Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1345 Human Alliance

It's too fast.

In an instant, it rushed to the front of the battleship.


The moment its big hand fell towards the battleship, Zhao Yang's divine sense turned into a huge sword that was thousands of feet high.

The giant sword slashed down towards it fiercely.

There was a look of astonishment in its eyes.

It felt the horror of this sword.


It even retreated.

But the giant sword transformed by divine sense, how can it be said that it can be retreated?


The war sword chopped on its head, leaving a deep sword mark.

Blood flowed out.


The giant beast was enraged.

Its whole body is glowing, and the endless power of the five elements is coming together like the Yangtze River.

The breath on it continued to skyrocket.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yang finally understood why no one who stepped into the divine realm was the opponent of this giant beast.

At this time, its strength has skyrocketed to the point where its potential is no longer an opponent at the second level of the Door God Realm.

"I'll do it." The third princess rushed over at this moment.

The potential of the third princess is in the third heaven of the door god realm, and the skills she practiced are also top-notch skills.

The three princesses turned out to be in the sky, cast Wushuang magic, and fought with the giant beast.

I have to say that the giant beast is very strong, because the three princesses can't take it down in a short time.

And the fluctuation of the three princesses' battle with this giant beast attracted the attention of the powerhouses in the entire Five Elements Continent, and their spiritual thoughts came to them one after another.

When they saw the three princesses fighting the giant beast equally, they were all stunned.

"There is such an existence in the Five Elements Continent?"

"No, the aura on her body is not from any family of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth?"

"Could it be that she is of the innate spirit family?"

"Didn't we all kill the innate creatures?"

"Perhaps there are remnants."

After realizing this, the faces of the strong men of the Five Elements and One Line became ugly.

This is not good news for them.

But at this moment, another woman joined the battle circle, and this woman's combat effectiveness was not bad.

The addition of the second woman caused the giant beast to retreat again and again. After a dozen moves like this, the giant beast was severely injured, and finally ran away in embarrassment.

It's just that he was trapped by the Taoist talisman before he ran very far.

"Do you want to die or live?" Zhao Yang asked in front of the giant beast.

The giant beast looked at Zhao Yang unwillingly.

Zhao Yang waved his hand.

The Dao Talisman culture made sharp thorns and pierced into its body.

A painful wail sounded from the giant beast's mouth.

"Live, live, live." The giant beast wailed in pain.

"Isn't it enough to say that I want to live?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"Hand over your soul imprint." Zhao Yang continued.

The giant beast was silent for a while, but obediently handed over its soul imprint. From then on, its life and death were completely controlled by Zhao Yang.

"This territory covers an area of ​​over 30 million square kilometers, and more than [-] billion monks can easily be stationed there." Zhao Yang looked around and said with a smile.

"How many soldiers from the Yanhuang Sect will be released?" Lin Caihan asked.

"The sky-level legion and the earth-level legion will not be released for the time being. First, a part of the black-level and yellow-level legions will be released. By the way, there are reserves."

"In this way, ten legions will be released from the Xuan-level legion, thirty legions will be released from the Huang-level legion, and one hundred will be released from the reserve army." Lin Caihan thought for a while and calculated.

"How to distribute the monks in the big world?" Tangyi asked a difficult question.

"The number of monks who have joined the Yanhuang Sect has reached 180 billion over the years, as for the remaining 2000 billion monks, they can choose whatever they want." Zhao Yang thought for a while and then said, "As for the 100 billion of the Qin clan, they must decide for themselves. "

"There is a large piece of fertile land outside the restricted area in the early days. I think it is enough for our human race to rebuild our homeland." The third princess said softly, "Of course we will touch the interests of some ethnic groups in the Five Elements, but there is no way to avoid it."

"Our attack on the restricted area in the early days has already shocked the creatures in the restricted area of ​​the five elements. I think that as long as we do not go too far, the restricted area of ​​the five elements will not attack us." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while, "In this way, adopt Han, you sent the [-] law enforcement team of the sect, and at the same time sent patrol robots to strictly monitor the human races of the major forces, and asked them to politely invite the five-element races out of the area where they lived before."

"I'm afraid the Five Elements group will attack us in the end?" Yuan Jin'er said in a deep voice.

"That's a matter for the future. In short, let's do the courtesy first and then the soldiers." Zhao Yang glanced at Yuan Jin'er and said.

When the Yanhuang Sect began to plan the regional construction of the sect, Zhao Yang summoned the top officials of the Qin Clan.

Zhao Yang told them about the situation here in detail.

Qin Zu and others also felt that what Zhao Yang did was right, "Just now after I inspected it, I found that there is a good area three thousand kilometers away from Yanhuangzong. How about our Qin clan establishing an ancestral court there?"

"Okay, there will be a support for each other then." Zhao Yang nodded.

Why did Qin Zu leave an area of ​​[-] kilometers, which is also a buffer area for the two ethnic groups.

After the Qin people arrived in that area, they gave some resources to those ethnic groups, and then they cleared that area before starting to build their homes.

Zhao Yang summoned the leaders of the remaining 2000 billion human races from the big world when the Qin clan was almost established.

"I have delineated a general area for you, and you can establish sects in this area in the future. Of course, if you think my delineation is not good, you can also live in other areas." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said softly Said.

"Sect Master Zhao, our Western Sword Sect is very weak, how can we occupy a good position?" A middle-aged and young man said at this time.

"Xi Jianzong's strength is weak, but he wants to occupy a good territory. Do you know what this is?"

"What?" the suzerain of the Western Sword Sect asked subconsciously.

"The way to die." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "It's actually in your best interest for me to divide the positions for you, otherwise you won't even be able to drink soup."

The suzerain of Xijianzong thought about it and found out that this is really the case?

"Besides, don't worry about being high-spirited. The strength of the Five Elements group is very strong. If someone provokes you for no reason, you will solve it yourself." After Zhao Yang told the key relationship, he sent the Yan Huangzong's superior Millions of soldiers, help these guys build sects.

And at this moment, the Five Elements Clan fought against the powerhouses from the Outer Heavens.

With the passage of time, more and more powerful people intervened, and in the end, many ethnic groups were directly slaughtered.

Under such circumstances, those ethnic groups began to join forces, but soon they found that joining forces would not work.

Because those ethnic groups have the same root and origin, they can call a large group of masters at any time, but they can't.

After discussions among the various ethnic groups, a huge alliance headed by Xuanzong was formed.

It's not that the three innate beings haven't thought about standing out, but the problem is that there are quite a few of them at this level.

The only thing that can make the five elements group afraid is Li this group of top powerhouses.

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