All the monks on the deck woke up.

You must know that since the destruction of heaven and earth, there is no concept of up, down, left, and right.

In other words, no matter where you go, it is nothingness.

But what's going on now?

Zhao Yang came out of the room where he was resting. At this time, his aura was unusually domineering, which made the monks present change their expressions.


The unparalleled divine sense forcibly opened up towards the front, and soon Zhao Yang saw a magnificent world.

There was surprise in his eyes.

"Go and have a look." Zhao Yang ordered an avatar to go.

The avatar jumped into the space opened up by Zhao Yang's divine sense.

And the monks present also saw a corner of light just now.

"Sect Master Zhao, what's ahead?"

"Yes, Sect Master Zhao, what is in front of you?"

"Sect Master Zhao, isn't there a new world ahead?"

Facing the eyes of everyone, Zhao Yang nodded slightly, "At present, there is a new world ahead, but the specifics will only be known after the avatar investigates."

There was a look of surprise on the faces of everyone who heard the words.

A new world.

Who is not excited?

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhao Yang's incarnation returned, and he passed the news he got in that world to Zhao Yang.

A look of shock appeared on Zhao Yang's face, and then he turned back to the central control room.

The top officials of Yanhuangzong all gathered together.

"Ahead is a new world comparable to the sky outside the sky." Zhao Yang said softly.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Who would have thought that the battleship would find another continent after wandering all the way.

"How about this new world?"

"This new world is ruled by five ethnic groups." Zhao Yang replied, "Jin clan, Wood clan, Shui clan, Fire clan, and Tu clan."

"Five elements group, how strong is it?"

"Any branch of the Five Elements group has taken a critical step, and the Five Elements group has gradually become a god over the years."

"Didn't you leave after becoming a god?"

"Let's go? Before you leave, do you think people won't leave a treasure behind?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Everyone was stunned.


After the god-level powerhouse leaves, who will not stay behind?

"What should I do?"

"Even if the god-level power stays behind, he is not my opponent." Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "That big world is our hole card, we can leave it at will, but we also want to occupy this world. "

People also think this is the truth.

"Notify the soldiers of the Yanhuang Sect and the soldiers of the Qin Clan that we are going to fight." Zhao Yang looked at Tie Han.

Tiehan left immediately.

Then Zhao Yang came to the deck.

"The world in front of us is the big world of the five elements. There are five ethnic groups of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Each of these ethnic groups has taken a critical step. In addition, these ethnic groups have always been able to ascend through tribulation over the years." Zhao Yang said succinctly. Said.

Hearing this, everyone's faces were surprised at first, and then each of them became dignified.

They are all the best of each ethnic group, so why don't they know what Zhao Yang's words mean?

"I think you are also going to set foot in that big world. In this way, I will give you a year to prepare your army. After one year, we will officially set foot on the Five Elements Continent." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The powerhouses present took action one after another, and they notified the monks in the small world to prepare their army for war.

A year passed quickly.

Zhao Yang came to the deck this day, "Are you all ready?"

Everyone said they were ready.

So Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to crash into the front field.

When the domain is torn apart layer by layer, what is displayed in front of everyone is a majestic world full of spiritual power.

There was a sense of incomparable enjoyment on their faces.

"Okay, everyone, let's part here." Zhao Yang looked at hundreds of powerhouses and said, "You can join forces, act alone, or hide, that's up to you. But I want to warn you One point, the Five Elements group is very strong."

After expressing their gratitude to Zhao Yang, these strong men left one by one.

"Why don't you leave?" Looking at Xu Jiaojiao on the deck, Zhao Yang asked in puzzlement.

"Our Taiyin Pavilion wants to follow you." Xu Jiaojiao said softly.

"Not interested in."

"Zhao Yang, you ruined my innocence back then, have you turned your back on me now?" Xu Jiaojiao said angrily.

"It has always been your wishful thinking between us, what does it have to do with me?" Zhao Yang said with a dark face.

"But with your words, which man would dare to marry me?" Xu Jiaojiao stared at Zhao Yang and said, "Even if you come to the Five Elements Continent, who do you think would dare to marry me at the risk of offending Yan Huangzong?"

Xu Jiaojiao was right.

Even if Zhao Yang is promoted in the future, if anyone dares to marry Xu Jiaojiao, will the Yanhuangzong disciples let him go?

"That's your business." Zhao Yang said with a sullen face, "You can go."

Xu Jiaojiao gave Zhao Yang a bit of resentment, and then left with the owner of the Taiyin Pavilion.

"Are you being too cruel to her?" Lin Caihan quietly came to Zhao Yang's side and said softly.

"Xu Jiaojiao is scheming, and this is her fate." Zhao Yang said here and ordered the battleship to move in one direction.

This year, Zhao Yang's incarnation has not been idle, he has almost inquired about the information of the Five Elements Continent.

Zhao Yang knows which piece of land is the most fertile.

Forbidden land in the beginning!

That's right.

This forbidden land is the richest area in the Five Elements Continent, but no one dared to go here these years?


In this forbidden land lives a creature from the beginning of the world.

Its strength is extremely strong, even if it is a creature that has become a god, it is not its opponent.

Over time, this area became a restricted area.

When the battleship appeared near the restricted area in the early days, an old farmer raised his head and looked at the battleship in astonishment.

"What ethnic group are you?"

"Old man, we are from another continent."

Hearing this, the old farmer was startled, but he still said, "Don't go to the front, it's a restricted area."

"Our trip is for the restricted area."


"The land we live on has been destroyed, so we need to find other habitats, and the good habitats are all occupied by the five elements, and we want a good habitat. I searched and found that this habitat Nice place."

Hearing this, the old farmer's eyes revealed a look of astonishment.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to say these words, "There are many empty lands in the Five Elements Continent, there is no need for you to provoke that existence."

"I have absolute confidence." Zhao Yang said and waved at the old farmer.

Then the battleship broke through the air and entered that area.


The moment the battleship set foot in that area, a roar resounded throughout the world, and then a giant beast of hundreds of meters full of the aura of the five elements rushed towards the battleship.

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