Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1419 Jade Rabbit Family 1

"Where are we going now?" Lin Caihan asked after Zhao Yang summoned Lin Caihan.

"Go to the headquarters of the Dao Association to buy some materials." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

With the improvement of his cultivation, Zhao Yang can refine higher-level formation scrolls.

But refining scrolls requires materials.

The headquarters of the Zhendao Association is not far from the headquarters of the Alchemy Association, so it will take a few hours to arrive at the Zhendao General Pavilion.

When he arrived at the main pavilion, Zhao Yang asked the staff if he wanted to buy some high-end materials.

"Is there a list?" The staff asked with a smile.

Zhao Yang handed the staff a list, and the staff froze after looking at it.

Did he think that what Zhao Yang needed was someone in the God-serving realm?

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong with the list?" the staff member looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and asked.


Many of the materials on the list are high-level in the God Realm.

The price of these materials is as high as hundreds of millions.

"I'm sure." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Do you have the badge of the Dao Association?"


"The door god realm discount is very low."

Hearing the discount, Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "How about I go to verify it first?"

"Okay, this way the discount is even higher, what level do you want to certify?"

"Third grade god level."

A look of confusion appeared on the waiter's face.

"Third grade god level?"


"No one in the younger generation seems to have reached this level?"

"I was an accident."

When the waiter reported that Zhao Yang wanted to certify the third-rank god level, the pavilion master and several elders of the Zhendao General Pavilion were alarmed.

Immediately after passing the monitoring of the Chief Pavilion Master of the Dao Association, he found out that the person who came to authenticate was actually Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang, is this guy's formation way so strong?" Hu Weixiong, the chief pavilion master of the formation way, said in surprise.

"Go to the assessment and you will know." The third elder said with a smile.

"Okay, Third Elder, you draw up the questions yourself." Hu Weixiong said after thinking about it.


When Zhao Yang came to the examination room, besides the third elder, there were also the seventh elder and the eighth elder in the huge room.

The two of them also wanted to know whether Zhao Yang really had such heaven-defying array strength.

As for the president, Hu Weixiong, he was secretly observing.

The reason why he didn't show up was because he wanted to know whether Zhao Yang was worthy of his showing up.

The assessment will start soon.

Whether it was the theoretical assessment or the actual operation, Zhao Yang amazed the three elders present.

"I am now officially announcing that Zhao Yang, you have passed the assessment perfectly, and from now on you will be a third-rank god-level formation master." The third elder said a little excitedly.

The Zhendao General Pavilion has withered talents in recent years, and the appearance of Zhao Yang made them see the dawn.

"Congratulations." At this time Hu Weixiong came in from the outside.

The third elder saw the blank look on Zhao Yang's face, and he immediately realized that Zhao Yang probably didn't know the president, "Zhao Yang, this is the president of our Dao Association."

"Meet the president." Zhao Yang saluted.

Hu Weixiong quickly helped Zhao Yang up.

"Don't be so polite." Hu Weixiong said with emotion, "Originally, the Zhendao Association's talents were withered, and I was ashamed to be the president, but I didn't expect to meet you."

"President, I just certified a level." Zhao Yang said hurriedly.

"The Dao Association needs a genius like you, Zhao Yang. In this way, as long as you join the Dao Association, I can give you my seat in the future." Hu Weixiong said solemnly.

There is no one in the Dao Association that can be compared with Zhao Yang.

"President, don't, don't, I'm really not interested in joining the Dao Association." Zhao Yang refused again.

No matter what Hu Weixiong asked next, Zhao Yang was unwilling to let go.

"The ferocious beast clan is becoming more and more rampant now." What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that Hu Weixiong suddenly changed the subject.

"An accident?"

"Three juvenile kings have recently appeared in the fierce beast clan. Each of these three juvenile kings is stronger than the other. Many descendants of human sects have been defeated by them." Hu Weixiong said in a deep voice, "Once they grow up, they will definitely be inferior. A disaster in God's Domain."

"How is their cultivation?"

"They are all in the third heaven of the God Realm."

"That's it." Hearing this, Zhao Yang was not interested anymore.

Only three days?

Scared of chicken feathers!

After Zhao Yang purchased a batch of formation materials, he headed towards Yongcheng.

Half a day later, he suddenly saw a group of girls fleeing desperately towards the distance. These girls all had a pair of white ears.

"Jade Rabbit Clan." Lin Caihan said softly.

"The ones following them are... ferocious beasts." Zhao Yang looked into the distance and said in a low voice.

"Do you want to make a move?" Lin Caihan asked.

"Since we have encountered it, let's make a move." Zhao Yang said, and slapped the beast behind Yutu from a distance.

A huge handprint slapped hundreds of beasts to death.

This scared the rest of the beasts and the Jade Rabbit clan.

But when the Yutu clan saw Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan floating down, their faces showed surprise.

"Senior Human Race, thank you for your help." A girl said boldly.

The reason why she was so courageous was that she was worried that Zhao Yang would not doubt his good intentions.

"Why are these beasts chasing and killing you?"

"This group of ferocious beasts regard our Jade Rabbit clan as their blood food, and the strong ones in the clan died for our lives, but I didn't expect to be caught up by them." The girl wanted to cry, "If I hadn't met you, senior human race, We're going to be their rations too."

"In that case, there is no need for them to exist." Zhao Yang started to activate Tongtian Fist while speaking.

The fist intent turned into a destructive brilliance, sweeping away thousands of ferocious beasts.

Seeing the ferocious beast that turned into ashes, these girls were frightened.

Have they ever seen such a brutal existence?

"The beast has been killed by me, you can go."

Those girls, you look at me, I look at you, they are all silent.

It is conceivable that their home is gone. In this world where the jungle preys on the jungle, these girls will either become the playthings of other ethnic groups, or become the blood food of ferocious beasts.

There is no other possibility.

"Senior, can you take us in?" The girl hesitated and said, "We can serve you."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"We have no place to stay." The girl said and knelt in front of Zhao Yang, "Please help us, senior."

Zhao Yang didn't say anything, but Lin Caihan said, "Get up, we promised to take you in."

The girl looked at Lin Caihan in surprise.

"You go to live in my small world first." Zhao Yang opened up his own small world as he spoke.

These girls were stunned.

small world?

Can you live in a small world?

But when they saw Zhao Yang's small world, they realized that they were wrong.

The small world is full of spiritual power, stronger than the outside world, and more importantly, the small world is safe.

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