Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1321 I Want to Marry You

After a pause, Tiehan continued, "If you lose, you will be included in the reserve service and enjoy the resources of the reserve service."

"What if we win?" the first general asked hastily.

"If you win, I will fight for the resources and treatment of the Yellow Legion for you."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"Commander, don't worry, we will definitely defeat Xianting."

"If we lose, we will be sorry for Yanhuangzong's cultivation over the years."

"Commander, we will definitely beat Xianting to the ground."

The next day was the martial arts field of the Qin clan.

The legion led by the first god general was far away from the elite legion drawn by Xianting.

Xianting's elite army looked a little confused by the familiar appearance.

"Is this the soldier that the first god will take away?"

"Why are their auras so powerful?"

"Is their cultivation much stronger than ours?"

"How do you fight this?"

"The opponent completely crushed us."

At this time, there was still Huang Qingchan who was confused.

Huang Qingchan is the commander-in-chief of this army.

She looked at the white-haired man opposite with complicated eyes and said, "How have you been doing all these years?"

"Don't worry about the third princess, I'm doing well." The first general said neither humble nor overbearing.

At this moment, he looked at Huang Qingchan's eyes and there was no so-called tenderness anymore.

"Are you going to kill each other today?" Huang Qingchan sighed softly.

"We are just rehearsing, the third princess should not go online." The first general said indifferently.

Huang Qingchan was about to say something when he was interrupted by the first general, "In the first round of the drill, the big army collided. Three princesses, are you ready?"

Huang Qingchan calmed down and said solemnly, "Listen to my orders."

After the two sides gave orders, the two legions collided together.

But there was no violent collision, but a one-sided massacre.

The elite selected by Xianting was easily defeated, and then the entire legion was divided and surrounded.

The elite of Xianting were slaughtered in less than half an hour.

Huang Wuji of Xianting looked at this scene, not to mention feeling very depressed.

"I remember that the soldiers who were taken away by the first god general were not very good."

"Yeah, it's really not that good. Who would have thought that it would be so strong in just a few decades." Huang Qingming said with a wry smile.

"It seems that Yanhuangzong has invested a lot in these years." The second god general said with emotion.

"I heard that this legion was evenly matched with the Heavenly Guard Army trained by the Qin Clan." Huang Qingming suddenly thought of something.

After being silent for a while, Huang Wuji said, "Do you think it is possible for us to take back this legion?"

"No." The second god general said hastily, "If it is put away, how can Yan Huangzong let it go?"

"But if this legion returns voluntarily, I don't think Yan Huangzong will stop it." Huang Wuji said with a flicker of eyes.

Huang Wuji really wanted this legion. With this legion, Xianting could gain a firm foothold in the Qin clan.

The Second God General stared at Huang Wuji dumbfounded.

He suddenly found that Huang Wuji's shamelessness exceeded his upper limit.

Can you say something like this?

The difference between the two legions is too great, and no matter what kind of competition it is, Xianting will lose completely.

After the battle was over, Huang Wuji went to find Huang Qingchan.

"How do you feel?"

"The number one god general is gone, and even the old relationship before is ignored."

"Immortal Court wants this legion." Huang Wuji said softly.

"How could Yanhuangzong give it?" Huang Qingchan asked in astonishment.

"This requires you to go out."


"Isn't the number one God General never forgetting you?"

"You made me sacrifice hue."

"The first general is now the emperor of the eighth heaven, don't you think he is not worthy of you?"

Huang Qingchan was silent for a while before saying, "I'll try it."

Immediately, Huang Qingchan went to the camp of Yanhuangzong's residence, but Huang Qingchan didn't even enter the gate.

"Do you know who I am?" Huang Qingchan looked angrily at a deputy army commander in front of him and said.

At the beginning, this legion commander was only the existence of the third heaven of the emperor's realm, but now he dared to stop him?

In Huang Qingchan's view, this is treason.

"Of course I know, the third princess of Xianting." The general said lightly, "But your identity is not worth mentioning in my opinion."

"You..." Huang Qingchan was furious.

She shot angrily.

In the end, he was blocked by the general, "You just set foot on the seventh heaven, right? It can be seen that you set foot on it forcibly, your foundation is not stable, and you can't even practice the original exercises."

"You..." Huang Qingchan didn't expect this guy to be so strong?

"You are too weak." The general scolded unceremoniously.

Huang Qingchan's nose almost crooked in anger.

She yelled towards the resident, "First general, get out of here."

Huang Qingchan's voice was so loud that the entire station could hear it.

At this time, the first general and other major soldiers are having a meeting?

Everyone couldn't help looking at Tie Han after hearing Huang Qingchan's noise.

They were worried that Tie Han would think that their lineage was completely disconnected from Huang Qingchan.

"Commander." The first god looked at Tie Han with some panic on his face.

"Go." Tie Han said calmly, "There are some things that should be dealt with."

After the first general took the order, he came to the gate of the camp.

"Huang Qingchan, why are you making such a fuss in the camp?" The first general came over.

"Jian slave, I want to talk to you." Huang Qingchan saw the first general, with excitement in his eyes.

But at this moment, the face of the first general was full of disgust, "There is nothing to say between us."

"Jiannu, do you want to let go of our relationship these years?" Huang Qingchan looked at the first general in disbelief.

She didn't understand why the dog licking at the beginning was suddenly so cold?

"Now I am a general of Yanhuangzong, and I have nothing to do with you anymore." The first general said loudly, "And don't appear around me in the future, if the Zongmen misunderstands my relationship with you, I will forgive you Not you."

"Sword could you be like this? Originally, I persuaded my father and agreed to our marriage." Huang Qingchan said with tears in her eyes.

"Stop acting. Do you think I don't understand the virtues of your father and daughter?" The number one god general knows many things, but she was deceived by Huang Qingchan at the beginning, and she subconsciously felt that their parents had difficulties.

Now it seems that this is their nature.

"Jian slave, as long as you come back, I will marry you." Huang Qingchan was still making the last effort.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in you." The First God General refused without even thinking about it.

"Jiannu, if you refuse this time, believe it or not, I will marry someone else?" Huang Qingchan was furious.

She didn't expect that she was humbled, and the number one general was still putting on airs.

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