Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1394 Difficult Situation

"I also want to cross the catastrophe." The patriarch of the Yinglong clan murmured.

Li Li glanced at the patriarch of the Yinglong clan and said, "The phoenix clan has the talent of immortality, but even so, they almost fell, and you will never survive the catastrophe."

The patriarch of the Yinglong clan was stunned.

Only then did it realize that it had taken things for granted.

"Sect Master Lin, that boundary stone..." the ancestor of the phoenix clan, Luo Luo, asked softly above the Yanhuang Sect.

Lin Caihan looked at Mingyue.

Mingyue handed ten boundary stones to the ancestor of the phoenix clan.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." The patriarch of the phoenix clan said hastily.

It left two for the family, and then hurriedly gathered the runes.

After it condensed one piece, it felt a huge attraction.

"I should go." It threw the rune to its own people.

Lin Caihan is condensing the second one.

The third one.


Lin Caihan waved to everyone after collecting five coins, "I should go."

"Lin Caihan is even scarier than I imagined."

"I used to think that Lin Caihan's potential was at the first level of the door god realm, but now it seems that she must be at least at the third level."

"Yes, otherwise Lin Caihan would not be able to condense so many runes."

"Yanhuangzong has become stronger."

"Without these talismans, who would dare to touch Yanhuangzong?"

Let's talk about Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan didn't know how long it had passed before she found herself in a village.

There are quite a few ragged people nearby, looking at him in surprise.

"Where is this?" Lin Caihan asked after standing up.

"This is Xiao Liu Zhuang." An old man said hastily.

"Am I going to be the door god of your village?"


Lin Caihan followed the group of people to their village.

What surprised Lin Caihan was that this village was good, and what surprised her even more was that this village already had a door god.

"Don't you have door gods?"

"If you are lucky, there will be two or more door gods in the village." The old man just said that a man in white came over here.

Everyone made way for the man.

"I didn't expect to be promoted to such a beautiful goalkeeper?" The man looked at Lin Caihan with fiery eyes and asked.


"Hello, I'm Jiang Yuanyuan." The man said and extended his hand towards Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan pretended not to see it, "Village Chief, arrange a courtyard for me, I want to practice."

"Follow me, please," the village head said hurriedly.

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the back of Lin Caihan leaving, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "When you come to my territory, you will be mine."

Let's talk about Lin Caihan.

After arriving at the site arranged by the village chief, Lin Caihan took out the formation scroll that Zhao Yang gave her.

"The forbidden range is controlled within the room, and the level gradually increases with the distance." Lin Caihan didn't want to be too high-profile.

This formation scroll contains a lot of energy.

Normally speaking, it is impossible for Lin Caihan to spend all her money.

But Lin Caihan didn't want to be too high-profile.

She intentionally controlled the energy level of the formation.

Immediately, she took out the boundary stone and began to practice silently.

Say Phoenix!

The phoenix crashed into a deserted area.

It looked around in a daze, its face was full of bewilderment, "Is my lineage not extinct in God's Domain?"


There was a roaring sound in the distance.

Terrified, the phoenix hid in the bushes in a hurry, and soon a fierce beast appeared in front of it.

The beast's eyes looked around, and soon landed on the phoenix.

"not good."

After the phoenix realized this, it was held down just as it was about to escape.

"Do not move."

The opponent's big hand contained extremely terrifying power, and it was suppressed in an instant and could not move.

The beast roared towards the place behind the phoenix, and at the same time there was a roar behind her.

The two sides confronted for a while, and the beast retreated.

Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you so weak?" At this moment, a voice of surprise came from behind her.

"I'm from the phoenix family, I just ascended." The phoenix replied hastily.

She noticed that it was a black bird that held her down just now.

"The phoenix clan seems to be gone in the Lower God Realm." Xuanniao thought for a while and said, "But your blood is somewhat of the same origin as ours, so you will be teleported to our tribe."

"You can follow us from now on." Another black bird said lightly.

Phoenix thought for a while and followed behind them.

After arriving at their group, the phoenix found that the living conditions of the Xuanniao family were very difficult.

"Why is everyone in the Xuanniao family injured?"

"Our clan is gone too. We compete with fierce beasts for territory all day long. It's not bad that our clan hasn't been wiped out yet." Xuanniao, who was holding down the phoenix just now, sighed softly, "You have to practice hard and strive to make contributions to the clan. .”

"Do you have the nameplates of the Formation Dao Association, Alchemy Association, and Tool Dao Association?" Phoenix asked after thinking about it.

Before, it thought that if the conditions here were good, it would stay here.

But it saw that everyone was hurt, and it felt that if it stayed here, God knows when it would be over.

So why not follow Zhao Yang?

"No, our group doesn't have such a thing." Xuanniao shook his head.

"Well, I know a great man of the human race. Before I ascended, he said that he could let me find him." Phoenix said, considering his words, "His current strength has reached the ninth level of the god-serving realm. If he does, he may be able to help our race one or two."

The black bird's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'll take you to see the patriarch." Xuanniao took the phoenix directly to the patriarch.

After the patriarch heard about this, he asked, "Can you contact him through the badge?"

"Yes, he gave me his account number, and I can leave a message through the badge." Phoenix nodded.

"Is there any badge in our clan? In this case, I will take you to a nearby city and see if I can get in touch with you then?" the patriarch of the Xuanniao clan said decisively.

"Patriarch, when are you going?" the mysterious bird asked.

"Go now." The patriarch of the Xuanniao clan said after thinking about it.

Phoenix was stunned.

How critical is the situation of the Xuanniao family?

Not for a moment.

And on the way to the city, the phoenix knew what was going on?

The strongest member of the Xuanniao clan, that is, the patriarch, is only the seventh heaven of the door god realm.

These years they have been hiding everywhere, living in a very difficult environment, no one knows how long they can live?

Now I have finally caught an opportunity, do you think it can give up?

"This city was built by the Black Eagle Clan. After entering the city, don't look around and talk less. If you provoke a big shot, I can't save you." The head of the Xuanniao Clan warned.

"I know." Phoenix said quickly.

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