Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1327 Qin Zu Ended

"If I use the original true solution, wouldn't I be invincible in the lower realm?" Zhao Yang said in surprise.

"If you don't use the original true solution, you will be invincible in the lower realm, okay?" Pagoda said speechlessly.

"That...Senior, the middle-grade divine stone." Zhao Yang rubbed his hands and asked shyly.

"Since I promised you, can I go back on my promise?" Baota said and threw a universe bag to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's divine sense swept away and found that only 100 yuan was the mid-grade divine stone, "Senior, why did you only give 100 yuan?"

"What do you want so many middle-grade divine stones for? 100 yuan, enough."

"Senior, you don't have much, do you?" Zhao Yang said suspiciously.

"You think too much, will I? I just don't think you can bring too many sacred stones. If you are seen through by a master, be careful that your life will be lost." How could Baota admit that he was poor?

Absolutely won't admit it.

"In this case, senior, can you give me something more?"

"I said you kid, don't go too far." Baota stared at Zhao Yang and said.

"Senior, let me figure it out, now the fifth level of Emperor Yan Huangzong is enough, and there are still a few places left for the fourth level."

"Is that so, how close is it?"


"No problem." As Pagoda said, twenty fourth-level emperor seals appeared in front of Zhao Yang, "These emperor seals have the original power of the Dao."

"I'm still a hundred short of the third level."

"I thought it was a big deal, here you are." Baota said and gave Zhao Yang a hundred third-level emperor seals, "By the way, how much do you need for the second level, the first level? "

"Five hundred, one thousand five."

Zhao Yang originally wanted to say three hundred, one thousand, but seeing that the pagoda was so straightforward, Zhao Yang simply increased the number.

As a result, the pagoda gave Zhao Yang [-] emperor seals of the second level and [-] emperor seals of the first level without the slightest hesitation.

"By the way, I still need formation materials, tool materials, and alchemy materials of all levels at the peak of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang thought about it and said hurriedly.

"Well, you give me a list so that I can help you condense it."


"Let's put it this way, I can condense things from the lower realm at will, you know?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yang became excited.

He took a brush and began to write.

Zhao Yang needs at least [-] copies of all kinds of formation materials, utensil materials, and alchemy materials.

And the Pagoda people also give it as they say.

"What you need?"

"No need." Zhao Yang said excitedly, "From now on, you will be my uncle."

"My mission is complete, and it's time to return to God." Baota said with emotion.

"Senior, where can I find you in the future?"

"What are you looking for from me?"

"Of course as a backer."

"Haha." Baota laughed loudly, "If you come to Qinglanzong in the future, maybe you and I will meet each other someday."

As soon as the voice fell, the pagoda soared into the sky.

Looking at the emptiness around, Zhao Yang felt a sense of loss.

Pagoda just left?

Zhao Yang knew very well that he would be able to get to where he is today, and Yan Huangzong would be able to get to where he is today, without the help of the pagoda, it would be absolutely impossible.

"I should go back too."

Zhao Yang tore apart the space and left here.

And when Zhao Yang was heading towards Yanhuangzong, he suddenly felt a monstrous devilish energy appearing in the Qin clan.

"Demon energy?" Zhao Yang's eyes showed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

How could the Qin clan have demon energy?

At this time, the Qin clan has become a mess.

Qin Ri and the others never imagined that Qin Zu would go mad?

At this time, Qin Zu's body was filled with a thick demonic energy, which made Qin Ri and the others feel their scalps tingling.

They dare not approach.

"Father, how are you?" Qin Ri tried to call out.

Soon Qin Zu's eyes revealed a touch of clarity.

"I've gone mad, and I want to kill it before it falls." After a pause, Qin Zu continued, "The elite of the Qin clan are ready to evacuate." After Qin Zu finished speaking, he tore apart the space and appeared in Yanhuang Zong's top.

Above Yanhuangzong.

4000 million monks are chattering and attacking Yanhuangzong's mountain guard formation.

The appearance of Qin Zu startled the monks present.

"What a strong devilish energy?"

"Who is this?"

"Why does it look like Qin Zu?"

Just when these monks were astonished, Qin Zu shot at the ancestor of the Guangming clan.

The ancestor of the Guangming clan was in a daze at this time.

It doesn't know why Qin Zu went mad, and it doesn't know why Qin Zu chose it?

"Qin Zu has lost his temper."

"His strength seems to be stronger."

"He took a decisive step, but he also went mad."

"Everyone teamed up to kill him."

After realizing this, the eight powerhouses crazily shot at Qin Zu.

They can all enter Qin Zu's current domain for a short time, so how could Qin Zu be their opponent?

So it didn't take long for Qin Zu to be severely injured.

And when Qin Zu saw the worried expression on Yanhuangzong's side, he hurriedly said, "There is no need to worry about my life or death. It is very rare for me to be able to fight these eight before I fall."

"What should I do?" Tang Yiren looked at Lin Caihan and asked.

Lin Caihan was silent for a while but still shook her head and said, "Respect the wishes of Senior Qin Zu."


"Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation can't last for a few years." Lin Caihan sighed softly, "At this time, we can't damage the avatar anymore, otherwise Yanhuangzong will be very dangerous."

"Furthermore, Qin Zu went mad, and no one has the ability to save him." Lin Caihan said again.

The crowd was silent.

Qin Zu has now taken a crucial step.

Who can stop him at this time?


The eight top powerhouses attacked Qin Zu again.

Qin Zu opened his mouth and spit out a galaxy, he must be angry, strong and domineering.

But when manpower was limited, Qin Zu finally wept blood.

Looking at Qin Zu's curved spine, the human race's eyes filled with tears.

This is the sage of the human race.

Is he going to die today?

The ancestor of the Guangming clan walked towards Qin Zu with a grim expression on his face.

At this time, Qin Zu had lost his combat effectiveness, and he was not worried about Qin Zu's counterattack at all.

The Qin family saw this scene through the sky mirror.

Qin Lie's eyes were about to burst, he was stopped by Qin Ri just as he was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Qin Ri scolded.

"I...I..." Qin Lie really wanted to say to help Patriarch, but when he thought about his own cultivation, he didn't know what to say.

"Keep a useful body, or you will be ashamed of your ancestors." Qin Ri said with red eyes, "Now take your lineage to the hidden residence of the Qin clan."

At this time, Qin Lie's eyes regained more clarity.

He looked at the ancestor of the Guangming clan walking towards him, with a sneer on his face.

"If it's one-on-one, you are not my opponent."

"Why are you still talking nonsense at this time? No matter how strong you are, you will still fail in the end." The ancestor of the Guangming clan shouted at this point, "Today I will break the backbone of the human race."

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