"That's right, now your cultivation is already at the fourth level of the Door God Realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Then can I also go to the novice training camp with you?"


"I'm not ready yet."

"Farewell to the people in the village." Zhao Yang said softly, "I'll give you an hour to pack up your things, and I'll pick you up then."

Zhao Yang left after speaking.

Zhao Yang returned to the previous village.

After two years of development, the population of the previous village has increased a lot.

After all, Zhao Yang left eight pictures of door gods to the village before he left.

The village chief and others warmly received Zhao Yang. When they learned that Zhao Yang was already a deacon, the village chief and others became even more excited.

This means that it will not take many years for them to move out of such poor rural areas.

Zhao Yang chatted with these people for an hour before arriving at Luoxue's village.

At this time, Luoxue reluctantly narrated the words of parting to the people in the village.

"We should go." Zhao Yang shouted towards Luoxue.

With red eyes, Luo Xue waved to everyone, and followed Zhao Yang to cross the river.

At this time Duhe Wuxun and others were still waiting there.

When Luoxue saw Wu Xun, she showed a vicious expression. Does Luoxue still remember the events of several villages being wiped out by ferocious beasts two years ago?

"After I go back, I will let the Zongmen thoroughly investigate." Zhao Yang said softly.

Wu Xun looked very disturbed at this moment.

In any case, he never thought that Zhao Yang would reach such a level in such a short period of time?

"Those who have reached the fourth level of the Door God Realm can come up." Zhao Yang greeted.

Only Wu Xun.

Wu Xun saluted Zhao Yang respectfully after boarding the ferry.

Zhao Yang ignored Wu Xun, but drove the ferry towards the training camp.

On the banks of the crossing river in the training camp.

Ma Zhanying has been waiting here for a long time.

"Zhao Yang's ferry is supposed to be back by the time." Ma Zhanying looked at the time, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "It seems that the god Leizi blew up the ferry."

Ma Zhanying waited here for a while, and seeing that Zhao Yang's ferry had not arrived, Ma Zhanying turned around and was about to leave.

But when he turned around, he suddenly found a ferry boat appearing in his peripheral vision.

And when he saw clearly the figure standing on the ferry, an incredulous look appeared in his eyes.

"how is this possible?"

The one in front of the ferry is clearly Zhao Yang.

How is the ferry all right?

He was a little flustered.

When the ferry arrived at the shore, some disciples wanted to come to help, but they were stopped by Zhao Yang, "Please tell the senior management of the training camp to come."

The disciple realized that something might have happened, so he left in a hurry.

After a while, the head of the training camp and two elders arrived here.

"Zhao Yang?" The head of the training camp knew Zhao Yang.

"Master, two elders, come in and take a look." Zhao Yang said and led the three of them to the cabin, and the three of them saw the god Leizi in the cabin at a glance.

"Shen Leizi?"

"Who did this?"

"This divine thunderbolt can seriously injure even the eighth layer of heaven, and it is very likely to be damaged while crossing the river." The hall master said with a sinking face.

"I hope the hall master and the two elders can give me justice in this matter." Zhao Yang cupped his hands and said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly." The hall master said solemnly.

Then Zhao Yang took Luoxue and Wu Xun to report.

After the two took the token and clothes, Luoxue asked curiously, "Where do we live?"

"According to the rules, you will be assigned to the yellow-level living area." Zhao Yang said softly.

"What's the yellow class living area like?"

"Four people, one courtyard."

"Then can I live with you?" Luo Xue bit her lip and said.

"Yes." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Then Zhao Yang took Luoxue to the registration area.

"Register Luoxue in the house I live in." Zhao Yang looked at the deacon in charge of registration and said.

"You can only register one person in that house." The deacon looked at it and said.

"Am I not the deacon of the sect now? Upgrade my residence to a prefecture-level living area."

"Even if you are upgraded to a prefecture-level living area, you can only register one person's name." The deacon said softly, "This is the rule of the training camp, unless you can find two adjacent rooms."

Luo Xue thought for a while and said, "Zhao Yang, forget it."

Zhao Yang looked at the deacon and said, "Then arrange a Xuan-level living quarter for Luoxue."

"no problem."

"By the way, the guest next to me must be a woman."

"rest assured."

Not long after, the deacon handed Luoxue an identity token, "Take this identity token and go to the Mysterious Level 88 Courtyard."

"En." Luoxue nodded.

After Zhao Yang sent Luoxue to the courtyard, Luoxue saw an empty room.

Zhao Yang helped Luoxue tidy up the room, and then placed a restriction in her room, "In the future, you must activate the restriction when you practice."

Luo Xue nodded.

"Remember, boundary stones are also rare items in the training camp." Zhao Yang said and handed Luoxue three hundred boundary stones, "In the future, you can use boundary stones for your cultivation."

"This...." Looking at so many boundary stones, Luoxue instinctively wanted to decline.

"In the future, if you don't understand anything, go to my courtyard to find me. If anyone bullies you, I will help you find a place." Zhao Yang thought of something here, "I'm going to buy some array materials, you should familiarize yourself here first. one time."

Zhao Yang left after speaking.

Luo Xue stared blankly at Zhao Yang's back, her face turned red immediately.

Zhao Yang went to the trading center to buy several array materials, and then hurried back to Luoxue's room.

"What do you buy the array materials for?"

"I'll help you build a formation that can increase your cultivation speed." Zhao Yang arranged it in Luoxue's room while talking.

"How much can it be improved?"

"three times."

"Three times?" Luoxue exclaimed.

One must know that she was already cheating by cultivating through the boundary stone, but in the end Zhao Yang helped Luoxue build a formation that could increase the speed of her practice.

It took Zhao Yang half a day to complete the construction.

"This formation can support you until the seventh heaven." Zhao Yang said softly, "I will help you upgrade when I have time, and then I can support you to the ninth heaven."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yang took out hundreds of boundary stones and placed them in each direction.

"If that's the case, won't I not be able to let others into my room?" Luo Xue asked in astonishment.

"There is also a concealment technique on the periphery of the formation." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Unless the opponent's cultivation is very high, it is impossible to see through it."

Zhao Yang looked at the time, "It's a bit late today, so I'll leave first, and I'll come back tomorrow."

"Yeah." Luoxue suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.

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