Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1417 Statue Talk

Zhao Yang said a key appeared in his hand.

A key also appeared in the hands of Ye Mei and Gu Yuming at the same time.

When the three keys appeared at the same time, the gate of the palace slowly opened, and then streams of pure alchemy aura filled the palace.

"Everyone absorb quickly."

"The elixir of alchemy gushing out of the palace is extremely pure, which is of great benefit to our cultivation."

"Can we go in?"

"Only those who have the key can enter. If we force it in, we will be backlashed."

While the alchemists present were discussing, Zhao Yang, Gu Yuming, Ye Mei and the other three walked towards the palace at the same time.

The spirit of alchemy in the palace has turned into substance.

Reiki turns into rain.

Both Gu Yuming and Ye Mei are greedily absorbing this rare alchemy.

But Zhao Yang didn't feel the slightest.

"Zhao Yang, why don't you accept it?" Gu Yuming looked at Zhao Yang puzzled.

"The spirit of alchemy in the palace is useless to me." Zhao Yang said and looked around the palace.

"What are you pretending to be?" Ye Mei sneered.

Useless for you?

Who do you think you are?

And just as the two were absorbed, Zhao Yang came to a statue.

"Gu Yuming, who is this statue?"

"Create the existence of the Alchemy Association." Gu Yuming explained, "I heard that it has reached the state of living gods."

"Is it just the birth of the God Realm?" Zhao Yang thought that the one who created the Alchemy Association had reached the God King Realm?

"Do you know what it means to be born into a god? After reaching that level, you can create life." Ye Mei felt more and more that Zhao Yang was too arrogant.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such an interesting young man." At this moment, the statue spoke out.

Both Ye Mei and Gu Yuming were taken aback.

Because according to their ancestors, the statue never spoke, okay?

"Senior, how are you doing in the Upper God Realm now?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"Fortunately, it can be regarded as a giant."

"Isn't the king of God qualified to be called a giant?"

"You kid." The statue said with a smile, "If you want to know about the God Realm, it depends on whether you have the qualifications?"

"I don't know how to be qualified?"

"In front of you is a stone that tests your potential. As long as you can make this stone glow with seven colors, then you are qualified to know about God's Domain."

"Okay." Zhao Yang said and walked towards the stone tablet.

And the moment Zhao Yang put his big hand on the stele, the first divine light appeared.

Second way.

The third way.

Fourth way.

Seeing this, Gu Yuming exclaimed in surprise, "Si Dao Shenhui will be able to step into the Yuanshen Realm in the future."

Gu Yuming finally understood why his father wanted to make friends with Zhao Yang himself.

But when the fifth divine radiance appeared, Gu Yuming was startled speechless.

Ye Mei was frightened.

"Five ways of divine brilliance, the realm of controlling the gods, how could Zhao Yang have such potential?"

But that's not the end.

Soon the sixth divine radiance appeared.

"Shangshen Realm." Gu Yuming swallowed dryly.

Ye Mei was almost dumbfounded.

She was still thinking about dealing with Zhao Yang before, but now she has no such idea.

Those who have such potential are very prosperous.

It's not something she can kill easily.

It's just that neither of them expected that the seventh divine radiance appeared on the stone tablet.

The statue is also a little moved.

"Death God Realm, your potential has reached the Death God Realm? Didn't you expect such a stunningly talented person to appear in the Lower Realm?" The statue said solemnly.

If you are in the upper God Realm statue, you don't feel so shocked, but this is in the Lower God Realm. Normally speaking, there will be no such existence.

Of course, what the statue didn't know was that nine tenths of Zhao Yang's origin had been cut off.

"Senior, can you tell me about going to God's Domain?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I don't know anything about the God Realm." What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that the statue actually said this sentence.

"I am a ray of divine sense left by the deity back then, so I don't know anything about going to the God Realm."

"It seems that you have never spoken in these years." Gu Yuming said.

"The ones who came all these years ago are all rubbish." Gu Yuming didn't know how to say what the statue said?

"Senior, what's the reward for entering the palace?" Zhao Yang asked at this time.

"Normally, it's the exercises and elixirs of the Heavenly God Realm." The statue changed the subject when he said this, "But your appearance surprised me, so your rewards will far exceed theirs."

Immediately, four circles of light appeared in midair.

"The two of you choose two apertures respectively." The statue said, "Among the four apertures is a Breaking Realm Pill, which is the kind that can break through the threshold of the Heavenly God Realm and step into the Yuanshen Realm."

The eyes of Gu Yuming and Nightingale lit up when they heard this.

"There is a pill formula in a circle of light, and this pill recipe is a ninth-grade god-level pill."

"There is a sword puppet in a circle of light, and this sword puppet is at the rank of nine gods."

"There are ten medicinal herbs in a circle of light, and these ten medicinal herbs are all high-level gods."

After his words fell, Gu Yuming and Ye Mei chose two options respectively.

What Gu Yuming got was Dan Fang and Sword Puppet, what Ye Mei got was Breaking Realm Pill and ten herbs.

When Gu Yuming was about to say something, he saw Ye Mei run away.

"Why did she run away?" Gu Yuming asked puzzled.

"She is worried that you will kill her with the sword puppet." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I never thought of killing her." Gu Yuming was stunned.

"But if she gets the sword puppet, she will kill you." Zhao Yang warned.

Gu Yuming's expression changed involuntarily.

"It's time for me to go too. I'm leaving." Gu Yuming cupped his hands towards Zhao Yang, and then left here.

At this moment, the statue looked at Zhao Yang, "Next is your reward."

"What reward?"

"First, one thousand god stones." The statue said that a thousand yuan god stone appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

The statue thought Zhao Yang would have a look of shock on his face.

As a result, it found that Zhao Yang's face was full of contempt.

"What's your expression like?"

"You think I don't have one?" Zhao Yang said dozens of mid-grade divine stones appeared in front of him.

The statue was taken aback, "Why do you have a middle-grade god stone in your hand?"

"So senior, if it's an ordinary thing, don't take it out." Zhao Yang said lazily.

The statue fell silent.

After a while, Zhao Yang's nameplate suddenly vibrated.

"what happened?"

"The nameplate alchemist has a level, and I have helped you upgrade to the seventh level." The statue said in a deep voice, "In the future, when you buy resources in the Alchemy Association, you can enjoy a [-]% discount."

"How come it's only [-]%?" Zhao Yang became impatient, "The door god level is [-]% to [-]%; the servant god level is [-]% to [-]%. It stands to reason that the death god level..."

Zhao Yang was interrupted when he said this.

"If you say so, it should be [-]% to [-]% of the Death God Realm, right? Do you think the profit of our alchemy association is too big? Let me tell you that [-]% is already the cost price, okay?"

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