Zhao Yang started to practice silently without entanglement.

With the help of the nine heavy swords, he quickly understood the trick, and after a week, he had a certain experience.

Zhao Yang squeezed his fist and stood up.

"I don't know if Han Zaiye is ready?" Zhao Yang said as he pushed open the door of the room, only to find that Nightingale was waiting.

"Why don't you practice?"

"I'm still some distance away from the peak of the eighth heaven, and I can't take that first-grade advanced pill yet." Nightingale explained, "By the way, are you ready?"


"Then let's go."

When Zhao Yang arrived in the challenge room, he found that Han Zaiye and Han Qinhu's gangsters were waiting for Zhao Yang there.

"Yo, it's really here." Han Zaiye said with a smile, "Are you still planning to challenge me this time?"

Zhao Yang handed the token to the deacon, "I challenge, Han Zaiye."

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

No one thought that Zhao Yang would challenge Han Zaiye again.

The deacon was also taken aback, but he registered honestly.

"Assign the ring directly, I can't wait." Han Zaiye said with a smile.

"Where's your elder brother? Why didn't you come?" Zhao Yang asked.

Han Zaiye's expression darkened immediately, "Zhao Yang, after my elder brother recovers, he will set foot on the Ninth Heaven of the Gate God Realm, just wait for that time."

"And then? Can he challenge me?" Zhao Yang left after saying this.

Looking at Zhao Yang's back, Han Zaiye wished he could tear Zhao Yang's body to pieces.

But he knows he can't.

He could only watch Zhao Yang walk towards the ring.

When Han Zaiye stepped into the ring, Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Are you going to be a coward again later?"

"What did you say?" Han Zaiye roared angrily.

"Didn't you? Didn't you intend for the referee to say that you would throw in the towel immediately after the start?" Zhao Yang looked at Han Zaiye with a sneer on his face and said, "It's really sad to say that your elder brother was severely injured by me, but you have the courage to fight nothing."

Han Zaiye's eyeballs were red with anger.

"Han Zaiye, he is trying to provoke you on purpose, you must hold your breath." At this moment a man shouted at Han Zaiye.

Han Zaiye was startled.

He immediately calmed down.

Zhao Yang looked at the man and said, "What's your name?"

"Zhang Xun."

"I remember you." Zhao Yang looked at the referee not far away and said, "You can announce the start."

"I'm announcing the official start of the game now." When the referee said the last word, Han Zaiye was about to say that I surrendered.

But after he said me, the clarity in his eyes dissipated.

Zhao Yang rushed in front of him in an instant.

One punch knocked his jaw off, and more punches followed.

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!

Han Zaiye's brothers were all stunned.

what's the situation?

Immediately, they shouted loudly one by one, and soon Han Zaiye's eyes regained clarity.

"I surrender."

He was paralyzed when his last word fell.

All [-] bones in his body were broken.

A group of Han Zaiye's brothers hurried forward.

After they checked Han Zaiye's injuries, their faces turned livid.

Han Zaiye is almost useless.

Zhao Yang's eyes fell on Zhang Xun at this time, "I will challenge you in a week." After saying this, Zhang Xun turned and left with a terrified expression.

After arriving outside, Nightingale asked curiously, "Why didn't Han Zaiye admit defeat?"

"He has entered the illusion."

"What illusion is so terrifying?"

"I just started learning the illusion, otherwise, even if I beat him to death, Han Zaiye wouldn't wake up." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Nightingale didn't know what to say for a moment.

The illusion that she felt was extremely powerful in her heart was nothing but pediatrics in Zhao Yang's mouth.

Nightingale once again realized the gap between them.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhao Yang continued to comprehend the magic eye.

This time Zhao Yang felt that he was lucky to win, and he needed to deepen his understanding of this illusion.

Han Qinhu's courtyard!

When everyone carried Han Zaiye, whose bones were all broken, to Han Qinhu's face, Han Qinhu had an incredulous look on his face.

"what happened?"

"When I uttered the first word, I felt as if I entered an illusion." Han Zaiye thought for a while before he said, "That grandson of Zhao Yang may have used illusions on me."

"Illusion?" Han Qinhu fell silent.

Because they don't understand, okay?

"Brother, next week Zhao Yang will challenge me by name, you have to save me." Zhang Xun said at this time.

"Let me think about it." Han Qinhu said in a deep voice.

After a while, Han Qinhu thought of something, "The so-called illusion is to confuse the mind. As long as you keep your mind tight, I think there will be nothing wrong."

"Before I noticed that Zhao Yang had been provoking Han Zaiye, and I thought it was to make Han Zaiye feel uneasy."

"The illusion isn't that big of a deal, then."

"Illusion is originally a path. When the game comes, no matter how Zhao Yang stimulates you, don't take it seriously. What you have to do is to keep your mind on it."

Following everyone's persuasion one by one, Zhang Xun felt that it was no big deal.

A week passed quickly.

This day Zhao Yang came to the challenge room again, and Zhang Xun and others were waiting here.

This time, Zhang Xun and the others did not speak sarcasm, because they were worried that Zhao Yang's words would irritate Zhang Xun again.

To their surprise, Zhao Yang didn't say anything this time.

Zhang Xun became inexplicably nervous when the two stood on the ring.

"Zhao Yang, I know that last time you used illusion on Han Zaiye, but this time I will keep my mind on it, and you can't do anything to me." Zhang Xun said this sentence more like cheering himself up.

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.

"Do you think you can resist my illusion if you stick to your mind? If so, you are really naive." Zhao Yang sneered.

After another week of practice, Zhao Yang's magic eye went a step further.

He no longer needs verbal stimulation.

He is confident that he can take down this guy who is not even as good as himself in an instant.

Zhang Xun stood on the edge of the ring when the referee was about to start.

What he was thinking was that there was enough distance so that he would have enough time to say that he gave up.

"Game start."

Zhang Xun only felt that there was darkness in front of him.

He couldn't see anything, he couldn't hear anything.

His five senses and six senses were all deprived.

He seemed to have fallen into a terrible illusion.

He wanted to shout, he wanted to ask for help, but he couldn't make any sound.

He can't even move.

He didn't know how long it had passed before he found that his consciousness had finally returned to his body, and then he felt a terrible indescribable pain.

He found that all the bones in his body were smashed.

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