Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1360 Bottleneck Loosening

That man knew that Nightingale had a cold face and a warm heart.

As long as he made this gesture, Nightingale would usually go.

"This is a training camp, what can he do?" Nightingale waved his hand to block the opening, isolating the space from the outside world.

The man froze.

He didn't expect Nightingale to refuse?

After pondering for a while, he hurried towards the back mountain.

The trail behind the mountain was covered with flowers, and many disciples surrounded Han Qinhu.

Everyone knew that Han Qinhu was going to propose to Nightingale today, so everyone came to join him in a very respectful manner.

What surprised everyone was that the man came alone.

"Where's Nightingale?" Han Qinhu asked with an unkind expression.

"Senior Sister Nightingale said she is watering the flowers and has no time." The man whispered.

"What?" Han Qinhu's expression turned ugly.

I made such a big battle, but Nightingale didn't come.

"Trash." Han Qinhu looked at the man coldly.

The man suddenly realized that Han Qinhu might have put him on the blacklist.

"Boy, don't blame me, I don't want to." The man said in a low voice, "Actually, there is a reason for this."


"I saw a man at Senior Sister Nightingale's residence."

"A man?" Han Qinhu's face showed a ferocious murderous intent, "Who is it?"

"I do not recognize."

Han Qinhu headed towards Nightingale's courtyard without saying a word.

After a few breaths, Han Qinhu arrived at Nightingale's courtyard.

"Get out of here."

In the courtyard, Nightingale looked at Zhao Yang who didn't take it seriously, "Do you know that you caused a lot of trouble?"

"Is Han Qinhu very strong?"

"Han Qinhu's cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Gate God Realm, do you think he is strong?"

"How strong do I think it is?" Zhao Yang pouted.

If it was before, Zhao Yang would not be sure to kill the opponent, but after staying in the Sea of ​​Creation for so long, Zhao Yang is confident that his potential has improved a lot.

It's just that he doesn't know how much he has improved.

But he felt that there was not much problem in crossing the three small realms.

"Do you know that he is three small realms higher than you?" Nightingale said angrily, "In the training camp, if you can cross one small realm, you are a genius, you know?"

"Is there no one that straddles two small realms?"

"If you cross two small realms, then you will be called a monster, and you will be picked up by Yongcheng."

"Can't I wander freely?"

"You can wander freely, but Yongcheng has paid so much, do you think it is possible to let you go easily?"

Zhao Yang's eyes flashed.

If you want to wander freely, then don't accept too much help from Yongcheng.

At this moment, the restraint suddenly vibrated violently, and the restraint was torn apart by a force in the next moment, and Han Qinhu rushed in with a dozen younger brothers.

"Boy, how do you want to die?" Han Qinhu's eyes fell on Zhao Yang like a sharp sword.

"What's the point of pretending?" What no one expected was a sneer from the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth, "Who can you kill? Who do you dare to kill?"

Han Qinhu was stunned.

Everyone was also stunned.

Doesn't Zhao Yang know the price of provoking Han Qinhu?

"I've practiced in the training camp for so long, and I'm still at the eighth level of door god realm? Garbage." Zhao Yang said unceremoniously, "Aren't you amazing? Come on, I'm standing here, and I'm capable of killing me."

At this time, the dispute between Han Qinhu and Zhao Yang attracted the attention of many monks.

Everyone gathered around.

Han Qinhu really wanted to slap Zhao Yang to death, but he didn't dare.

He didn't dare to do it in full view.

Because he couldn't afford the price.

"Han Qinhu, what do you want to do?" At this moment, Hua Da came over from a distance.

"Hua Da, you want to get involved in this matter?" Han Qinhu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Hua Da.

The arrival of Hua University gave him a new step.

"Zhao Yang is my brother, whoever touches him will touch me." Standing beside Zhao Yang, Hua Dao declared clearly.

Han Qinhu stared at Hua Da and said coldly, "The whole training camp knows that I like Nightingale, but your brother came to Nightingale's place. He is hitting me in the face, you know?"

"Do I have anything to do with you?" At this moment, Nightingale's voice rang out in the audience, "And don't you take yourself too seriously? What rank do you rank in the training camp? Why do you Think you like me, so I have to marry you?"

Nightingale's words did not hesitate to provoke Han Qinhu with a steel knife.


"I'm disgusted by your entanglement. I can choose anyone, but I won't choose you alone. Is that clear?" Nightingale said word by word.

Nightingale's words made Han Qinhu lose face.

"How can you say that?"

"How many times have I rejected you before and after, do you know that you have influenced my practice?"

Han Qinhu clenched his fists involuntarily, his eyes fixed on Nightingale, and finally turned and left.

"What are you still standing here for? Let's go." Hua Da scolded.

Those guys left one after another.

"Thank you, Nightingale, soon?" Hua Dao touched Zhao Yang.

What Nightingale said to Han Qinhu in public was actually to protect Zhao Yang.

Because Nightingale can definitely hang him, so that he can get more resources.

But now that her face was torn apart, Nightingale had completely offended Han Qinghu.

"Thank you." Zhao Yang looked at Nightingale and said softly.

"There's a lot of gossip in the training camp, so don't be so impulsive in the future." Nightingale went to mend the restriction after she finished speaking.

Hua Dao brought Zhao Yang to his residence.

"What's the matter with you?" Hua Da asked the question he was concerned about.

"Encountered turbulence, almost did not die." Zhao Yang replied, "I finally climbed out."

"You are really lucky. Come on, let's have a drink today, and he will never stop getting drunk."

"Right on my mind."

If it weren't for Huada University today, this matter would not end well.

The main reason is that Zhao Yang doesn't want to be exposed.

"Brother Hua, is there no kung fu practice in the training camp?"

"Yes, I have."


"There are not only various cultivation methods in the training camp, but also pills to improve cultivation, but these need points to be exchanged."

"By the way, senior brother, you said before, do you need to challenge once in three months, or be challenged once, why hasn't anyone notified me yet?"

"Let me see." Hua Dao checked, then looked helplessly at Zhao Yang, "The sect thought you were dead."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"I'll help you recover tomorrow."


Huada's wine is very strong.

After Zhao Yang and the two got drunk, they wandered back to their own courtyard, and then he went to Nightingale's room in a daze and fell asleep.

When Nightingale came back in the evening and saw Zhao Yang sleeping on the bed, she was startled at first, and then realized that Zhao Yang was drunk.

A look of helplessness appeared on her face.

Nightingale sat cross-legged beside her and practiced.

What Nightingale didn't know was that during the process of her cultivation, a ray of power in Zhao Yang's body was pulled into her body invisible by her.

So when Nightingale woke up the next morning, she found that her bottleneck had loosened slightly.

"Why did the bottleneck loosen for no reason?" Nightingale asked in amazement.

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