"Then can we practice this technique?" Mingyue asked curiously.

"Yes, after practicing, the energy in your body can be transformed into divine power." Zhao Yang looked at Mingyue and said, "But since you haven't really stepped into the divine realm, you can transform into the current energy at any time."

"Why should I transform back?"

"The meaning of the pagoda is that we'd better not use our divine power, otherwise we may be punished by God in the future."

"After transforming into divine power, how much does the combat power increase?"

"More than a dozen times."

Hearing this, the three women gasped.

More than ten times.

Isn't that invincible?

"Senior Pagoda gave me a batch of resources before leaving." Zhao Yang said that thousands of emperor seals appeared in front of everyone.

"So many emperor seals?" Mingyue exclaimed.

"What is the level of these imperial seals?" The people of Tangyi were more concerned about this.

"They are all at the peak of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang explained, "there are 110 dao seals on the first level, 34 dao seals on the second level, and [-] dao seals on the third level. [-], the fourth level has [-] seals, and the fifth level has ten seals."

"The pagoda gave so many seals?" Lin Caihan was shocked.

"These Dao seals are not ordinary Dao seals. Dao seals contain the original power of the Dao. That is to say, as long as you refine the Dao seals, you can naturally reach the realm where the Dao seals are located."

Hearing this, Lin Caihan and the others all changed their colors.

If this is the case, I don't know how many resources can be saved.

"Is there a Dao Seal of the Divine Realm?" Mingyue asked suddenly.


Lin Caihan and the other girls looked at each other, but they were too excited to speak.

"There are ten god-level seals, five of which are from the second heaven, and five are from the first heaven." Zhao Yang said softly, "The second heaven will be given to Caihan, Mingyue, Yiren, The three princesses took it, and as for the last one, seal it up and leave it for future disciples of the Yanhuang Sect."

"Where are the five pieces from the first heaven?" Lin Caihan asked.

"Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Blue Crucian Carp, Leng Qingqiu, Ruoxi." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"It seems that we need to revise the standards of the four major armies of Tiandi Xuanhuang." Lin Caihan said after a while.

"I also think it's time to modify it." Tang Yiren agreed.

"Heaven-level army commanders can be limited to the fourth level, land-level army commanders can be limited to the third level, mysterious-level army leaders can be limited to the second level, and yellow-level army leaders can only be limited to the second level. Long cultivation can be limited to the first level." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"One-third of these emperor seals should be sealed." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Seal one-third?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously, "If these words are sealed, it may not be enough."

"Before I left, I also asked Senior Pagoda for all the materials from the first layer of the emperor's realm to the fifth level of the peak of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang said here and waited for the three women to come to his small world.

When they saw the resources divided into categories, they were shocked and speechless.

"These resources seem to be at the peak of the Emperor Realm?" Lin Caihan asked, pointing to a pile of materials.

"That's right, these materials are the materials of the fifth level of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Immortal graphite, eight thousand copies." Tang Yiren pointed to a material and exclaimed.

The people of Tang Yi knew very well how precious fairy graphite was. For example, Yan Huangzong had only collected two pieces over the years.

But she saw a full eight thousand copies here.

"I want [-] copies of various materials from the first level to the fifth level of the Emperor's Realm, and [-] copies of various materials from the fifth level to the eighth level of the Emperor's Realm. I have ordered [-] copies of various materials at the level."

"I don't think the whole Tianwaitian can gather so many top-level materials." Lin Caihan said after a while.

"With these materials, we can manufacture all kinds of top warships and magic weapons." Tang Yiren said excitedly.

"Seal one-third of these materials, and you can make the rest." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Yanhuangzong has fought against various clans in recent years, but after reaching the peak of Emperor Realm, there are not many materials of this level, and Yanhuangzong doesn't have much in hand.

The reason why Lin Caihan built warships is because warships consume less materials.

"Husband, is there anything else?" Mingyue looked at Zhao Yang and asked.

With a wave of Zhao Yang's hand, a 3000 yuan divine stone exuding eye-catching colors appeared in front of the three women.

Feeling the pure and vast power contained in these stones, the three women were shocked.

"Husband, isn't this a sacred stone?" Tang Yiren asked in amazement as he stroked a sacred stone.

"That's right, this is God's practice energy stone. According to the pagoda, there are two transition stones under the god stone."

"How much Diye is equivalent to the Divine Stone?"

"Theoretically, it is equivalent to 100 million drops, but after my later research, I found out that what the pagoda said was actually two boundary stones."

"Two Boundary Stones?"

Zhao Yang's mind moved, and 1000 two boundary stones appeared in front of Lin Caihan and the three of them.

The energy contained in the two world stones is not as pure as the god stone.

"What is the exchange ratio between the two world stones and the god stone?"

"One thousand times." Zhao Yang replied, "So you can imagine that the god stone is not owned by the gods at the bottom of the sky." After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "Remember not to reveal the god stone casually after you go to heaven in the future. news."

The three girls nodded.

"Then it means that one Two Realm Stone is equivalent to 100 million drops of Emperor Liquid, and one Divine Stone is equivalent to one billion drops of Emperor Liquid?" Tang Yiren thought about it, and was shocked by this number.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"The total amount of imperial liquid in our Yanhuang Sect seems to be only [-] million." Mingyue said softly.

"Then is it understandable that Yanhuangzong will not lack energy at all?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"That's understandable."

"I finally know why you didn't blackmail those six ethnic groups?" Tang Yiren suddenly responded.

do you need?

It can be said that the resources of the entire Tianwaitian combined are far inferior to Yanhuangzong.

Under such circumstances, does Yanhuangzong need to blackmail their resources?

"I think the rise of our Yan Huangzong is just around the corner." Lin Caihan said leisurely while looking into the distance.

"You are wrong, the Yanhuang Sect has risen, and now it is surpassing oneself." Zhao Yang said here and detained three strands of spiritual thoughts and tapped them between their eyebrows, "This is the original true solution, you can practice now, what's the matter?" Ask me if you don’t understand.”

Tang Yiren looked at it for a while and suddenly cried out, "What is this, I can't understand anything."

"It's normal. I didn't understand it at first. How about I stay there for 20 years?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "It's easy to understand. Refining the emperor seal early, maybe after refining it I can understand a little bit."

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