Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1331 Level 8 Techniques


After returning to Xuanzong, Concubine Jin looked at the angry Li, and asked with a puzzled expression, "It's fine, why are you angry?"

"Who told you to talk nonsense?" Li Hei said with a straight face.

"Is what I said wrong?" Concubine Jin said a little aggrieved.

"At first I thought Zhao Yang was taken away, but now I realize that this guy might be from God, you know?" Li said angrily.

"From heaven?" Concubine Jin was surprised.

"Zhao Yang's current strength is already unstoppable. Let's put it this way, even I can't stop him from rising, you know?" Li suppressed his anger and said, "But Zhao Yang owes my ancestors a favor, and he needs to repay this favor." , but today you just gave him this chance."

Concubine Jin was stunned for a moment.

"Do you know how precious his favor is? Let's put it this way, if something happens to Xuanzong in the future, I will ask Zhao Yang to help, and he will never refuse. But you are lucky, let Zhao Yang take the favor with a light sentence Pay it back."

Concubine Jin's face turned pale.

Xuanzong's high-level officials finally understood why Li had a dark face?

Today's Zhao Yang is too strong.

How precious is his favor?

It's a pity that it was easily wasted by Concubine Jin.


After Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, he first repaired the damaged mountain protection array.

After 20 years of repeated bombing, the Great Array of Protecting Mountains has actually been broken by more than two-thirds.

And the restored mountain protection array is at least twice as strong as before.

"It will take at least 100 years for the eight major ethnic groups to bombard and kill the current mountain guard formation." Zhao Yang said confidently to Lin Caihan.

"Are you going to retreat next?"

"No retreat." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "It's only natural for me to break through in my cultivation now. To be honest, it's no big deal if it's sooner or later."

After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "I'm going to upgrade the Big Dipper Sky Formation, the Big Dipper Qingming Formation, and the Beidou Chushang Formation later."


"Now my comprehension of formations has improved to a higher level, and the speed of comprehension of the three large formations can be quadrupled."

"What about the resources consumed?"

"The resources consumed have increased by [-] times."

"Blessed are the disciples of Yanhuangzong."

It has been a year since Zhao Yang upgraded all Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formations, and then Zhao Yang did not stay idle, but taught Yanhuangzong's disciples to practice.

Occasionally, he also took time out to help the Zongmen refine the warships to build formations.

While Yanhuangzong was developing rapidly, Xuanzong was also intensively improving his cultivation.

Everyone knows that the biggest enemy of Tianwaitian is not the innate creatures, but the star beasts whose strength is constantly improving.

Up to now, the star beasts have appeared at the king level.

And after the king appears, is the emperor still far away?

At this time, the power of Tianwaitian has decreased by more than [-]%. After all, not every sect has a king. In other words, even if there are kings in the sect, can they stop the wolf-like army of star beasts?

"According to our information, Yanhuangzong established three formations for the Qin people. The three formations have the same function as the original energy. The problem is that the scale of the formation is much larger than ours." A young man came to Li Said by his side.

"What's more important is that as long as there are enough star beasts, the formation can continue to operate." The second boy said.

They are all strong people who are away from the key training.

"Where is Yan Huangzong?"

"Yanhuangzong can't penetrate it at all."

After being silent for a while, he waved his hands and said, "You all step back."

After they left, Concubine Jin said softly, "Husband, what are you thinking?"

"I'm worried that the Qin family will be ahead of our Xuanzong." Li Qing sighed.

Concubine Jin was silent.

Judging from all the signs, the Qin clan might really come ahead of Xuanzong.

I don't know how long it has passed since I got up and came to an ancestral hall.

Li offered incense to Xuan respectfully.

It said a lot to Xuan, and also expressed the troubles of these years.

But just as Xuan left, the spirit card suddenly burst into a radiance, and then an illusory figure walked out of the radiance.

Seeing that figure, Li was stunned.


Xuan stared at Li and said in a deep voice, "Now I have become the door god of some tribes, but it is still too difficult for me to manifest in the lower realm. After this manifestation, if I want to manifest again, I have to wait several thousand Years later."

Li's expression changed involuntarily.

Thousands of years later?

"I brought you three treasures for this manifestation." Xuan said, and a Qiankun bag appeared in front of Li, "In the Qiankun bag, there are a thousand boundary stones that I saved for food and money."

"Boundary stone."

"One boundary stone is equivalent to 100 million drops of imperial liquid, you can imagine the value of these boundary stones."

Li's breathing suddenly became rapid.

There is no doubt that this is an unimaginable resource.

"The second treasure is the basic skills I got in God's Domain."

"Basic exercises."

"When you reach God, the first thing you need to do is to have a basic kung fu, but the basic kung fu is said to be from the first to the ninth grade." Li Hui said, "The ninth grade is the worst, and the first grade is the best."

"The exercises I gave you are eighth-class exercises."

"Eighth class exercises."

"Don't think that the eighth-class kung fu is bad, many monks don't even have the ninth-class kung fu." Li Dandan said, "After you learn this kung fu, your combat power will usher in a surge."

"The third treasure is the god-level imprint. I have three god-level imprints here. One is from the second level of the gate god realm, and the other two are from the first level of the gate god realm."

"Old Ancestor, isn't there a higher level?"

"Do you think God is easy to mess with?" Xuan said hurriedly, "I don't have time, I have to go." After finishing speaking, Xuan left.

Looking at the things in front of him, he was sure that everything just now was not a dream.

Li immediately refined the imprint of the second level of the door god realm, and then he began to practice the exercises that Xuan gave him.

Mingyuan's magical skills!

When I saw the name, I became excited.

Do I still need to be afraid of Zhao Yang after learning the magical skills?

"Zhao Yang, after I succeed in cultivation, I will definitely suppress you."

Leaving a heart.

He did not give the other two god-level marks to Jin Fei or Iron Slave.

His idea is to wait until his cultivation reaches the fourth stage, at that time, it is almost possible to practice the famous ladies' magic skills.

At that time, his combat power will be able to push the entire Tianwaitian horizontally.

Only then would he consider giving the god-level mark to Concubine Jin.

In the following time, all the top forces are frantically improving their strength.

Fast forward ten years.

At this time, a king-level star beast has appeared in Tianwaitian.

After the existence of this level appeared, some medium-sized forces were either incorporated or killed.

There is no other choice.

As for hiding?

Where to hide?

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