"Yanhuangzong is not so stingy, and can still accommodate you." Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "By the way, you haven't got all the materials together these years?"

"The materials are gathered together, but I feel that your identity and mine are too different, so I am embarrassed to find you." The Blood Emperor shook his head.

With a thought, Zhao Yang detained a warship from the small world.

"This battleship is a second-level battleship. I used it many years ago." Zhao Yang said softly, "There are attack formations, concealment formations and defensive formations that I personally created on the battleship." Zhao Yang paused Then he said, "Even if it's the fifth level of several gods, don't even think about breaking it easily."

"Did you give me this battleship?" Blood Emperor asked in shock.

"For your kindness to me back then, I will give it to you." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Thank you then." The Blood Emperor said softly.

"Put away the battleship and follow me back to Yanhuangzong."

"Return to Yan Huangzong?" The Blood Emperor was startled.

"Yanhuangzong can still protect you." Zhao Yang said softly.

Looking at Zhao Yang's eyes, the Blood Emperor knew that Zhao Yang was joking?

But after pondering for a while, he still shook his head and said, "Forget it, I have committed so many murders these years, but I am not suitable to go to Yanhuangzong."

Speaking of which, the Blood Emperor bowed deeply to Zhao Yang, "Thank you."

After Zhao Yang was silent for a while, he handed the Blood Emperor a universe bag, "Just wander around for 30 years. When the world is destroyed, remember to come to Yanhuangzong."

The blood emperor did not agree.

When it came to the battleship, the battleship's system immediately recognized the blood emperor.

The system introduced the performance of the battleship to the Blood Emperor in detail, and after listening to it, the Blood Emperor's eyes showed shock.

You must know that the blood emperor is only the king of the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm at this time, but at this time he owns a battleship of the second heaven of the peak of the emperor's realm.

"Master, do you want the battleship to turn on stealth mode?"

"Open it." Speaking of which, the blood emperor asked again, "Will it be discovered by the fifth level after it is opened?"

"No, even those who have taken the last step don't even think about discovering this battleship." The battleship said confidently.

"Then get out of here." The blood emperor said softly.

The battleship left the world without a sound.

It was at this moment that the Blood Emperor opened the universe bag that Zhao Yang gave him.

He was shocked to find that there were many things in the Qiankun bag.

The first thing is 100 million drops of Imperial Liquid, when did the Blood Emperor see so many?

Seeing what the blood emperor thought of, he asked, "Does the battleship need to consume energy when it is running?"


"How much did you spend?"

"Don't worry, the energy source of this battleship comes from the boundary stones of the heavens. One boundary stone is equivalent to 100 million drops of imperial liquid, and there are twenty boundary stones on this battleship."

The Blood Emperor was terrified.

The second thing is an emperor seal.

"This emperor seal is the emperor seal of the third level at the peak of the emperor realm. In addition, this emperor seal has the source of the great way, which means that as long as you refine it and give you enough time, you can break through to the emperor's level. The third level of peak realm." The system explained to the blood emperor.

The Blood Emperor was moved.

Didn't it expect Zhao Yang to give it such a precious thing?

The third item is two scrolls.

"These two scrolls are both offensive and defensive scrolls. The previous master said that when you run out of the first scroll, it's time to go to Yanhuangzong."

The blood emperor sighed lightly.

How could it be worthy of Zhao Yang's concern.

The fourth thing is a locator.

"The previous owner said that as long as you crush this locator, he will be able to find your location immediately, because he is worried that you will not come to him when the world is destroyed."

The Blood Emperor silently put away these things, and then bowed deeply in the direction of Yanhuangzong.

The blood emperor then wandered between heaven and earth, and he also rescued some weak monks, even monks at the king level.

It knows very well that it is only in the king realm now, and if it saves a monk whose cultivation base is stronger than itself, it is very likely that it will suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

Of course, the blood emperor also refined the emperor seal given by Zhao Yang, and it felt that its cultivation base was rising every day.

The breach of the Sky Alliance made the six innate spirit groups very worried.

Needless to say Yanhuangzong, Xuanzong also needless to say.

Xuanzong's fighting power also surpassed the peak of the emperor's realm. Whenever the sect was in danger, it would always make a move to turn the tide.

As for the Qin clan.

The Qin clan is currently as stable as Mount Tai.

Why do you say that?

Because the formation of the Qin Clan was built by Zhao Yang, and one of Tie Han's incarnations also stayed in the Qin Clan, and Tie Han's avatar has been helping to repair it, so the Qin Clan is still safe for now.

This day Tiehan came to the Qin clan with a prefecture-level army.

This million-level legion came in abruptly.

This made the soldiers of the Qin clan dumbfounded.

"The combat effectiveness of Yanhuangzong's soldiers has improved again."

"In the previous legion, there were also people from the second level of the quasi-emperor realm, but now the weakest ones are all the second level of the quasi-emperor realm."

"Just now I roughly estimated that 3000 million star beasts were killed."


Qin Zu and other senior officials received Tie Han.

At this time, no one dared to underestimate Tie Han, because Tie Han had almost reached the end of the fifth heaven, and his current fighting power was stronger than that of Qin Zu today.

"Master said that the world will be destroyed in less than 20 years, and he asked me to transport 300 billion monks every year from now on." Tie Han said to Qin Zu.

The Yan Huangzong had transported hundreds of billions of monks before and stopped.

The Qin clan is also embarrassed to let the Yanhuangzong accept it again, because the Yanhuangzong has already accepted almost half of the human race.

It's just that who would have thought that it has only been a few years since Yanhuangzong started to accept him again.

"Does Yanhuangzong have such a large territory?" Qin Zu asked softly.

"The Yanhuang Sect has a habitat, and that habitat can accommodate hundreds of billions of monks." Tie Han said softly, "Under the limit state, 5000 billion is still no problem, so the Qin clan can withdraw at any time."

"Will the world not collapse after the world is destroyed?" Qin Ri asked hurriedly.

"The theoretical rules of heaven and earth in that piece of heaven and earth are more perfect than those outside the sky." Tie Han replied.

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed excitement.

There is a retreat for the human race.

Qin Lu and the others quickly selected 300 billion monks. After these monks left with Tie Han, the remaining monks became restless.

Everyone can see that the Qin clan is in dire straits, and it will be a matter of time before the star beasts break through.

But the Qin people are still desperately persevering.

"Old Ancestor, why don't we cooperate with Yanhuangzong?" Qin Lie expressed his opinion.

"Didn't you notice that Yanhuangzong is also insisting?"

"What do you mean?"

"Yan Huang Zong obviously has a habitat, why is he still desperately insisting?" Qin Zu sighed softly, "Because once we retreat, it means that we have failed, and we will be huddled in the darkness in the future."

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