Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1311 Bright Holy Spring

"If you can't learn the fifth level, tell me who can learn it?" Qin Ri said with a sneer.

But when Qin Ri saw the mocking look on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth, he suddenly realized something.

"Don't tell me your potential has surpassed the peak of the Emperor Realm?"

"Don't you think my current cultivation has reached the fifth level of the peak of the Emperor Realm?"

Qin Ri was frightened.

"Then what is your cultivation level now?"

"Even if I'm at the fourth level of the Emperor Realm peak, do you know what it means?"

Qin Ri's pupils shrank fiercely.

Qin Zu and the others were also frightened.

They didn't think about it before, but now they suddenly realize that Zhao Yang's potential has surpassed the peak of Emperor Realm?

"So you can become a god in the future?" Qin Lie tremblingly said this sentence.

Qin Lie knew that Zhao Yang could go far in the future, but even if he thought about it, he couldn't think of Zhao Yang's potential beyond the peak of the Emperor Realm?

"It's fine for everyone to know about this kind of thing." Zhao Yang said lightly.

And Zhao Yang's words are tantamount to admitting that his potential has surpassed the peak of Emperor Realm?

"Zhao Yang, do your exercises come from heaven?" Qin Zu pointed to it.

Zhao Yang nodded.

Qin Zu's heart was filled with turmoil, "Have you ever seen a creature from the heavens?"

"I have seen."

"Have any of the creatures of God ever told us what God looks like?"

"I asked, but it didn't say anything." Zhao Yang shook his head.

And at this time, how dare Qin Ri force Zhao Yang to ask for the exercises?

This guy has seen the gods!

"In the future, if the planet of life of the Qin people can't be defended, will the human race have a way out?" Qin Zu asked after a long time.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

But then Zhao Yang changed the subject, "But there is another possibility, the longevity of heaven and earth is extended."

"How to extend it?"

"For example, an existence at the peak of the Emperor Realm stepped into the Divine Realm."

"I'm still one step away from crossing the catastrophe, but at this step, I can't see hope." Qin Zu said with emotion.

"We will see later." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Zhao Yang, you can ask for any help Yanhuangzong needs in the future." Qin Zu said with burning eyes, "You are the hope of the human race, and also the hope of all major ethnic groups."

"Besides me, there is one person who will be able to step into the God Realm in the future." Zhao Yang said with a smile.



"I have been collecting information about Li over the years, and I found that this guy is acting strangely, far less upright than his ancestors." Qin Zu said in a deep voice, "Such people may not be good for our human race after they step into the divine realm in the future. "

"Master Zhao, I don't know who is stronger between you and Li?"

"I don't know what tricks Xuan left for Li, but in the same realm, I'm not afraid of anyone." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Looking at Zhao Yang's strong confidence when he said this, Qin Zu and the others were filled with excitement.

This is the hero of the human race.

"By the way, I asked you to come this time because I hope you can help." What did Qin Zu suddenly think of?


"We discovered the ancestral court of the Guangming clan, but there are strong restrictions outside the ancestral court." Qin Zu looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Of course I can forcefully break the restriction, but I am worried about attracting the attention of all the clans."

"That's it, no problem, when can I go?"

"You can go there at any time, but there are some things to be made clear in advance."

"You said."

"Let's share the resources between the two families." Qin Zu never thought of giving Zhao Yang so much before, but after seeing Zhao Yang's strength and potential, how could Qin Zu dare to cut Zhao Yang's share again?

Even if the ruins were discovered by Qin Zu.

"Fifty percent is too much." Zhao Yang refused.

"Yanhuangzong also needs resources to develop, and it's not like you don't need to work hard. You can't crack the formation?" Qin Zu said with a smile, "Who else can guarantee that there is no danger inside?"

"Then we'll talk about it then." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Both the light family and the dark family are innate creatures.

This family was also famous and powerful back then.

Qin Zu also discovered the ancestral court of the Guangming clan by chance.

Now that you have found it, you must not miss it.

As for whether it will offend the Guangming family?

That's for later.

Furthermore, as long as the Guangming Clan is born, the entire Tianwaitian will be their target.

"It's here." Qin Zu led Zhao Yang to a crack in space.

If you pass nearby, you may be able to find this crack. The problem is that the sky is so big, who will notice this crack?

"Let me see."

After studying the space crack, Zhao Yang said, "There is a powerful restriction hidden in this space crack, and this restriction is still at the fifth level." Having said that, Zhao Yang looked at Qin Zudao solemnly, "The Guangming Clan has formation masters of this level."

"The Guangming family is good at restraint. It is reasonable for this family to have such a strong person." Qin Zu replied.

Zhao Yang felt awe-inspiring.

Now it seems that I can't underestimate the heroes of the world.

Fortunately, the Guangming clan has not yet been born, and Zhao Yang still has time to continue improving his cultivation.

And when Zhao Yang's cultivation reached the third level, Zhao Yang was confident that he would not have any opponents at the peak level of Emperor Realm.

So what if the Guangming clan reappeared?

Next, Zhao Yang started to crack it.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Zhao Yang spent three hours back and forth, and finally broke the restriction of the Guangming Clan.

Zhao Yang opened up a small passage in it.

"Everyone follow me in." Zhao Yang said softly.

After everyone entered the space crack, what they saw was a small world full of light.

This world is holy and vast, and the fallen flowers are colorful.

"It seems that this place is indeed the ancestral home of the Guangming clan." An old man looked around and said.

"Look for the treasure here first." Qin Zu said in a deep voice.

Everyone's spiritual thoughts enveloped the surroundings.

Soon everyone found that there was nothing else in this place except Yiyiquan.

"The Bright Clan took everything with them before they left."

"The medicine gardens are all packed and taken away."

"The treasury is empty."

"Finally broke the restriction, but got nothing?"

The mentality of Qin Zu's brothers was a little broken.

Zhao Yang came to the spring, "This spring is not ordinary."

"It seems to be the holy spring of the Guangming clan." Qin Zu nodded and said.

Zhao Yang inspected it, and his eyes showed extraordinary splendor.

"This holy spring contains amazing energy."

"What's the use?" An old man asked.

"It can improve the monk's cultivation level." Zhao Yang glanced at the old man and said, "One drop can raise the early stage of the quasi-sage to the middle stage of the quasi-sage, ten drops can raise the early stage of the saint to the middle stage of the saint, one hundred drops It can elevate Emperor Zhun from the first level to the second level of Emperor Zhun."

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