Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1322 Encountered Attack

"This is your freedom." The first general said lightly.

Huang Qingchan was stunned.

"If you finish talking, let's go." The first general said unceremoniously, "Don't bother me again, you understand?"


Huang Qingchan's eyes suddenly turned red.

The number one general used such words?

How dare he?

How can he?

"Yan Hui." The first general shouted to the deputy commander of the gate guarding the gate.


"If Huang Qingchan comes to make trouble again, kill him." The first general said in a deep voice.

"As ordered."

The first god will immediately turn around and leave.

Huang Qingchan watched the first god general go away, she suddenly felt inexplicable distress.

She felt that she had lost this licking dog forever.

But why are you feeling sad?

The army led by Tie Han stayed in the Qin clan for a month and then drove the warship towards the direction of Yanhuangzong.

When driving halfway, Tiehan suddenly felt a crisis.

He walked out of the cab for the first time.

"All the big ships are ready for battle." Tie Han said in a deep voice.

The soldiers of the ten warships took action immediately.

"The vigilance is good, but what can I do?" When the voice sounded in the air, dozens of warships surrounded the army.

These warships look a little dilapidated, and they can be seen to be old.

Standing on the battleship were soldiers exuding a bright aura. These soldiers held a holy sword in one hand and a shield in the other, looking at the surrounded soldiers indifferently.

"The Bright Clan." Tie Han scolded after recognizing the other party's identity, "What do you Bright Clan want?"

"Of course it is to annihilate this army of your Yanhuangzong." A young man in white stood on a huge battleship, and the young man in white exuded a holy radiance.

"Our Yanhuang Sect has never had any conflicts with your Guangming clan. Are you sure that you want to start a war?" Tie Han told the legion leaders on the ten warships, "Be ready to launch the attack formation on the warships at any time. Fa, be sure to kill the Guangming Clan in the shortest possible time."

"Haha, we of the Guangming family are innate beings. We can deal with whoever we want to deal with?" The young man in white said arrogantly, "Of course you can surrender if you are afraid."

"Kill." With a wave of Han Tie's hand, the attack formation of ten warships started at the same time.

The formation on the warship that Tiehan and the others were riding on was the second level of the peak emperor realm.




The ten warships of the Guangming Clan were torn apart in an instant, and most of the soldiers on the warships were mercilessly drowned.

"What's going on?" The boy in white was shocked.

"What is the Guangming Clan? Dare to stop our Yanhuang Sect?" Tiehan said as he rushed towards the white-clothed youth, and at the same time his body was filled with the power of pure yang.

When his fist smashed forward, the sky and the earth roared, and hundreds of millions of rays of light flooded the young man in white, including the area around him.

By the time Tie Han retracted his fist, the figure of the young man in white had disappeared, and at the same time, the three nearby warships also disappeared.

And the 30 soldiers on the warship were gone.

"how is this possible?"

"Eddie's cultivation is at the second level of the peak of the Emperor Realm. How could he not be able to block Tiehan's blow?"

"Hurry up and withdraw."

"We are no match for them at all."

Just when the remaining warships were about to retreat, the ten warships of Yanhuangzong chased after them.

Tie Han took the lead.

In less than a quarter of an hour, eight warships were pierced by Tiehan, and Yan Huangzong's army also wiped out six warships of the Guangming clan.

"The Guangming Clan lost seventeen warships this time."

"More than 170 million soldiers have fallen."

"We lost hundreds of people here."

"A complete victory."

"It's mainly because the soldiers of the Guangming clan were frightened by our commander."

The head of this army knows Tie Han's strength, but the deputy head and others don't know how deep Tie Han is.

"Commander, what is your current level of cultivation?" A deputy army commander asked.

"The third level of the peak of the imperial realm."

The people looked at each other and took a breath of air.

"Commander, is it convenient to tell us about your potential?" the second deputy commander asked cautiously.

"Shut up, is this what you should ask?" The first general glared at the deputy commander.

"It doesn't matter, after you return to the sect, you will be formally organized into the Huang-level army, and you can be regarded as full-fledged members of the Yanhuang sect." Tie Han said with a smile, "My potential is the fifth level."

The audience gasped.

Who would have thought that Tie Han, who was harmless to humans and animals, would have reached such a level?

The fifth level of Emperor Realm peak?

This is already the top of the top.

"Commander, what realm can I reach in the future?" A deputy army commander asked a little excitedly.

"There are not many problems in the Yachongtian." Tiehan glanced at him and said.

"Eight Heavens?" These guys suddenly became excited.

"As for you, the peak of the Emperor Realm is a certainty." Tie Han looked at the number one general and said.

The first god will also get excited.

The peak of the imperial realm.

He never thought about it before in his life, okay?

He didn't expect that he could even set foot in it.

"Okay, let's clean up the battlefield, and then we'll go back." Tie Han said with a smile.

After killing so many soldiers of the Guangming clan this time, there are a lot of trophies that need to be cleaned up.

After cleaning the battlefield, the warship set off towards Yanhuangzong.

Tiehan reported to Lin Caihan that he was attacked by the Guangming Clan along the way.

"That's it." Lin Caihan pondered for a moment and went to the dozens of legions fighting outside through the battleship.

After those legions learned about the Guangming Clan, they were also on guard in secret.

At the same time, Lin Caihan sent two incarnations of Zhao Yang to protect those legions.

"Aren't we going to take the initiative?" Mingyue asked.

"Before my husband comes back, let's keep a low profile if we can." Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "Of course, if the Guangming family wants to die, that's another matter."

After the return of the soldiers of the Guangming Clan, the Guangming Clan became angry.

They did not expect that the soldiers who went to rob and kill the Yanhuangzong suffered such heavy losses, even a strong man from the second level of the emperor realm fell in that battle.

"We want revenge."

"Yanhuangzong dared to kill our soldiers of the Guangming clan. We are going to push Yanhuangzong down."

"Kill the ancestral court of Yanhuangzong."

The high-level officials of the Guangming family are clamoring.

One day later, 3000 million soldiers set out in the direction of Yanhuangzong on [-] mottled warships.

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