Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1369 Goodbye Luoxue

"Zhao Yang... you..."

At this time, Zhang Xun's brothers looked at Zhao Yang with horror in their eyes.

What did they see just now?

The referee said that when the game started, Zhang Xun stood there like a Tie Hanhan, allowing Zhao Yang to make a move until all the bones in his body were smashed.

Zhao Yang looked at the group of guys at this time, "Who do you think I will challenge next week?"

Those guys are freaked out.

Who doesn't want to be beaten like this?

"Just you." Zhao Yang pointed to a man.

"Why me?" The man was a little anxious.

"Because you look rather wretched, I don't like it."

"You are discriminatory." The man yelled.

"Of course, if you announce to sever ties with Han Qinhu in public, then I don't have to challenge you." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The man fell silent for a moment.

Zhao Yang's words were very heartbreaking.

If that man severed ties with Han Qinhu in public, it would be equivalent to tearing his face apart from Han Qinhu.The problem is that if he doesn't break his face with Han Qinhu, all the bones in his whole body will be broken.

How to do?

Just when he was struggling, Zhao Yang said lightly, "I'll give you a week to think about it. If you don't answer me by then, your consequences will be miserable for you." After saying that, Zhao Yang left.

The man looked at Zhao Yang's back, and his heart was full of bitterness.

He staggered to Han Qinhu's room with the crowd, and Han Qinhu's injury hadn't healed yet.

When Han Qinhu heard about this, he also fell silent.

"Wei Shengyin, I will find a way, don't worry too much." Han Qinhu said in a deep voice.

On the third day Zhao Yang stayed in the room, a disciple came to Zhao Yang's room.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yang asked unhappily.

Do you know that he is still learning the Eye of Magic at this time?

"You defeated Han Qinhu from the Eighth Heaven of the Gate God Realm, so you are now qualified to be the deacon of the sect."

"and then?"

"As a deacon, you need to contribute to the training camp."


"Every month you have three days to serve in training camp."

"What tasks have been arranged for me in this training camp?"

"Go to your previous habitat to pick up the prospective newcomers who have set foot on the fourth heaven of the Door God Realm."

"When to set off?"

"Tomorrow." The disciple looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock you rush to cross the river, and there will be a special handover to you at that time."


After the disciple left, Nightingale said in a deep voice, "I always feel that this incident is weird."

"Does Han Qinhu still dare to find someone to kill me?"

"It's not like this hasn't happened over the years."

Zhao Yang's eyes froze.

"These guys are quite courageous."

"I'll go with you tomorrow."

"No, you can practice with peace of mind." Zhao Yang refused.

"But..." Nightingale was about to say something when Zhao Yang interrupted, "Don't worry, I'm sure."

Early the next morning, Zhao Yang came to the bank of the crossing river. A deacon handed Zhao Yang a map, and then pointed to a ferry boat on the bank and said, "Go."

Zhao Yang nodded and jumped on the ferry.

When the ferry started, Zhao Yang was checking if there was anything wrong with the ferry?

Zhao Yang has reached the third stage of the first revolution. In other words, he is invincible in the door god realm, and his powerful spiritual sense is comparable to the peak door god realm.

Soon Zhao Yang discovered that there was a god thunder on the ferry.

"The hiding place is deep enough." Zhao Yang sneered after finding the divine thunder.

The whole body of this thunderbolt is a starter device.

What do you mean?

That is, when the ferry is collided, the thunderbolt will be detonated.

And there will definitely be no beasts in the river near the training camp.

Zhao Yang carefully put away the divine thunder and put it into his own small world.


At this time, Zhao Yang's small world has no living creatures, and his small world has shrunk a lot.

After removing the threat, Zhao Yang checked again before returning to the cabin.

About an hour later, the ferry came to the river, and there were hundreds of door gods standing by the river, surrounded by a figure, who is it not Wu Xun?

"It's very lively." When Zhao Yang's voice sounded in the audience, Wu Xun and others were stunned.

And when they saw that it was Zhao Yang who was guiding them, they all seemed to have seen a ghost.

"You... how did you become a deacon?" Wu Xun looked at Zhao Yang tremblingly and said.

"This is not what you should care about." Zhao Yang glanced around, but did not see Luoxue's figure, "You guys stay here for a while, I'll go see someone." Then Zhao Yang put everyone down and turned towards Luoxue. Go to the village.

Luoxue has been listening to Zhao Yang's words for the past two years and has not stepped out of the village, and she still has two portraits of the door god given by Zhao Yang, so Luoxue is safe.

Luoxue is watching the people work in the village right now?

Suddenly Luoxue looked towards the distance as if feeling something, and the figure of Zhao Yang in the distance was walking towards her.

Luoxue rubbed her hot eyes, with a look of disbelief in them.

It's him.

He came to see me.

Luo Xue hurriedly ran towards Zhao Yang.

After arriving by Zhao Yang's side, Luoxue wanted to give Zhao Yang a hug, but felt that the relationship between the two parties had not reached this point.

"How did you come?"

"This time, the training camp sent me to pick up and guide the prospective newcomers from the fourth level of the Gate God Realm." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Isn't the deacon doing this kind of work?"

"I am now the deacon of the training camp."

Hearing this, Luoxue opened her mouth in astonishment, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Your cultivation level has been raised to the third level of the Door God Realm." Zhao Yang looked at Luo Xue's cultivation base.

"I'm still a long way from the fourth heaven of the Gate God Realm." Luo Xue said with some embarrassment.

Her talents are limited there.

"Let me help you ascend to the fourth heaven." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"How can I help?" Luo Xue asked.

Zhao Yang's big hand landed on Luoxue's shoulder, and a stream of Alchemy Qi poured into Luoxue's body.

The qi of alchemy can heal injuries, nourish vitality, and of course improve cultivation.

However, this requires a big difference in the realm of the two parties, otherwise it is impossible to do it.

Soon Luoxue felt her cultivation base rise, and it didn't take long for Luoxue to feel the opportunity to break through.

"Breakthrough so soon?" Luoxue exclaimed.

"Stick to your mind." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Luoxue quickly calmed down and broke through with peace of mind.

About half a quarter of an hour later, with Zhao Yang's help, Luoxue's cultivation successfully stepped into the fourth heaven.

"I've reached the fourth heaven." Luo Xue asked in disbelief.

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