Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1362 Nine Heavy Swords

At this time Dong Fangzhuo was already dazzled by anger.

Doesn't he realize that a person who can give you a big ear can be an ordinary person?


Dong Fangzhuo just rushed over here, but was slapped by Zhao Yang again.

That half of his face was also swollen this time.

The corners of his mouth were torn and several teeth were broken.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, baring his teeth and claws to rush over, but was stopped by Han Qinhu.

"Dong Fangzhuo, admit defeat."

"Why?" Dong Fangzhuo said with a dull head.


One of Dong Fangzhuo's arms was twisted into a twist by Zhao Yang, and a look of incomparable pain appeared on his face.

"You..." Just as Dong Fangzhuo said this, he heard another click, but his other arm was broken again.

"Dong Fangzhuo, admit defeat." Han Qinhu changed his expression.

"I..." At this moment, Dong Fangzhuo also realized that he was no longer Zhao Yang's opponent.

And just when Dong Fangzhuo uttered a word, his knee was crushed by Zhao Yang.

After all, there was no time to say the word admit defeat.

"Ah!" Dong Fangzhuo's face was distorted in pain.

Immediately, his other knee was severely kicked by Zhao Yang.

Dong Fangzhuo lay on the ground like a dead dog.

"Admit defeat." These two words were finally spit out.

"You said you gave up a long time ago, isn't that the case?" Zhao Yang said pretending to be heartbroken.

Dong Fangzhuo looked at Zhao Yang with fear in his eyes.

In his eyes, Zhao Yang is a devil.

"Go back and raise it for a year or so, and it will recover." Zhao Yang patted Dong Fangzhuo's face and said with a smile.

Dong Fangzhuo looked at Zhao Yang with fear in his eyes.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, to be so cruel?

Han Qinhu came over at this moment.

He looked at Zhao Yang with ice-cold eyes, "Our beam is finally settled."

Zhao Yang shrugged and said indifferently, "What can you do?"


Will Zhao Yang care?

If he really fought, would Zhao Yang have the confidence to kill Han Qinhu?

On the way back, Nightingale hesitated to speak several times.

"Just ask if you want to ask anything?"

"Why are you so strong?" Nightingale asked Zhao Yang curiously.

Nightingale knew very well that Zhao Yang had only just set foot in the Fifth Heaven of the Door God Realm, but now he had easily killed Dong Fangzhuo, who was at the peak of the Fifth Heaven.

This seemed incredible to Nightingale.

"My strength has always been so strong!" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "In fact, it is no problem for me to fight across the ranks."

"Then why don't you fight across the ranks?" Nightingale asked softly, "If you defeat the high-level ones, you will be in the eyes of the higher-ups."

"You told me before that if I get too many resources from Yongcheng, it will be very difficult to leave in the future." Zhao Yang said lightly, "For me, Yongcheng is just a temporary habitat. going to leave."

Nightingale's eyes narrowed.

She heard something from Zhao Yang's words.

"Do you think Yongcheng will not be able to keep you in the future?"

"Yong City is too small." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"Can I practice in your room in the future?" Nightingale suddenly asked after a while.


"I don't know why the progress is so fast when I practice by your side? I think that after practicing by your side for a while, I will be able to break through to the eighth level of the Gate God Realm." Nightingale said solemnly.

Zhao Yang thought about it, could it be the power of good fortune that escaped from his body while he was sleeping?

"Okay, no problem, you can practice." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Nightingale's face was full of surprise.

From Zhao Yang's state of contemplation just now, Nightingale analyzed what Zhao Yang should know?

But he still let himself practice by his side.

"I may still sleep for a month or two. During this period, if you have nothing to do, please don't disturb me." Zhao Yang said softly after returning to the room.

"Okay." Nightingale said.

For the rest of the time, Zhao Yang slept in the room, and Nightingale sat beside Zhao Yang and practiced.

In this way, a month passed, and Nightingale's cultivation successfully broke through to the eighth level of the Gate God Realm.

"What secret does this guy have?" Nightingale wondered in her heart.

I got such benefits just by cultivating by Zhao Yang's side.

Nightingale didn't leave immediately after her cultivation breakthrough, but sat beside Zhao Yang and quietly consolidated.

Normally speaking, it would take at least a few months to consolidate one's cultivation, but two days by Zhao Yang's side was enough.

After consolidating her cultivation, Nightingale went to the training room of the training camp to practice, but Nightingale waited for a while and was told that someone had made an appointment.

"If you say that this room has been reserved later, I will report this matter to the higher-ups of the sect." Nightingale said word by word.

The deacon smiled wryly, "Senior Sister Nightingale, aren't you embarrassing me?"

"Now you are making things difficult for me." Nightingale said flatly.

"Forget it, you can just enter the training room later." The deacon had no choice but to say so.

And when Nightingale was training in the training room, the deacon told Han Qinhu about it.

Han Qinhu thought for a while and wanted to express his understanding.

The next day, Han Qinhu took a group of brothers to line up for training, but when Nightingale came, he found that there was no place.

"Han Qinhu, don't you think it's too much?" Nightingale said coldly.

"Is it too much? I don't think so." Han Qinhu said with a smile.

"See you in the challenge room in three days." After saying this, Nightingale turned around and left.

Han Qinhu was stunned.

See you in the challenge room?

What does nightingale mean?

Could it be that her cultivation has reached the eighth level of the door god realm?

The news that Nightingale was going to challenge Han Qinhu quickly spread throughout the training camp, so after three days, there were huge crowds of people who came to watch.

Everyone wanted to know if Nightingale had set foot on the eighth heaven of the Door God Realm?

Of course they also want to know how far Han Qinhu has reached in these years?

In Zhao Yang's room.

Zhao Yang fell into a deep sleep for more than a month this time, and the power of good fortune in his body was finally exhausted.

When he opened his eyes, explosive energy flowed from his whole body.

"Your power of creation is too strong." At this moment, an old voice sounded in Zhao Yang's ears.

"Who?" Zhao Yang looked around.


The nine heavy swords flew out of Zhao Yang's small world.

"Senior." Zhao Yang hurriedly bowed to the nine heavy swords.

"You have been baptized in the sea of ​​good fortune for three days and three nights, and your potential has reached an unimaginable level." The sword spirit of the nine-fold sword said in a deep voice, "If you let the strong know about your situation, there will be two results .”

"Which two?"

"The first type is submission; the second type is devouring."

Zhao Yang swallowed dryly involuntarily.

"Senior, please teach me." Zhao Yang said hastily.

"First, I will set a seal on your body, so that no one else will be able to see it; second, I will draw out your real body to create a sword body."

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