"Don't say that your Yanhuang Sect is just a new sect, even if it is a long-standing sect, do you dare to stab us?" A figure hundreds of feet in size appeared above the ancestral courtyard of the Chaos Clan.

Seeing this scene, Lin Caihan had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Yiren, Mingyue, let the Yanhuangzong monks who are fighting outside come back immediately, and at the same time all the monks in the Yanhuangzong territory return to the ancestral court immediately."

Tang Yiren, Mingyue and others also realized this.

The returned innate creatures showed up one after another this time, and they definitely made an appointment to deal with the Yanhuangzong.

"Remember, you don't want anything, you can either take a warship or pass through the teleportation array, and you must return to the sect as soon as possible." Lin Caihan said anxiously.

Because at this time, the ancestor of the Yinglong clan also appeared.

Who is Ying Long?

The ancestors of the Dragon Clan.

This ethnic group is so powerful that the heavens are afraid of it.

"Also, don't be idle for the senior officials of the sect. Immediately patrol the territory of the Yanhuang Sect, and bring them back as soon as they come across soldiers who are alone on patrol."

"Four warships, you also dispatch to bring back the soldiers of Yanhuangzong."

Following Lin Caihan's orders one after another, the entire top management of the Yanhuang Sect took action.

It has to be said that Yanhuangzong has an extremely mature mechanism, because various institutions have been operating in a very short period of time.

Boat after boat of monks was transported to Yanhuangzong, and of course many came back through the teleportation array.

Yanhuangzong is racing against time.

The legion fighting in the starry sky was directly opened up by the three incarnations and sent to the top of the ancestral court of Yanhuangzong.

"Our family was once extremely brilliant. If Xuan Hengkong hadn't been born, we would have unified the world long ago." A huge flame bird appeared above the ancestral courtyard of the phoenix.

An avatar of Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said, "Don't talk so grandly, I just want to know why you want to target Yanhuangzong?"

"We have been investigating various clans since our return, and found that you are the biggest threat. Even Xuan's heir is far inferior to you." At this moment, an old man in a gray robe appeared quietly In the sky, his body was filled with a very uncomfortable smell.

"Curse Yimai?" Zhao Yang's incarnation looked at the old man in surprise and said, "You curse Yimai also innate beings?"

"Yeah, isn't it very surprising?" The old man said sullenly, "Then I might as well tell you one more thing, back then we cursed the lineage under the guise of stepping into the realm of the gods, but in fact it was to tear apart the shackles under Xuanbu back then. seal."

All the strong men hiding in the dark were shocked.

They were still wondering why the lineage of innate life came out of the Jedi?

"But the way of heaven is indeed damaged?" Zhao Yang's avatar asked.

"Do you know where the Jedi is? The habitat of the Dao of Heaven." The old man said lightly, "Is this why the Dao of Heaven was damaged?"

"Thank you for clarifying the confusion." Zhao Yang's avatar changed his voice when he said this, "But do you think you can deal with me?"

"Then what about me?" A figure full of skeletons appeared in midair, every bone in its body shone with luster.

"Bone Race." Zhao Yang's avatar murmured.

"The ancestors of our innate beings have all reached the peak of the fifth level, but because we are a family of innate beings, we can use the power of heaven to make our cultivation reach the point of breakthrough for a short time." The old man said leisurely, "Do you still think you have a chance of winning?"

"Do you have to divide life and death?" Zhao Yang's incarnation said in a deep voice, "You killed us, will you be able to fight against the menacing star beast in the future?"

"Everything is relative. If our innate beings kill you, our good fortune will be strengthened, and then there will be more strong people." The old man who cursed said lightly, "As for the future, we can't control too much." many."

"That's right, no matter the flood after death." The ancestor of the Bone Race shouted loudly, "Kill."

Its voice fell to the ancestor of the dark clan, the ancestor of the soaring snake clan, the ancestor of the kuiniu clan, the ancestor of the Yinglong clan, the ancestor of the phoenix clan, the ancestor of the curse clan, the ancestor of the bone clan, seven peerless powerhouses Zhao Yang's two statues came over.

Qin Zu, who was above the Qin clan, was about to make a move when he was stopped by a voice.

"Qin Zu, don't do anything."


"Even if the six incarnations of my master come out together, they will not be their opponents. Now we can only rely on the big formation to protect the mountain and follow them slowly." Tie Han hurriedly said after the meeting in a deep voice.

"Can the mountain guard array stop them?"

"The Great Array of Protecting the Mountain was built by my master himself, and there are still three incarnations of the Yanhuang Sect. It will be no problem to persist for ten or eight years." Tie Han replied, "The worry now is that they will target the Qin Clan."

"There's no need to worry about the safety of the Qin clan. At worst, they just die in battle." Qin Zu said without thinking.

"There is an incarnation of my master in the outside world. This avatar is to deter all races. Don't act rashly." Tie Han explained again and hurried back to Yanhuangzong.

As a result, there was no suspense. The two incarnations of Zhao Yang fell under the siege of seven beings of the same level.

Then the eight peerless powerhouses went to Yanhuangzong at the same time.

At this time, Yanhuangzong had already completed the transfer.

All the disciples of Yanhuangzong outside returned to the ancestral court.

They shot directly without extra words, but what surprised them was that the formation remained motionless.

"The formation is so strong."

"How far has Zhao Yang's formation method reached?"

"Why hasn't Zhao Yang's real body appeared yet?"

"Is he in retreat?"

"His deity should have taken a crucial step. Isn't retreating at this time an impact on the divine realm?"


"Back then, Xuan sealed us within a short period of time after he succeeded in breaking into the divine realm."

"Zhao Yang must not be allowed to succeed."

After realizing this, the eight powerhouses shot wildly.

It's just that they shot one after another for a day, and after most of the energy in their bodies was consumed, the formation seemed to be a little damaged.

They do not believe in evil.

I continued to attack like this for half a month, but I didn't see much effect.

"Mobilize the elite king in the clan."

"That's right, with uninterrupted bombardment, I don't believe it can't be broken."

Soon the masters of the eight major ethnic groups arrived here one after another.

Each clan mobilized an elite army of 1000 million, and a total of 8000 million troops fought day and night.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

What shocked the eight major ethnic groups and the masters of each ethnic group was that Yanhuangzong's mountain protection array was still impregnable.

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