Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1329 Too lazy to blackmail

When Qin Zu heard this, he frantically absorbed it.

Gradually, he found that the power of his soul was soaring, and at the same time, his relationship with Tiandao became more and more close.

Qin Zu knew that this was because of his growing aptitude.

After a while, Zhao Yang stopped.

Qin Zu felt that his strength had skyrocketed at this time, "Son, I really don't know how to thank you?"

"We are all human beings, so we should help each other. Did you ever think about giving back when you contributed to the human race?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Looks like I'm showing off." Qin Zu was startled, then said in a deep voice.

"The Teng Snake Clan will be handed over to Qin Zu." Zhao Yang waved his hand, and millions of elite soldiers came and captured 3000 million soldiers of the Guangming Clan.

It's not that the soldiers of the Guangming clan don't want to resist.

The problem is how to resist in front of Yanhuangzong's powerful strength?

Qin Zu ordered Qin Ri to send tens of millions of soldiers to take away all the soldiers of the Teng Snake clan.

"What about the soldiers of the Teng Snake clan?" Qin Ri asked at this time.

"At that time, I will help you build a few formations, and then fill them all in." Zhao Yang said lightly at this time.

"What formation?" Qin Ri's eyes lit up.

He knew exactly how strong Zhao Yang's array was?

"The Great Formation of the Big Dipper, the Great Formation of the Big Dipper, the Great Formation of the Big Dipper, and the First Formation of the Big Dipper." Zhao Yang explained, "The former is aimed at the emperor, the latter is aimed at the quasi-emperor, and the last is aimed at those below the quasi-emperor." After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "When the formation is in operation, the corresponding soldiers' cultivation speed can be tripled."

Cultivation speed tripled?

All the senior officials of the Qin clan were shocked when they heard this.

"How many soldiers can be accommodated at one time?" Qin He asked excitedly.

"It depends on the scale of the establishment." Zhao Yang glanced at Qin He, "Ten thousand emperors, one hundred thousand quasi emperors, one million quasi emperors, what is the scale?"

"If you want to run this kind of heaven-defying formation, you need astronomical resources, right?" Qin Zu asked calmly.

"Let's put it this way, it will take millions of drops of Imperial Liquid to run for a year." Zhao Yang's words shocked everyone in the Qin clan.

"Can the soldiers of the Guangming clan act as a source of energy?" Qin Lie asked at this time.

"There are so many soldiers from the Guangming clan, how can the formation run for decades?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "If the Guangming clan didn't have enough soldiers, wouldn't you send an army to capture the star beasts?"

"I remember that the army of Yanhuangzong started to capture star beasts decades ago. Could it be for the operation of the formation?" What did Qin Ri suddenly think of?

"That's right, otherwise, even if the Yanhuang Zong is rich and powerful, he wouldn't be able to use millions of drops of Emperor Liquid every year, right?" With the increase in the cultivation of star beasts, Yanhuangzong has achieved a slight surplus."

Hearing this, the eyes of Qin Ri, Qin He and others were all green.

They had no interest in catching star beasts before, but now they can't wait to go back and start catching star beasts.

"Go and deal with the Soaring Snake Clan first, and then set aside a piece of land for me. Then I will send my three incarnations to help you build three large formations."

"Can you help us build a large formation to protect the mountain?" Qin Lie hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Qin Lie." Qin Zu glared at Qin Lie.

He felt that Qin Lie's request was a little too much.

"Yes, but the resources need to be provided by you." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Ah." Qin Zu didn't expect Zhao Yang to really agree.

"It's natural, it's natural, it's natural." Qin Ri said hastily, "The whole Qin clan will cooperate unconditionally."

Qin Ri was envious of Huang Zong's mountain guard formation.

With such an indestructible mountain protection formation, who is afraid of coming?

It is true that the Qin people don't have to worry about the innate creatures targeting the Qin people now, but who can guarantee the future?

Besides, Zhao Yang will ascend sooner or later.

After the Qin clan left with the 3000 million captives of the Tengshe clan, the remaining six clans looked at Zhao Yang pleadingly.

"I originally wanted to kill you, but since Li has begged for mercy, I don't bother to kill you anymore." Zhao Yang waved his hand and said, "Get lost."

The remaining six ethnic groups stood up one after another as if they had received an amnesty, and were about to flee.

But Tang Yiren yelled, "Wait."

Everyone looked at Tang Yiren.

"Husband, why are they so cheap?" Tang Yiren looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously and said.

"I will explain to you then." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Then you go." Tang Yiren waved his hand.

Those guys were almost scared to pee.

After they left, the top of Yanhuangzong finally returned to calm.

Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong.

Zhao Yang took back the remaining four avatars, and then summoned the new six avatars.

The fighting power of the new six incarnations is much stronger than before.

"Your three incarnations set off with tens of millions of troops. Your mission is to wipe out the Guangming Clan, so that there will be no traces of the Guangming Clan in the entire Tianwaitian."

Following Zhao Yang's order, the three incarnations led thousands of troops towards the ancestral home of the Guangming clan.

"Husband, you seem to want to give the resources of the Qin clan on purpose." Lin Caihan came to Zhao Yang and asked softly.

Because the ancestral court of the Guangming family is definitely not as good as the ancestral court of the Teng Snake family.

"That's right, I just gave away the resources of the Qin clan on purpose." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Why were the three formations given to the Qin Clan?"

"First, the Yanhuang Sect has grown to a certain stage. To put it bluntly, we are not afraid of anyone now; second, it is unrealistic for the Qin Clan to keep operating the three formations; third, increase the number of Qin Clan formations." The foundation is also the foundation of increasing the human race."

"It seems that you have gained a lot of benefits from the pagoda this time." Lin Caihan suddenly realized.

"Come to my study and talk." Zhao Yang held Lin Caihan's hand and said.

In the study, Lin Caihan, Mingyue, and Tang Yiren all walked in.

As for the rest, it's all outside.

Xu Huier and others had no unexpected opinions on this.

Because the core secrets of the sect are mastered by these four people.

"Actually, it took me a few months to complete the challenge of the seventh level, but in order to build the foundation of the gods, I have been practicing in the pagoda these years." Zhao Yang looked at the girls and said softly.

"You can build the foundation of heaven now?" Tang Yiren looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously and said, "Aren't you just the third level?"

"The pagoda passed on to me the original true interpretation. This exercise is known as one of the nine basic exercises of God. According to what he said, this exercise is very rare. I have practiced there for 20 years before I can make a difference. It's done." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

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