Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1346 Zhao Yang makes a move

Li lived up to expectations, and after forcefully killing several existences who had taken a crucial step, those ethnic groups became more honest.

But to be honest, they are actually confronting each other.

The Five Elements mobilized hundreds of millions of soldiers to surround the alliance headed by Xuanzong.

On the Xuanzong Alliance side, construction began.

Seeing that the Xuanzong Alliance did not move, the Five Elements group cast their eyes on the area occupied by the human race.

The two sides soon clashed.

Many forces on the human side were caught off guard, and the elite on the Qin side were almost not disabled. It was at this time that everyone saw the horror of the Five Elements group.

At the critical moment, Yanhuangzong dispatched several prefecture-level legions and dozens of mysterious-level legions.

With the help of Yan Huangzong, he repelled the army of the Five Elements Alliance.

In the next ten years, the war between the two sides continued.

Yanhuangzong didn't care about it either.

It is impossible for the human race to be under the protection of Yanhuangzong all the time.

In ten years, the ancestral family of Yanhuangzong has been established.

The development of Yanhuangzong has also been on the right track.

After the Yanhuangzong passed the test, it successively accepted billions of monks, making the number of monks in the Yanhuangzong reach as many as 200 billion.

"The future disciples of the Yanhuang sect can be trained step by step." Zhao Yang said softly when the sect meeting was held that day.

"What about the Big Dipper Sky Formation, the Big Dipper Qingming Formation and the Big Dipper Chushang Formation?"

"I have already built these three formations, but unless the sect encounters a major crisis, these three formations will not be used." Zhao Yang explained, "There are already enough strong people in the Yanhuangzong. It is necessary to squander resources and strive to improve."

"But now Yanhuangzong is imprisoned in this area." Mingyue said softly.

"I will talk to all ethnic groups." Zhao Yang glanced at Mingyue and said, "I will solve all hidden dangers before leaving."

When Zhao Yang said these words, Mingyue and the others became nervous.

Is Zhao Yang leaving?

But thinking that Zhao Yang has already taken a crucial step.

You can cross the catastrophe at any time.

The reason why he has not crossed the catastrophe at this time is because he is worried about the safety of Yanhuangzong.

And after these years of construction, Zhao Yang has left a lot of cards.

Furthermore, even without Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan and others can protect him.


The ancestral home of the Jin clan!

The Jin family has split into many branches over the years, but this is still the ancestral home of each branch, and they come to worship every year.

Today, the patriarchs of various branches of the Jin family came to pay homage.

But this year these guys have a look of sadness on their faces.

Xuanzong Alliance, Human Race Alliance.

The two major alliances made them worry about the future of Wuxing Continent.

"Let's discuss it together." At this moment, an old figure walked in from the outside.

Seeing the old man, everyone saluted.

This old man is the third generation ancestor of the Jin clan.

It has a high weight in Zongzhong.

"The lord of Xuanzong, I think we can kill him by using some of our foundation."

"That's right, his potential is at the second level of the door god realm. As long as we are willing to bear some losses, I think it will be fine to destroy the entire Xuanzong Alliance."

"The most important thing now is the Human Race Alliance. There are three top experts in the Human Race Alliance. They all have the potential of the third level of the Gate God Realm. If we want to kill them, we may have to use all our knowledge."

"The Jin clan has left only ten god-level attacks over the years. It may be no problem to kill one of the three gods with ten cards, but it is absolutely impossible to kill three three gods."

"Don't forget that besides the Jin clan, there are other four clans?"

"If the background of the five races is fully revealed, I think it will be no problem to kill those three."

"It's just that we have to be prepared to consume all our foundations."

"Are we going to wait for them to become stronger? I didn't see that they have established a firm foothold. They are developing silently at this moment, while our five clans are still fighting. If things go on like this, they will definitely attack us."

Just as the patriarchs of the various branches of the Jin clan were expressing their opinions, a calm voice rang out in the audience.

"Why can't we live together in peace?"

All the powerhouses in the audience were shocked.

Their divine senses spread all around them, but unfortunately they didn't find anything.

"Since your Excellency is here, why hide your head and show your tail?" the old man said in a deep voice.

After his words fell, Zhao Yang came out from the darkness.

"Sect Master of Yanhuang Sect." The old man recognized Zhao Yang's identity.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Do you humans want to coexist peacefully with the Five Elements?"


"You have to know that peace is made." The old man said in a deep voice, "You heard our conversation just now, and you must know our background."

"What do you mean?"

"You have to know that the major ethnic groups have not really taken you seriously. Once the five major ethnic groups join forces, you will not be opponents at all."

"It's just what you think." Zhao Yang shrugged. "In fact, I always thought that we occupied your territory, so I tried not to let my subordinates disturb you."

"You shouldn't be so arrogant." The old man waved his hand at this point.

Ten majestic figures appeared around Zhao Yang.

"What do you think these ten peak emperors can do to win me?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"They may not be able to do anything to you, but the talisman paper in their hands can easily kill you." The old man squinted his eyes and said.

"God Realm Talisman Paper?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "To be honest, I really want to see your methods."

"Arrogance." The old man shouted loudly, "Kill him."

From the old man's point of view, Zhao Yang broke into the Jin clan's ancestral home, and he was hitting the Jin clan in the face.

So kill him no matter what the cost.

At the same time, the ten god-level talisman papers were torn at the same time, and ten earth-shattering murderous intentions enveloped Zhao Yang's whole body, followed by ten figures with mysterious luster all over their bodies, either holding a sword, a spear, or a spear Gong, at the same time charged towards Zhao Yang.

This scene was seen by many monks in the Five Elements Continent.


When Xuanzong's Li saw this scene, his heart sank, "The Jin clan used the means of the gods."

"Who is the Jin clan dealing with?" Concubine Jin asked hastily.

"I'm afraid it's the one from Yanhuangzong."

"Do you think that one can resist?" Concubine Jin then asked.

"I don't know." Li said a little confused, "I have known for a long time that there are gods in the Five Elements group, but I didn't expect them to have so many gods."

"Don't you also have the talisman of God Realm?"

"Do you think I can beat them?" Li said worriedly, "No, I have to go and see."


"Dangerous? Let me tell you this, if Yanhuangzong collapses, we will not be far from falling." Li knew very well why the Five Elements group did not attack in an all-out way, because they were afraid of Yanhuangzong.

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