Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1324 Was hit hard

While the strong men in the dark were discussing, the eyes of the ancestor of the Guangming clan revealed a ferocious killing intent.

"Kill me? Xuandu didn't do it back then, do you think you can do it?"

"You'll know if you try it."

When the voice of the avatar fell, he stepped across the galaxy and appeared in front of the ancestor of light.


The pure yang fist exploded the void, making the world tremble.

The ancestor of light was not afraid, and a holy and bright breath flowed from its body. It held a holy sword of light and rushed towards the incarnation.

The two figures collide continuously in the void like two tyrannosaurs.

Every collision has left huge cracks, even if the law of heaven is repaired, I don't know how long it will take?

Qin Zu above the Qin Clan was watching this scene.

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes, "Zhao Yang's six incarnations have reached such a level?"

Qin Ri and Qin He looked at each other, and they both saw fear in each other's eyes.

Fortunately, they didn't offend the Lord back then, otherwise who would be able to stop Zhao Yang now?

The six incarnations are all together, which force can stop it?

Not to mention the more powerful deity.


At this moment, a fifth-level powerhouse of the Qin clan was killed.

The other one saw this scene and ran away without even thinking about it. Unfortunately, he hadn't acted yet, and a ray of light poured out from the mountain protection formation, blocking the fifth-level one.

"Since you have set foot on the territory of Yanhuangzong, don't even think about leaving alive." Zhao Yang's avatar said indifferently.

Tang Yiren looked at the Guangming Clan who had lost their fighting spirit, and waved his hand, "The whole army, attack."

Three million Xuan-level soldiers and seven million Huang-level soldiers rushed towards the Guangming Clan in an orderly manner according to the division of battle formations.

When charging to a certain distance, these soldiers took out the forbidden weapons one after another.

What is a forbidden device?

It is a one-time magic weapon.

Hundreds of thousands of forbidden weapons turned into a rain of swords and were thrown towards the Guangming Clan.

Those forbidden weapons exploded on the spot after falling into their battle formation.

For a while, the Guangming family didn't know how many people were killed or injured.

The problem is that this is only the first wave.

second wave.

The third wave.

After three waves, the Guangming clan lost more than ten million soldiers.

At this moment, the remaining ones no longer had the slightest fighting spirit, and ran away desperately towards the distance.

But how could the soldiers of Yanhuangzong let them escape?

Three million Xuan-level soldiers took the lead, and they quickly cut off their retreat, and then cooperated with Huang-level soldiers to strangle them.

"I surrender."

"Don't kill me, I surrender."

"Would you please save me as a dog?"

Many soldiers of the Guangming clan were so scared that they knelt down one after another.

"Surrender without killing." Tang Yiren's voice rang out in the audience.

So more soldiers of the Guangming clan chose to surrender.

And surrender is contagious.

Soon the remaining more than 600 million soldiers all surrendered.

"The quasi-emperor or the emperor will open the small world, and we will send a law enforcement team to collect the resources." Tang Yiren said indifferently, "All the resources on the person below the quasi-district will be handed over. If we find out that there is a private possession, they will be killed without mercy." .”

Then a large number of members of the law enforcement team began to collect resources.

However, during the confiscation process, some hidden guys were found, and these guys were also killed on the spot.

Seeing this scene, everyone once again felt the strength of Yanhuangzong's army.

Qin family.

Qin Zu looked at Qin Lie beside him in some astonishment and said, "I remember that those soldiers who were sent by the Yanhuang Sect to communicate with us that day didn't seem to be these soldiers."

"The strength of that army is weaker than that of the 700 million gold army." Qin Lie said with a wry smile.

"So Yanhuangzong didn't send elites here at all." Qin Zu understood.

"seems like it."

"See? This is the foundation of Yanhuangzong. If we don't work hard, we will be completely surpassed by Yanhuangzong." Qin Zu looked around the audience and said solemnly.

At this moment, an extremely angry voice came from the depths of the sky.

"You are just the younger generation, how can you be so powerful?"

The ancestor of the Guangming clan was angry.

He used many methods, but he found that Zhao Yang couldn't be helped.

He finds it incredible.

"You are old, the era that belongs to you has passed." Zhao Yang's incarnation said that the spirit tempering technique exploded, and the majestic spirit turned into a feathered arrow.


The feather arrow pierced through the air and pierced the forehead of the ancestor of light.

The ancestor of light roared.

Its eyebrows were split open, and it was bleeding continuously at this time.

It didn't expect that Zhao Yang's incarnation would have the means to fight to such an extent?


A majestic energy was drawn from the Holy Land of Light into his body from the words of the ancestor of the light. At the same time, the aura of his body was rising steadily, and there was a faint tendency to break through the current bottleneck.

"Not good." Qin Zu changed his face.

The eyes of Zhao Yang's avatar were extremely bright, "I want to see how far you can go?"

At this time, his mana has also increased to the extreme.

Magic started.

plus one!

Plus two!

plus three!

When this point was reached, the avatar raised his fist and killed the ancestor of light.

This is an earth-shattering collision, the brilliance makes people unable to open their eyes.

It took them a long time to see the situation clearly.

The avatar was bloodied all over and knelt on the ground on one knee.

The ancestor of the light opposite him was out of breath, but the ancestor of the light had bright eyes, "You are still defeated by me after all."

"If you lose, you lose, but so what?" At this time, a figure stepped from the direction of Yanhuangzong and appeared in front of the ancestor of Guangming.

The face of the ancestor of light sank.

This power was borrowed by him, in other words it was not his own.

It cannot be used indefinitely.

Taking a step back, so what if you beat this one?Didn't you see another one in Yanhuangzong's ancestral court?

"How are you doing?" the ancestor of the Guangming clan said after a long silence.

"Either we pushed you Guangming Clan, or you pay compensation." Zhao Yang's avatar said indifferently.


What harsh words?

The Guangming family are innate creatures.

How did it get to this point?

"Are you all going to watch the Yanhuang sect act fiercely?" the ancestor of the Guangming clan looked around and said loudly.

"Yanhuangzong, you have passed." At this moment, a figure with a strong aura appeared above the ancestral courtyard of the Dark Clan.

This is the ancestor of the dark race.

"Yan Huangzong, the innate spirit cannot be humiliated." A huge Soaring Snake appeared in the ancestral court of the Soaring Snake Clan. At this time, it looked at Zhao Yang's incarnation with murderous intent in its eyes.

"The Xuanhe was so powerful back then, did he just seal us away?" A figure filled with flames appeared above the ancestral court of the Kui Niu clan.

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