Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1393 Lin Caihan Overcomes Tribulation

Ye Hao's words changed the faces of Li and the others.

They always thought that God's Domain would be a better place to cultivate, but Zhao Yang told them that it was very dangerous.

"Before I came, Yong City had just experienced a great battle. Millions of fierce beasts rushed towards Yong City. Not to mention the door gods, there were even a lot of servants and gods." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Of course, what I said is not to prevent you from ascending, but to tell you that God's Domain is not as good as you imagined, but if you want to improve, then you shouldn't stay in the Lower Domain."

"Zhao Yang, what are you doing now?" Qin Zu asked softly.

"The ninth level of God-Serving Realm." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

The audience was in an uproar.

One must know that Xuan has struggled in the God Realm for thousands of years and is still dangling in the Door God Realm.

As a result, Zhao Yang has already reached the Ninth Heaven of the God-Serving Realm.

In other words, it is not far from the Heavenly God Realm.

"Sect Master Zhao, is the Heavenly God Realm the most powerful?" asked the old patriarch of the Jin clan.

"The God Realm is divided into the Lower God Realm, the Middle God Realm, and the Upper God Realm." Zhao Yang explained, "The Heavenly God Realm is only the highest level of cultivation in the Lower God Realm. If you want to go further in the future, you have to go to the Central God Realm."

"Can I go to Sect Master Zhao when I ascend in the future?" The old patriarch of the Jin clan asked in a deep voice after hesitating for a while.

When the old patriarch of the Jin clan asked this question, many top experts present were staring at Zhao Yang.

Because they also have this idea.

"Speaking of which, our human race still took advantage of you to have this habitat." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Forget it, after you go to God's Domain in the future, you can use the Alchemy Association, the Artifact Association, and the Dao The nameplate of the association came to me."

Zhao Yang then explained the nameplate and his own number.

Only then did everyone understand what was going on?

"Sect Master Zhao, is there no other way to find you besides this method?" the old Mu Clan patriarch asked bitterly.

Whether it is the way of array, the way of alchemy, or the way of tools, he has not set foot in it.

"I'm living in Yongcheng now, and I should still be there in the next ten years." Zhao Yang said softly, "But what I can't guarantee is, first, whether Yongcheng will still be there in ten years; second, I might leave there early .”

"I'll just go to Yongcheng to find you within ten years." The old patriarch of the Mu clan said hurriedly.

"With all due respect, you are still practicing in Xinshou Village within ten years, and you can't even get out of the training camp, let alone go to the training camp for further training." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Normally speaking, you want If you want to come to me, you must at least reach the state of serving the gods."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"What if we never reach the state of serving the gods?" the ancestor of the Shui tribe said worriedly.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and then said, "After you successfully cross the tribulation, you can come to Yanhuangzong to receive ten boundary stones, and you can use these boundary stones to improve your own cultivation and rise to the fourth level of door god realm in a very short period of time. , after reaching the fourth heaven, you can go to the training camp. There should be some alchemy masters, formation masters and equipment masters in the training camp. You can use their tokens to send me news. If there is a chance, I will go to your location Get people."

Zhao Yang's words made the old patriarch of the Mu clan and others excited inexplicably.

"Sect Master Zhao, do we have a chance?" The old patriarch of the Yinglong clan asked hurriedly.

"Yes." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I said, as long as you are from the Five Elements Continent, you can come to Yanhuangzong to receive the boundary stone, and they are treated equally." After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "Of course there are some precautions. At that time, you can ask Yanhuangzong. I don't have much time, so I won't tell you more."

Then Zhao Yang returned to the ancestral court of Yanhuangzong.

"Husband, do you really want to give them boundary stones?" Tang Yiren said with some reluctance, "We don't have many boundary stones either."

"There are more than 100 million boundary stones in the Qiankun bag." Lin Caihan said.

"So many?" Tang Yiren exclaimed.

"I came in a hurry this time, so I brought these. When I come next time, it will not be one or two million." Zhao Yang felt that the power of faith was not much.

"I have to go now."

"When can I ascend?"

"Anytime." Zhao Yang replied.

After seeing Zhao Yang leave, Lin Caihan felt a sense of loss in her heart.

"Sister, what's in your husband's Qiankun bag?" Tang Yiren asked hastily.

Lin Caihan checked it and said softly, "There are 120 boundary stones in total. My husband told Yan Huangzong to fly up, and each person needs to bring [-] boundary stones."

"The array scrolls have ten array scrolls that are both offensive and defensive, and these scrolls are all at the peak level of the God-Serving Realm." Lin Caihan continued, "Each ascended one will take one to the past."

"What if you take them all away?"

"If the husband doesn't return on time, or we don't return, then the last scroll will remain." Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "Of course, under normal circumstances, such a situation would not happen."

Then Lin Caihan called Mingyue and Tang Yiren into the room alone.

"I will ascend in a month, and now I will give you all the resources in the treasury." Lin Caihan said and gave Mingyue all the resources in the treasury over the years.

When Mingyue looked at these resources, she realized how terrifying these resources were.

"There are actually a lot of resources in that big world. You will send someone to collect them in the future. Remember, the resources in that big world can be used as long as you can. That is our Yan Huangzong's last retreat." Lin Caihan's eyes fell when she said this. On Tang Yiren, "You also remember, ten years later the bright moon will rise, and this burden will fall on you."

"Then we will meet in God's Domain 20 years later." Tang Yiren said with a smile.

In the next month, Lin Caihan handed over various tasks.

As the master of a sect, it doesn't mean that you can just walk away.

Lin Caihan originally thought about leaving in a month, but in the end she dragged on for a week.

When Lin Caihan was preparing to cross the catastrophe that day, almost all the senior officials of Yanhuangzong arrived.


When Lin Caihan blew up his aura, someone above the Xuanzong Alliance also blew up his aura.

Everyone looked at it.

It was discovered that it was the ancestor of the phoenix family.

"Why did the ancestor of the phoenix clan choose to cross the catastrophe on the same day as Lin Caihan?"

"This person probably wants to come to the same area as Lin Caihan."

"Impossible, the ethnic groups of the two sides are different, and the areas where they descend are also different."

"The earlier you ascend, the earlier you ascend."

While everyone was discussing, Lin Caihan and the ancestor of the phoenix clan began to overcome the thunder disaster.

When Lin Caihan ended the tribulation, the ancestor of the phoenix also ended the tribulation.

It's exciting.

It was very scared when it was crossing the catastrophe before, it was worried that it was afraid of crossing the catastrophe.

Now it seems that it is not as difficult as imagined.

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