Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1332 Challenge Post

There are star beasts everywhere between heaven and earth, okay?

All the stars in Tianwaitian have been lost up to now, except for Huetus, the other king-level planets have also fallen.

As for the emperor-level life planet, it is also in danger.

"Many forces of Huiwangxing asked Yanhuangzong for help." Lin Caihan told Zhao Yang the news.

"Yanhuangzong doesn't have the energy to help these ethnic groups." Zhao Yang said lightly, "By the way, where is Qin Palace?"

"The direct lineage of Qin Gong moved to the Qin family many years ago, and there are many other human races who left with Qin Gong."

"Are there still humans on Huetus now?"

"Yes, according to my statistics, there are still more than 100 billion human races." Lin Caihan sighed softly, "Many of these guys are opportunistic, because they directly occupied Qin Palace after Qin Palace left. Qin Palace has gathered billions of human races for the stronghold."

"Can they stop the star beast's attack?"

"The Qin Palace has the mountain guard array you built back then, so the star beasts can't break through in a short time, and the army of Yanhuangzong is also strangling the star beasts, so for now they are still safe."

"Is there any human race who came to ask for help?"


"Some human races want to submit to the Yanhuang Sect, some want to seek our protection, and some want us to send them to the Qin Clan."

"Those who want to go to the human race, send warships to send them there." Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying, "Those who want to submit to the Yanhuangzong must pass the examination of the Yanhuangzong, have committed criminal acts, or have conceived Those who have a different heart, don't."

"In this case, Yanhuangzong must take in at least one billion monks." Lin Caihan said softly.

"That big world has now expanded to 15 billion square kilometers, and its territory has doubled compared to before. Therefore, it is no big deal to add one billion monks." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Furthermore, the Yanhuang Sect is developing rapidly. We've reached a bottleneck, do we need an heir in the future?"

"Okay, then I'll take care of it." Lin Caihan nodded.

"Then what about those who came to seek protection from the Yanhuang Sect?" Mingyue asked.

"Didn't Yanhuangzong have a lot of craftsmen? Let them temporarily build a city near the ancestral court, and anyone who wants to seek refuge can go there." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Then Yanhuangzong sent formation masters to build the formation at the peak of the emperor's realm." At the same time, a law enforcement team will be sent to patrol the city, strictly prohibiting anyone who breaks the law."

After Mingyue made arrangements, Lin Caihan introduced the current development of Yanhuangzong.

"Currently, only the three princesses of Yanhuangzong have reached the fifth level, and the high-level ones who have reached the fourth level include you, me, Mingyue, Yiren, Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, blue crucian carp, Leng Qingqiu, Ruoxi, Ao Qing, Zhu Ya, Ruoqing, Tiehan, Jianchen, Xiaomi, Xiaoluo, Xiaoxia, Xiaojin, Biluo, Pojun, Tanlang, Taichang 23."

"What about the third level?"

"Long Tianxing, Xu Donglai, Lin Hanmei, Gao Bowen, Zhang Huangliang, Xu Duomu, Nalanran, Tian Gaoliang, Zhong Shenxiu, Jiang Xiuyu and other 86 people."

"What about the second level?"

"Xu Xiaowu, Zhang Bohan, Zhang Tianhua, Chu Gaoyuan and three other 260."

"What about the first level?"

"Li Yongheng, Mourinho, Yin Gaopan, Xie Zhizhi and other 840 six."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang was startled and said, "So your legion hasn't been built yet."

"In another ten to twenty years, the Legion will be able to complete its construction." Lin Caihan said softly.

"What about the magic weapon of the warship?"

"The warship magic weapon is being built intensively." Lin Caihan replied, "Didn't you notice that your avatar is working all the time?"

Zhao Yang's incarnation needs to arrange a high-level formation for the warship.

Of course, the normal-level formations can be completed by the incarnations of Tie Han and others.

"It's been less than 100 years since the world was destroyed." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

He could feel that the way of heaven had reached the point of dying.

"Then what is the meaning of the existence of the star beast?" Lin Caihan asked, "The way of heaven is destroyed, the world collapses, and the creatures here will naturally fall."

"Continue life." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "Star Beast is one of the means used by Star Beast to eradicate powerful creatures between heaven and earth."

"When these powerful creatures fall, will the origin be returned to the heaven and earth?"


"But through the star beast, you can improve your cultivation, which is another ray of life given by the way of heaven."


Lin Caihan didn't want to say anything.

She felt that the way of heaven was too contradictory.

"In fact, people are not contradictory." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan's lower abdomen when he said this, "How long will it take for the child to be born?"

"I don't think it can be deduced from the normal situation, and it may take a long time." Lin Caihan said carefully.

"When he comes out, I have to teach him a good lesson. It's been many years, and I can't make out with his mother."

"What are you talking about?" Lin Caihan blushed slightly.

At this moment, the Tangyi people ran over from a distance.

"Husband, a disciple of Xuanzong sent a challenge post."

"Challenge stickers?" Zhao Yang was stunned, "Who are you challenging?"


Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan looked at each other, and they both saw incredible in each other's eyes.

Zhao Yang really wanted to say, is there still someone who wants to challenge him to the death?

He took the invitation and looked at it.

"It seems that this guy has an adventure." Zhao Yang murmured.

"Li wants to challenge you?" Lin Caihan said speechlessly, "What is he thinking?"

"I exposed my strength when I returned ten years ago, but Li still dared to challenge me, which means that Li felt that he was stronger than me at that time." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something when he said this, "Could it be that he got the inheritance from God?"


"Probably yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Then what do we do now?" Tang Yiren asked.

"Don't care about him." What Tang Yiren didn't expect was that Zhao Yang said these words, "How can I have time to talk to him?"

When Li sent an envoy to send a challenge post to Zhao Yang, Xuanzong made a big publicity about it in Tianwaitian.

This incident immediately detonated the entire universe.

"What do you think?"

"Yeah, does Li think that he can be compared with Zhao Yang now?"

"Ten years ago, Zhao Yang was hailed as the number one expert in the world. Even a group like innate creatures would not dare to compete with him. How could Li He De dare to challenge Zhao Yang?"

"Yes, I think Li is too arrogant."

"Li is trying to regain the glory of the past."

"There will be a time for it to cry."

The major forces in Tianwaitian are generally not optimistic about Li, so when Li heard the news, he was very angry.

"I will let you know who is the number one master of Tianwaitian in a month's time?"

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