities here, but those opportunities are not very precious.

When Zhao Yang appeared at the entrance, he saw the president Gu Huizhang and the great elder Mu Lingtian looking at him nervously.

"Zhao Yang." Gu Huizhang hurried up to meet him, "No danger, right?"

"No." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"Zhao Yang, I have prepared a banquet for you, do you have time?" Mu Lingtian said with some anxiety.

After learning that Zhao Yang's potential is Death God Realm, how could Mu Lingtian have the intention to deal with Zhao Yang?

"No time." Zhao Yang didn't want to refuse.

"Zhao Yang, I did something wrong before, I'm here to apologize to you." Mu Lingtian said in a deep voice.

"I said before that I don't want to intervene in the grievances between you and the president, but you just told me that there is no neutral person, and then you contacted the killer in the third building to trouble me. Now you just want to flirtatiously expose But, what are you kidding?" At this point, Zhao Yang's soul power was suppressing towards Mu Lingtian like a stormy sea.

Mu Lingtian was suppressed and knelt on the ground in an instant.

He looked horrified.

"How could you be so strong?" Mu Lingtian exclaimed.

The power of the soul is often an auxiliary method, that is to say, you are two or three small realms higher than the opponent, so you don't want to rely on the power of the soul to suppress the opponent.

But Zhao Yang was able to suppress Mu Lingtian, who was in the ninth heaven of the Heavenly God Realm, so how strong is his soul power?

"Don't kill my adoptive father." At this moment, Ye Mei knelt down in front of Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's eyes didn't fluctuate at all, "Your adoptive father must die."

"I am willing to die in place of my adoptive father." Ye Mei stared at Zhao Yang and said, "If not, I will curse you for the rest of my life."


Ye Mei's body exploded directly, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Looking at the fallen Ye Mei, Mu Lingtian said angrily, "Why did you kill her?"

"Because she wants to kill me, and I won't leave hidden dangers behind." Having said that, Zhao Yang looked at Gu Huizhang, "President, is there anything else you want to ask?"

"No more." Gu Huizhang shook his head.

"In this case, then..." After the words fell, the Great Elder also fell.

Seeing this scene, Gu Huizhang sighed in his heart.

Who would have thought that the mighty Great Elder would be killed by Zhao Yang.

"The death or injury of the Great Elder has nothing to do with me." Zhao Yang said lightly at this time.

Apart from a few of them, there are no other alchemists here.

"The Great Elder intends to betray the association, and has been punished." Gu Huizhang said immediately, "In addition, I will track down the line of the Great Elder, and give the Alchemy Association a bright future."

"I'm sorry." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang doesn't think that Gu Huizhang's lineage is a good person, but as long as there is no threat to him, he doesn't bother to care about it.

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