Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1361 To Challenge

When Zhao Yang woke up, he found that he was sleeping on Nightingale's bed.

He got smart and hurriedly apologized to Nightingale, "Senior Sister Nightingale, I'm really sorry."

"Don't get so drunk next time." Nightingale said softly.

"En." Zhao Yang nodded.

After returning to his room, Zhao Yang felt his head was still dizzy, so he fell asleep again.

After tidying up, Nightingale went to the training room of the training camp to practice.

There are a lot of auxiliary equipment in the training room, and training here can improve your strength.

But Nightingale was told that they were all full, so Nightingale waited there.

Half an hour later, Nightingale saw a figure coming out of the trainer, but was stopped by the deacon when she was about to go forward, "Senior Sister Nightingale, this training room is reserved."

"It's scheduled." Nightingale was full of suspicion.

Nightingale waited for another half an hour, and another figure came out, but she was told that someone had made a reservation.

How did Nightingale not know that she was being targeted?

"Believe it or not, I'll bring this matter up?" Nightingale said with a sullen face.

"Senior Sister Nightingale, don't make things difficult for us, I believe you know what's going on?" the deacon said helplessly, "It's not easy for us to work here to earn points."

Nightingale's eyes flickered for a moment, then turned and left.

She understood what he meant.

Han captures the tiger!

It must be the trick of Han Qinhu?

Nightingale returned to her room to calm down and practice silently, but she hadn't improved at all after three days of practice in the room.

"Why did the bottleneck loosen that night?" Nightingale didn't believe that the bottleneck would loosen for no reason?

She thought carefully about everything that happened that night.

In the end, she felt as if she had something to do with Zhao Yang.

After thinking about it, Nightingale quietly came to Zhao Yang's room, but she found that Zhao Yang was still sleeping.

"Isn't this guy getting enough sleep?" Nightingale was a little helpless.

How did she know that Zhao Yang was still digesting the power of creation in his body?

Although it was said that Zhao Yang had digested a lot of power of good fortune before, but at this time there was still a lot of power of good fortune in his body.

Nightingale sat beside Zhao Yang and practiced.

Soon that feeling came again.

She felt her bottleneck loosen again.

"What kind of magical power does this guy have?" Nightingale was sure that it was Zhao Yang.

Nightingale practiced by Zhao Yang's side all night, and she felt that her spiritual power had increased a lot.

When she saw that Zhao Yang hadn't woken up, Nightingale continued to practice here.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

As time went on Nightingale found herself on the verge of a breakthrough.

This made Nightingale feel incredible.

Just when Nightingale was about to break through in one go, Zhao Yang's door was suddenly opened, and a disciple of the law enforcement team broke in here.

Nightingale was awakened.

Zhao Yang also woke up.

"Senior Sister Nightingale, why are you here?" Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment and asked.

"Yes, Senior Sister Nightingale, why are you here?" the disciple of the law enforcement team also asked.

Nightingale quickly calmed down, and she looked at the disciples of the law enforcement team and asked, "Who let you break in?"

The Law Enforcement Team has notified Zhao Yang three times, but this one still didn't go to challenge. The Law Enforcement Hall asked me to come over and ask what's going on? "The disciple of the law enforcement team explained.

Zhao Yang looked at his token, only to find that there were several messages in the token.

"I'm sorry, I've been sleeping for the past few days, so I didn't notice the news." Zhao Yang said apologetically.

"In this case, let's challenge today."

"Okay, I'll go later."

The disciples of the law enforcement team glanced at Nightingale, then turned and left.

Zhao Yang looked at Nightingale at this moment.

Nightingale pretended to be calm and replied, "I see that you have been sleeping for several days in a row, and I am researching if there is something wrong with you?"

"Well, I just like to sleep." Zhao Yang casually found a reason.

"That's it, then I will accompany you to the challenge room." Nightingale said softly.

"it is good."

At the door of the challenge room, Nightingale saw Han Qinhu and the others.

Her heart suddenly sank.

"not good."

"Don't worry." Zhao Yang gave Nightingale a reassuring look.

"Please show your token." The deacon at the door looked at Zhao Yang and said.

Zhao Yang handed the token to the deacon.

"What is your cultivation level now?"

"Door God Realm Fifth Layer."

"Okay, I'll register, and then you go to ring 233 and wait, and an opponent of the same level will be arranged for you then."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Led by Nightingale, Zhao Yang came to ring 233.

"The arena is made of special materials, so you don't need to worry that the arena is not strong." Nightingale said with some concern, "I'm worried that Han Qinhu is playing tricks on him."

"Let me tell you this, no matter how strong the same level is, in front of me, they are all scum."

"Han Qinhu will definitely arrange a strong opponent for you."

Not long after, a figure came to the ring accompanied by Han Qinhu and others.

Seeing that figure, Nightingale's expression suddenly changed.

"Han Qinhu, you are too despicable." Nightingale said angrily.

"I don't understand what you mean?" Han Qinhu said with a smile.

"Dong Fangzhuo is an invincible existence in the fifth heaven of the Gate God Realm. No one can defeat him in the same realm these years." Nightingale pointed to the tall figure and said, "But now you have arranged such a powerful one for Zhao Yang. Opponent, what do you mean?"

"It was randomly drawn by the system." Han Qinhu said lightly, "It can only be said that this kid is too unlucky."

When Nightingale was about to say something, Zhao Yang interrupted, "That's it."

"Be careful, if you lose, remember to admit defeat." Nightingale could only comfort her softly.

Zhao Yang nodded.

When the two came to the arena, the judge's voice rang out in the audience, "There is no limit to the battle between the two sides, but there is one rule, you can't die, otherwise you will be severely punished, or even deprived of your cultivation. After the other side admits defeat, the other side is not allowed to continue." shot."

After the judges explained the rules of the competition, Dong Fangzhuo squeezed his fist, "Boy, have you thought about how to die?"

"Judges, this grandson said he wanted to kill me?" Zhao Yang looked at the judges beside him and asked.

The whole audience was stunned.

"Dong Fangzhuo, pay attention to your wording, otherwise I will judge you to lose this competition."

There was a haze in Dong Fangzhuo's eyes, and he vowed to show Zhao Yang a good look.

"Are you ready?" Dong Fangzhuo said sadly.


After Dong Fangzhuo's words fell, Zhao Yang appeared in front of him, and then slapped him in the astonishment of the audience.

Dong Fangzhuo was whipped and spun into the air.

By the time he fell to the ground, his face was already swollen.

"You...I'm going to kill you." Dong Fangzhuo rushed towards Zhao Yang with red eyes.

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