Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1340 Goddess' Gift

No one wants to escape until the last step?

In this way, five years later, the ancestral court of the dark clan was breached, most of the elite of the dark clan died in battle, and the rest fled.

This made the remaining five innate creatures feel inexplicable fear, and after some discussion, they decided to merge into one place.

I thought it would be easy when they were in one place.

It turns out, sadly, that they overthink it.

Because there are more star beasts attacking them.

"How to do?"

"Ask Xuanzong for help?"

"At this time, only Xuanzong can save us?"

The five innate creatures quickly sent envoys to Xuanzong, but Xuanzong expressed no interest.

"Husband, why did you refuse?" Concubine Jin asked puzzled after the envoy left.

"Do you think the current star beast has reached its peak?" Li glanced at Jin Fei and said, "The star beast at its peak will reach that step."

Concubine Jin was startled.

"After that step, even if my potential reaches the second level of the Gate God Realm, I still don't have much confidence that I will be able to stop those star beasts."

Hearing this, Concubine Jin suddenly thought of something, "What do you mean?"

"At that time, Xuanzong's disciples don't know how many will fall? Do you think I still have time to worry about these innate creatures?"

Hearing this, Concubine Jin's heart sank.

Yan Huangzong!

After being rejected by Xuanzong, the innate creatures went to Yanhuangzong.

As a result, Yanhuangzong also refused.

"Can you leave some blood for us?" the ancestor of the phoenix clan said bitterly.

"What will your descendants think of us?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Your descendants will think that we are only willing to die, so we will not do such thankless things."

After they left, Zhao Yang sat on the chair feeling lost.

"Husband, do you think that if Du Jie becomes a god, will the lifespan of this world be extended?"

"Maybe it will collapse in an instant." What Lin Caihan didn't expect was that Zhao Yang said these words, "This world has decayed to such an extent, even if there is a strong man born in the divine realm, it is impossible for him to do it again. It lives on."

"That means its destruction is doomed." Lin Caihan said in shock.

"Little guy, come out." At this moment, a voice rang in Zhao Yang's ear.

Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

is her?

"I'll come as soon as I go." Zhao Yang said and left here.

She followed the guidance and came to a void space, and standing opposite him was a girl who was all over the country.

This girl is none other than the girl who was buried in the bronze coffin of the Guangming clan back then.

"Sister, you look even more beautiful." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"You kid, beg to be beaten." The girl giggled.

She didn't feel offended by Zhao Yang's address.

In fact, if it wasn't for Zhao Yang's help, God knows how long it would take for the girl to recover?

"Sister, are you going to heaven?"

"Yeah, it's almost recovered now, and it's time for me to go to heaven for revenge." The girl's eyes showed a cold light when she said this.

After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "I came to see you before I left."

"Sister, is there anything good for me before you leave?"

"I want to take you straight to heaven."

"Forget it, I want to step through the tribulation step by step, and then leave."

The girl stared at Zhao Yang, "It's fine, your potential is good, there is no problem in crossing the tribulation, so, what do you want?"

"Give me some divine stones."

The girl handed Zhao Yang a universe bag, "Here are three thousand divine stones for you."

"A little less."

"After arriving in God's Domain, do you know how many people there are?" The girl thought of something here, "By the way, I killed some door gods back then. Are you interested in their god seals?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang's eyes lit up.

With a wave of the girl, dozens of divine seals appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

"Sister, what level are these god seals?"

"The one with a brand on it, one brand represents the first level of door god realm, and the two brand marks represent the second level of door god realm."

Zhao Yang took a look and found that these god seals included six from the third level of the door god realm, eight from the second level of the door god realm, and 42 from the first level of the door god realm.

Seeing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up.

"Is there one with a higher realm?"

"You need to fight for higher realms by yourself." The girl smiled slightly, "You can take shortcuts, but blindly taking shortcuts is not a good thing."

"Then is there anyone at the fifth level of the Emperor Realm peak?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"I don't have that level, but you can refine it." The girl replied.

"How to refine?"

"Those who are in the first level of the door god realm can become cultivators who have stepped into the fifth level of the peak emperor realm. You can divide the energy contained in that god seal into ten parts."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up.

Why didn't I think of it before?

"By the way, after reaching the sky, you can go to the Juque Sect to find me."

"What's your name?"

"Ye Qinglian." The girl smiled at Zhao Yang, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of the girl leaving, Zhao Yang felt a sense of loss.

"It's time for me to go to heaven." Zhao Yang murmured.

After a while Zhao Yang returned to Lin Caihan's room.

"What happened just now?"

"Where is the girl from God that I told you before saying goodbye to me?"

"Is she going to heaven?"

"Yeah, I left a resource before I left." Zhao Yang took out the dozens of God Realm Tokens as he spoke.

Lin Caihan's eyes lit up looking at the token in front of him, "So many god seals?"

After Zhao Yang introduced it to Lin Caihan, Lin Caihan replied, "You don't need the God Seal if you say so."

"I don't need it."

"I don't need it either?"

"You don't need it either?" Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan in surprise and said, "Aren't you Er Chongtian?"

"No, I'm already in the third heaven." Lin Caihan shook her head and said.

"If you say that, who is the third heaven?" Zhao Yang said softly.

"Three princesses, Yiren, Mingyue, and Qingqing." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

"And two more?"

"Keep it."

As for Zhao Wudi, Lin Caihan didn't mention it.

This guy's talent is terrifying, where does he need such things?

"Who is the second heaven for?"

"Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Blue Crucian Carp, Leng Qingqiu, Ruoxi, Ao Qing."

"And two more?"

"Keep it."

"What about the first level?"

"Biluo, Pojun, Tanlang, Jianchen, Xiaomi, Xiaoluo, Xiaoxia, Xiaojin, Tiehan, Ruoqing, Taichang." Originally, Zhao Yang didn't want to add Taichang's name, but he thought it would make Taichang Chang Hanxin simply added Taichang's name.

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