Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1326 Primal Fist

"We have spent three months here, but we have not been able to shake Yanhuangzong's mountain protection array?" After realizing this, the faces of the eight top powerhouses became ugly.

"We have to force Zhao Yang to leave the customs as soon as possible." The ancestor of the Bone Race said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, if we continue to procrastinate, the situation will be very unfavorable to us." The ancestor of the Dark Race nodded.

"Yanhuangzong avoided and did not fight, what can we do?" the ancestor of the Tengsnake clan said helplessly.

"Simple, the human race does not only have the lineage of the Yanhuang sect." The ancestor of the phoenix clan said with flickering eyes, "I don't believe that the Yanhuang sect can remain indifferent if we push the Qin clan's lineage."

And just as the four strong men were heading in the direction of the Qin Clan, a figure manifested in the deep space.

His big hand patted towards the ancestral court of the Guangming clan.

"Do you dare?" The ancestor of the Guangming clan was furious.

He hastily blocked the blow of Zhao Yang's avatar.

"You can deal with the Qin family, but I can also overthrow your ancestral court." The avatar of Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"How many of us do you think you can stop?" The ancestor of the Yinglong clan snorted coldly.

"But how many of us do you think you can stop?" Just then another figure appeared from another direction.

Who else is it not the incarnation of Zhao Yang?

"Aren't you in the Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation?" The ancestor of the phoenix clan said in surprise.

"Do you think there is no teleportation formation in our mountain protection formation?" At this time, another figure manifested between the sky and the earth.

Seeing the three figures appearing in three directions, the four top powerhouses including the Guangming Clan fell silent.

The strength of Zhao Yang's three avatars is there, they can't kill them in a short time.

Furthermore, they felt the traces of the formation around the avatar, in other words, the opponent could leave through the teleportation formation at any time.

"If we are desperate, you can't stop us." The ancestor of the Yinglong clan said in a deep voice.

"I admit that we can't stop it, but don't even think about going to your ancestral court?" At this time, another incarnation of Zhao Yang appeared.

The aura of the four incarnations rushed to Xiaohan, making the eight top powerhouses angry.

Unless they don't want their ancestral family, then maybe they can force Yanhuangzong to show up.

The problem is that they have worked so hard for so many years, how could they just give up?

"What are you going to do?" said the gray-robed old man of the curse lineage, suppressing his anger.

"Simple, you just retreat, and we can pretend that nothing happened." An avatar said lightly.

"Impossible." The old man in gray robe who cursed the line said coldly, "Once Zhao Yang leaves the customs, he will definitely take revenge."

"That's right, Zhao Yang will take revenge. I don't believe he won't take revenge." The ancestor of the Guangming clan nodded his head.

"In this way, you can attack our mountain guard formation. During your attack, we will not touch your ancestral court, and you will not touch the Qin clan. If you break through, we will fight."

The eight agreed after some discussion.

Then they went back and mobilized more troops to come.

Each clan has mobilized 2000 million soldiers, that is to say, there are 4000 million soldiers attacking Yanhuangzong at this time.

Qin family.

Qin Zu had already made up his mind to die when he saw the four top powerhouses rushing towards the Qin clan.

He didn't expect Yanhuangzong to save the Qin clan in this way.

"Originally I wanted to protect Yanhuangzong, but in the end Yanhuangzong took shelter." Qin Zu showed a bitter look on his face.

I don't know how much blood this old man shed for the human race all these years?

But in the end, he was sheltered by a future descendant.

This was unbearable for the arrogant Qin Zu.

"I want to retreat and break through the last step." Qin Zu's eyes became firm immediately.

"Father." Qin Ri was startled.

He knew that it was impossible for the ancestor to take the last step.

"Father, don't be reckless. Now Zhao Yang is retreating. After he breaks through, all the crises will be resolved." Qin He also said hastily.

Now Qin Zu is the pillar of the Qin clan.

If he is gone, what will the Qin family do?

And just as the eight major ethnic groups were continuously attacking Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation, the pagoda sent a reminder to Zhao Yang.

"The formation I set up will last ten or eight years for them, so don't even think about breaking it. Besides, my avatar is not a vegetarian, and they will repair the formation in secret." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Theoretically Give them three to fifty years, and don't try to break it."

"It seems that you are not worried about their safety at all."

"I have confidence in my formation."

"How long are you going to stay here?"

"The original true explanation is obscure and difficult to understand. After missing the predecessor, it is not easy to find a teacher." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Besides, I also want to get a middle-grade god stone."

"You." Baota laughed.

Ever since Zhao Yang knew that Baota was paying attention to the affairs of the outside world, he was even more relieved to deduce the original truth.

The original true solution is known as one of the nine basic exercises, so one can imagine how obscure this exercise is.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang's talent is nothing in the sky.

It will take a lot of time for him to learn the original true solution.

Fortunately, Baota knew everything about him.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Then Zhao Yang stayed here for another ten years, Zhao Yang finally comprehended a stage of the original truth.

"Senior, I think I can challenge the fifth level of the Door God Realm."

"You want to use divine power in the lower realm?"

"In the pagoda, there is a realm of its own, not a lower realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Pagoda was stunned.

It didn't expect Zhao Yang to see through it.

"Then I wish you good luck." Baota said a fierce beast appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

The tyrannical aura of this ferocious beast made Zhao Yang's scalp tingle.

Zhao Yang knew that even if he used the plus magic, he would definitely not be this opponent.

Therefore, he instantly used the original true solution.

The next moment, the immortal power in his body turned into colorful divine power, and a terrifying aura flowed out of his body.

"Primitive Fist." Zhao Yang swung his fist and blasted towards the beast.

The figure of the ferocious beast that jumped into the air was smashed back to the ground abruptly.

Blood flowed out from its seven orifices.

It struggled to stand up, but eventually fell down.

Zhao Yang was frightened.

He didn't expect the original true solution to be so overbearing, nor did he expect divine power to be so terrifying?

"At this time, after your fairy power is converted into divine power, your combat power has directly increased by ten times. In addition, you practice the original true solution, and your combat power has increased several times again. This is why this fierce beast was punched by you. The reason for the bombardment." Baota said with a smile.

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