Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1392 Arriving at Yanhuangzong

He spent two months refining ten scrolls with both offense and defense.

"It's almost there. At worst, I'll go back before I leave the Central God Realm." Zhao Yang thought for a while and refined a batch of divine pills, then he pushed out the door and went out.

He saw Jiang Sichun teaching Jiang Lili and other female practitioners in the courtyard.

"Don't lead my students astray." Zhao Yang said.

Jiang Sichun glared at Zhao Yang, "I'm teaching them exercises, okay?"

"Then you continue." Zhao Yang raised his foot and walked outside.

"Where are you going?"


"I will go with you."

"Not suitable."

"I also have a lot of power of faith."

"I said, it's not appropriate." Zhao Yang's tone became cold when he said this.

Jiang Sichun heard something from Zhao Yang's tone.

"If I don't go, I won't go, why are you so fierce." Jiang Sichun said aggrievedly.

What Jiang Sichun didn't know was that Zhao Yang didn't go to Xiaoshan Village immediately, but he came to the Dao Association.

And Zhao Yang specially changed his appearance in order to prevent others from discovering him.

He received the nameplate of the Array Dao Association after passing the test of the first level of the Gate God Realm.

And this nameplate is what Zhao Yang wants most.

Then Zhao Yang went to Qi Dao Association.

If it is said that Zhao Yang hides it on purpose, then Qi Dao really does not have that strength.

Zhao Yang's assessment was the first level of the Door God Realm. After passing the assessment, he also got a nameplate.

Then he returned to the small mountain village before.

At this time, the small mountain village was empty.

When the power of faith gushed out from his sea of ​​consciousness, Zhao Yang faintly saw a space channel.


When the tunnel was forcibly penetrated, Zhao Yang felt a pulling force.

But this pulling force repelled his body.

"Only a ray of spiritual thoughts can enter." After realizing this, Zhao Yang condensed a ray of spiritual thoughts, and then this ray of spiritual thoughts entered that passage with a universe bag.

Five Elements Continent!

Since Zhao Yang's ascension, the major forces in the Five Elements Continent have had occasional frictions, but such frictions are within a controllable range.

From very anxious.

It's been ten years.

It took ten years of hard work to cultivate it, but in terms of overall power, it is still far behind the Five Elements group. As for the Human Race Alliance, there is no way to compare.

In fact, the Terran Alliance has split.

Ever since Zhao Yang left and Lin Caihan took over as the suzerain of Yanhuangzong, the human race alliance fell apart.

The lineage of the Yanhuang Sect, the lineage of the Qin Clan, the major forces of the Human Race, and so on.

"Husband, what are you thinking?" Concubine Jin came to Li and said softly.

"I was thinking when will I be able to ascend?" Li looked at the girl beside him and sighed softly.

"The Xuanzong Alliance cannot do without you now." Concubine Jin smiled wryly.

"I know." Why doesn't Li know?

Is the Five Elements Alliance staring at the Xuanzong Alliance?

As long as the Xuanzong Alliance showed the slightest weakness, the Five Elements Alliance would pounce on them and bite them.

And at this moment, a dazzling light suddenly appeared above Yanhuangzong.

The brilliance was so bright that all monks in the Five Elements Continent could see it.

"What happened?" Everyone looked up.

Li took Jin Fei across the sky.

Soon they arrived at the territory near Yanhuangzong.

But he was immediately blocked by patrolling soldiers.

"This is the territory of the Yanhuang Sect." A soldier scolded in a deep voice.

"Just now I noticed a space passage appeared above the Yanhuangzong. I don't know what happened?" Li hurriedly asked.

"This is an internal matter of Yanhuangzong." The soldier said solemnly.

Li's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he led Concubine Jin away.

Of course, Li didn't really leave, but hid in mid-air.

Let's talk about the ancestral court of Yanhuangzong.

When a crack in space appeared above the ancestral court, Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation immediately started, and at the same time, several existences of the fifth level of the emperor's peak rose into the sky.

They stared at the space passage with piercing eyes.

But when they saw clearly who was coming from the space passage, all of them showed excited expressions on their faces.

"Master." Tie Han knelt on one knee in the air and saluted Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang waved his hand to help Tie Han up.

"Back to the ancestral court." Zhao Yang felt that the power of faith was fading away like flowing water.

Lin Caihan, Mingyue, and Tang Yiren rushed over immediately.

They were very excited when they saw Zhao Yang.

"Husband, why did you come back so soon?" Tang Yiren thought it would take a long time?

"Let me introduce the situation of God's Domain to you." Zhao Yang introduced briefly.

All the senior executives present listened patiently.

After an introduction, Zhao Yang handed Lin Caihan a Qiankun bag, "There are various resources in the Qiankun bag, and I have marked those resources, so I won't describe them to you."

"In the future, when you arrive at God's Domain, you will practice first by relying on the boundary stone. After you arrive at the city, you must join the Alchemy Association." Zhao Yang said softly, "After joining the Alchemy Association, you will get a nameplate. You can add me through the nameplate. The number eight five six seven..., you can become my friend."

"But I don't know the art of alchemy." The third princess was a little anxious.

"I still have the number of the Array Dao Association and the Qi Dao Association here." Zhao Yang said one by one, "It doesn't matter which association you join at that time."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"In addition, there are some exercises I collected in the Qiankun bag, you can record these exercises in the sea of ​​​​knowledge."

"You must keep a low profile after arriving in the God's Domain. If you really can't keep a low profile, then let's make a move. The cards I gave you are strong enough."

"According to my practice progress, I won't go to Central God Realm within 50 to [-] years, and after I leave, I will come to Yanhuangzong again."

After Zhao Yang explained everything that should be explained, he found that he still had some time.

At this time, Po Jun rushed to say, "Sovereign, many experts have come from the outside world, and they all want to know what happened to Yanhuangzong?"

"I'll go meet them." Zhao Yang walked out of Yanhuangzong's ancestral courtyard step by step as he spoke.

When Zhao Yang's figure appeared in midair, Qin Zu and others were all shocked.

"Zhao Yang, how could you come back so soon?" Li exclaimed.

Zhao Yang glanced at Li and said, "Your ancestor's potential is limited, and you probably haven't gone far in the door god realm these years."

"My ancestor is indeed still in the door god realm."

"The Door God Realm is the highest in the Divine Realm. Above the Door God Realm, there are the God Attendant Realm and the Heavenly God Realm." Zhao Yang said lightly, "The power of faith absorbed by your ancestor was limited, which is why he couldn't stay longer. .”

"Is God's Domain dangerous?"

"More than 90.00% of God's Domain is occupied by ferocious beasts, but you will be teleported to a relatively safe area by ascension. Of course, if you are unlucky, it's another matter."

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