There was a look of astonishment on everyone's face.

"Commander, what's the situation?" the first general asked curiously.

"The Qin clan wants to associate with the soldiers of the Yanhuang Sect, the suzerain decided to let me transfer one from you." Tie Han said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed excitement.

"Commander, are you going to the Qin Clan?" a deputy army commander asked.

"Yes, we can communicate with the headquarters of Xianting at that time." Tie Han said narrowly, "I know you have always had this idea."

"Commander, if you send us there, you won't lose face with the sect, right?" the first general said worriedly.

"Do you have no confidence in yourself, or do you have no confidence in Yan Huangzong?" Tie Han looked at the first general and asked.

"I'm just worried about the impact on the reputation of the sect." The first general said hurriedly.

"We are just communicating, and we don't care about the reputation of the sect." Tie Han said indifferently, "Besides, I have confidence in you."

"Commander, let the First Army go." A deputy army commander said hastily.

"Commander, our third army will definitely complete the task satisfactorily." Another deputy army commander continued.

Tie Han thought for a while and said, "Let the Fifth Army go."

The fifth legion is of medium strength among the ten legions.

"That's the decision." Tie Han looked at the number one general and said, "Go and prepare."

The First God General quickly assembled the Fifth Legion, and then sailed towards the Qin Clan in ten warships.

Qin family!

Since the Qin Clan got the resources, the Qin Clan has also developed rapidly, and in recent years, the Qin Clan has also been actively looking for opportunities everywhere.

Therefore, the Qin clan today is several times stronger than before.

And when Tie Han and others came to the Qin Clan, many monks gathered to watch.

"Is this the soldier of Yanhuangzong who came to communicate?"

"Their warships seem to be from the eighth heaven."

"Yanhuangzong, this is a bit extravagant."

"Their battle armors are all made of yellow iron, and their battle swords are also of the same standard."

"I think we may have to use the Guards to fight against it?"

"The Imperial Guard is the most elite army of the Qin Clan. The number of the Imperial Guard is only one million, okay?"

"It is absolutely impossible for the Qin Clan to dispatch the imperial guards. Didn't you notice that the Yanhuang Sect did not dispatch elites?"

"It's just that I don't know the status of this army in Yanhuangzong?"

"It definitely won't be the worst, but it won't be the best either. I think it's average in Yanhuangzong."

While all parties were discussing, some soldiers including Huang Qingming of Xianting noticed this legion, and they were shocked to find that this legion turned out to be the legion that the first god general defected back then.

The person in charge of reception is Qin Lie's lineage.

After Qin Lie made arrangements for Tie Han and the others, he hurried to the Qin Clan's meeting hall.

"Old Ancestor, the Yanhuang Sect exchange legion has arrived."

"I don't know how strong the army sent by the Yanhuang Sect is?"

"The strength is not optimistic."

"You think we should send that legion to communicate."

"The imperial guards must not be able to move. I think the Celestial Guards should be used."

"Then draw a legion from the Tianwei Army." Qin Zu said after thinking about it.

The Qin nationality also has four major legions, namely the Imperial Guard Army, the Heavenly Guard Army, the Earth Guard Army, and the Reserve Army.

Qin Lie drew a legion from the Tianwei Army.

Immediately, the two armies carried out a large army charge and a small-scale contest, etc. As a result, the two teams actually won and lost each other.

This made the first general and other soldiers very uneasy.

"Commander, we are ashamed of Yan Huangzong's training." The first god will plead guilty to Tie Han.

"The soldiers performed very well. Your performance has exceeded my expectations."

"But I heard that the Tianwei Army sent by the Qin Clan is just a very ordinary legion." The words of the first general were also agreed by the heads of the major legions.

It would be fine if the Heavenly Guard Army sent by the Qin Clan was very strong, but the problem was that it was just a very ordinary legion.

"Aren't you ordinary?" Tie Han asked with a slight smile.

Tie Han's words stunned the first general and the others.


But on second thought it is true.

Their army is indeed very ordinary.

"Have you seen the Golden Legion before?" Tie Han asked at this time.

"I've seen it." Everyone said in unison.

"Then do you know how far you are from the Golden Legion?" Tie Han continued to ask.

"For the past 30 years, the Zongmen has invested wildly in us, bombarding us with all kinds of resources without money. I don't think the gap between us is too big." The first general thought about it and said.

"The sect has indeed bombarded you indiscriminately these years, but the main reason is that the gap between you is too great." Tie Han glanced at the audience and said, "I can tell you responsibly that the overall strength of the Golden Legion is yours. three times."

"Three times?" Everyone was upset when they heard this number.

They didn't expect that after 30 years of hard work, the result gap is still so big?

"Let me tell you this, the Golden Legion did not have a group of golden immortals as early as 20 years ago."

Everyone gasped involuntarily.

There is no group of golden immortals.

How tyrannical is this?

"After these years of development, the Golden Legion is no longer at the level of the early quasi-sage." Tie Han paused, "Now do you know where the gap is?"

"Commander, how many is the number of the Golden Legion?" A deputy commander asked softly.

"How much do you think there should be?" Tie Han asked with a smile.

"I don't think it will exceed 3000 million." The deputy army commander thought for a while and said the number in his mind.

"Let me tell you this, the number is far beyond your imagination." Tie Han said flatly, "The Golden Legion is just your name, in fact the Golden Legion is called the Yellow Legion."

"Yellow Legion? Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang?" The first general came to his senses suddenly.

"That's right, the Yellow-ranked Legion is the minimum configuration of the Yanhuang Sect." Tie Han's words set off a storm in everyone's hearts.

They thought they were strong, but they were still scumbags in the end.

"Your current strength can still be ranked high in the reserves." Tie Han then said another sentence.

Tiehan's words hit them hard.

"To be honest, your ability to draw with the Tianwei Army of the Qin Clan is beyond my expectations."

The first general and the others no longer knew what to say.

"By the way, I've discussed it with Qin Lie. Tomorrow you will compete with the elite of the Immortal Court."

"The elite of Xianting?" The eyes of the first general and the others lit up.

"When Xianting first surrendered, it didn't get much benefit. After Qin Zu's return, Xianting got some care. Over the years, Xianting's strength has also improved a little, but if the overall improvement and Compared with you, the difference is not a star and a half." Tie Han said leisurely, "Xianting will select the best of the best tomorrow to compete with you."

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