Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1338 Zhao Qingqing

The crowd was startled.

The little guy could talk right after he was born, and he even gave himself a name.

"Since he wants to be called Wudi, let's call him Zhao Wudi." Zhao Yang thought about it and decided to respect his wishes.

At this moment, Zhu Ya ran in from the outside.

"Young master, the third princess is about to be born."

Everyone was stunned.

Why is the third princess going to be born?

"Husband, you go to the third princess's side, I'm fine here." Lin Caihan said very knowingly.

Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner stayed behind, and the rest followed Zhao Yang to the third princess.

The three princesses gave birth to a daughter.

There are no natural visions, and it looks normal.

But Zhao Yang couldn't put it down.

"Husband, she is not the reincarnation of a god." The third princess said with some regret.

"As long as it's our child, what difference does it make if it's the reincarnation of a god?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "The child looks a lot like you, with both eyebrows and eyes."

The third princess looked at the lovely girl and said softly, "Husband, please give her a name?"

"Let's call it Zhao Qingqing." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said.

The third princess touched Bang girl's nose, "From now on, your name will be Zhao Qingqing."

In order to celebrate the birth of Zhao Wudi and Zhao Qingqing, the Zongmen held a grand banquet.

Qin Zu came here in person, and the six great innate beings, Xuanzong and Tianmeng also sent high-level sects to come one after another.

It can be said to have given Zhao Yang enough face.

Before leaving, Zhao Yang promised them that Tiehan's incarnation would come in the future to help them build the fifth level formation.

All the groups were excited.

No one wants to have such unexpected gains.

Zhao Yang also did what he said.

On the second day, Tiehan's three incarnations went to the three major groups of innate creatures to help them build formations.

At this time, Tie Han has also stepped into the fifth level. Of course, the formation he built cannot be compared with Zhao Yang's, but it can't be broken if anyone says it can be broken.

The two little guys gradually grew up under the love of thousands of people.

What surprised Zhao Yang was that Zhao Wudi didn't need any resources from the sect, and even he didn't like the resources provided by Zhao Yang, he always felt that they were too rubbish.

Zhao Qingqing has a quiet personality and listens to the adults very much.

Therefore, Zhao Yang devoted more energy to Zhao Qingqing.

"You child, the kung fu that your father taught you is the kung fu at the peak of the imperial realm." Lin Caihan scolded when she heard Zhao Wudi arrange Zhao Yang again that day.

"What is the cultivation method at the peak level of the Emperor Realm?" Zhao Wudi snorted coldly, "Mother, I told you that the cultivation method I practiced is one of the best even among the gods."

"Blow it again?" Lin Caihan slapped him while speaking.

"Mother, I was a god king in my last life, you know?"

"God King?"

"It's inconvenient for me to reveal too much about God's affairs to you, otherwise it will affect you." Zhao Wudi paused at this point, "Don't let my father waste all his efforts in the future, I don't like what he gave me .”

Not long after Zhao Wudi left, Zhao Yang came to Lin Caihan's courtyard.

"Where's the traitor?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Go to practice." Lin Caihan said helplessly.

"Has he learned the exercises I gave him?"

"No." Lin Caihan shook her head and said, "I think all the memories of his previous life have been awakened, or he was reincarnated with memories, and he despises many things in the lower world."

"Forget it, he will follow his own path in the future." Zhao Yang didn't want to say anything more.

"Just now he told me that he was a god king in his last life?"

"God King?" Zhao Yang couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you know what the god king means?

"What else did he say?"

"When I wanted to get to the bottom of it, he said he told me too much and it would affect me, and then he left." Lin Caihan replied.

"God King?" Zhao Yang murmured.

But then Zhao Yang put the matter behind him.

"The world will be destroyed in less than 30 years." Lin Caihan said leisurely.

"Now the territory of that world has expanded to 30 billion square kilometers." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "It can easily carry 500 billion monks, and at its peak state it can carry 5000 billion monks. This side of the world is still growing.”

"How far can it grow in the next 30 years?" Lin Caihan asked.

"About 30 million square kilometers can be added every ten years, that is to say, 300 million square kilometers can be added in the next 1000 years." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "That is to say, it can carry [-] billion more in the future, and [-] billion in the limit. point."

"The original monks of Yanhuangzong did not add up to one billion. Over the years, they have successively taken in more than 600 billion, which means that they can carry another 1000 billion in the future." Lin Caihan said after some calculations.

"I'm afraid 1000 billion won't be enough." Zhao Yang shook his head and said.

"Are you planning to take over all the monks of the Qin clan?"

"Is it okay to give up on them?" Zhao Yang said helplessly.

"But is Yanhuangzong still Yanhuangzong after this?" Lin Caihan said after pondering for a while.

Zhao Yang fell silent.

Zhao Yang once asked Lin Caihan this question, and now Lin Caihan asked Zhao Yang this question.

"If it really doesn't work, give the Qin Clan a False God Fruit." Zhao Yang said softly.

"False God Fruit?"


"That's all there is to it then."

The Qin family's direct lineage and affiliated forces add up to hundreds of billions.

Let them abide by Yanhuangzong's rules, it's okay for a short time, but there will definitely be problems for a long time.

This is conceivable.

In this way, another ten years passed, and the fifth level appeared in the star beast herd.

It didn't take long for the Tianmeng to ask Yanhuangzong for help when it appeared at this level.

They hope that Yanhuangzong can help.

After some research, the senior officials of Yanhuangzong finally decided to refuse.

The total number of monks from various races in the Tianmeng has reached trillions, and the Yanhuangzong simply doesn't have that much energy to save them.

Three months later, the mountain guard formation that Tie Han built for the Tianmeng collapsed, and then densely packed star beasts drove straight in.

The two sides fought a fierce battle.

In the end, after one-third of the trillions of monks were lost, the remaining monks scattered and fled.

But in this era of star beasts everywhere, fleeing is doomed to be futile.

Zhao Yang stood in the depths of the sky and watched this scene quietly, when suddenly he saw a familiar figure.

The figure managed to break out of the encirclement, but was intercepted again not long after walking.

A look of despair appeared on its face, and just as it was waiting to die, a pair of big hands fell towards its surroundings.

With a bang, all the star beasts around were smashed into pieces.

The figure looked up in the direction of the shot.

"Sect Master Zhao."

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Yang detained the figure to his side.

"Why don't you come to Yanhuangzong?"

"I'm not a human race." The blood emperor sighed softly.

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