Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1312 Reaching God

When Zhao Yang said this, everyone's eyes lit up.

There is no doubt that this is an unimaginable resource.

"We'll share the spring water." Qin Zu was also a little excited.

With these resources, the strength of the Qin family can achieve rapid development.

The spring water was soon divided in two.

One for Zhao Yang and one for Qin Zu.

"Where did the spring water here come from?" An old man asked a question.

Qin Zu's divine sense probed into the depths, but he was shocked to find that the spring seemed to come from an unknown end.

"This spring water is not simple." Qin Zu said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang's divine sense also probed downwards, but even with Zhao Yang's divine sense, he couldn't find the end.

"I want to go down and have a look." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Don't." Qin Zu warned, "The unknown place in the spring is too scary, I don't suggest you go there."

"Let's put it this way, I am sure that even if I encounter danger, I can leave there immediately." Zhao Yang looked at Qin Zu and said in a deep voice.

"Well, I'll go with you." Qin Zu hesitated and said.

"Brother, let me follow." An old man stopped Qin Zu, "You two are the patron saints of the human race, so you cannot go at the same time."

"Alright." Qin Zu nodded.

Zhao Yang glanced at the old man, and then both jumped into the depths of the spring.

During the sinking process, Zhao Yang felt as if he was moving through the mud.

The problem is that when I sensed it carefully, I found nothing.

"That kind of obstruction is getting more and more serious." After a while, the old man frowned.

"Indeed, but I think we are still some distance away from the end." Zhao Yang nodded.

After a while, the old man found that he couldn't sink, even if he tried his best, he couldn't sink even an inch?

"Are you entering my small world or going up?" Zhao Yang looked at the old man and said.

In fact, Zhao Yang can understand this mentality.

He was worried that he would get good things, and he would not divide them with the Qin family.

"Is it convenient to go to your small world?" the old man asked with some embarrassment.

"It's nothing inconvenient." Zhao Yang opened up his own small world as he said.

After the old man entered Zhao Yang's small world, he found that his divine sense could only observe an area with a radius of thousands of miles, and the area farther away was shrouded in a layer of restriction.

He knew that Zhao Yang did it on purpose.

However, he can observe what is happening outside at any time.

Zhao Yang's strength is much stronger than that of the old man, so Zhao Yang can continue to sink.

But after a while he couldn't walk anymore.

"Break it for me." Zhao Yang used his Chunyang Fist and blasted downward.

It's a pity that the extremely bright Chunyang Fist seemed to hit the cotton.

Nothing works.

Zhao Yang used many methods, but found it was still useless.

"Try the soul." Zhao Yang used the power of the soul.

A surprising thing happened when the power of the soul cut towards the bottom.

Like a knife cutting hot butter, the thick unknown substance underneath was sliced ​​open by Zhao Yang's spirit.

"The power of the soul is useful." The old man in Zhao Yang's small world suddenly realized.

ten meters.

hundred meters.


When Zhao Yang's soul power cut to [-] meters, he was shocked to find that the power of soul couldn't move.

"Materials are constantly superimposed, no matter how sharp the power of the soul is, it has reached the point where it cannot be used." The old man saw through it at a glance.

"Give up." The old man's voice sounded in Zhao Yang's ears.

"I vaguely feel that this might be a great opportunity, so I absolutely cannot give up." Zhao Yang touched a cloud of liquid in the sea of ​​consciousness when he said this.

This lump of liquid is nothing but the tranquilizing liquid given to Zhao Yang by the pagoda.

You must know that the Anshen Liquid is for the gods to drink. When Zhao Yang got the Anshen Liquid, what cultivation level did he have? If he drank a drop, he would die in minutes.

Therefore, more than 90.00% of the energy of that drop of tranquilizing liquid was sealed by the woman in the ancient coffin.

Now Zhao Yang took the initiative to break the seal for the opportunity here.


From Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness burst out the power of the soul that could destroy the world.

The power of the soul made the old man slump down on the ground in fright.


Zhao Yang didn't care about talking to the old man at this time, but channeled out the power of the soul.

The thick material below was quickly cut open, and Zhao Yang's body fell crazily.

It feels like free fall.

But even so, Zhao Yang still had an unbearable feeling.

This power is really terrifying.

Even though Zhao Yang found a place to vent, a lot of soul power still poured into the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, his sea of ​​consciousness was shaking violently, and he was about to collapse.

"The six incarnations, return." Zhao Yang hastily summoned the six incarnations.

The six incarnations immediately appeared around the mass of energy.

"Gather the runes and start sealing." When Zhao Yang ordered the avatar to do it, he also broke the seal before doing the sealing.

It's very difficult.

Zhao Yang and the six great incarnations are equivalent to pouring loads of stones into a broken dam.

But the dams were moving so fast they were of little use.

Seeing that Zhao Yang's Sea of ​​Consciousness was about to be pierced through, the speed of the flow was finally not so fast. Zhao Yang and the six avatars made a move to seal it no matter what the cost.

Gradually the gap was closed.

"We seem to have reached the end." At this time, the old man said in surprise.

He walked out of Zhao Yang's small world.

He saw a fruit.

But this fruit has already been bitten and riddled with holes.

"Is there a rotten fruit at the end of the passage?" The old man looked around, and there was nothing else around except this rotten fruit.

"Why didn't I smell the breath of God on you?" What the old man and Zhao Yang didn't expect was that the rotten fruit actually conveyed a wave of spiritual fluctuations.

"We are people from the lower realm." Zhao Yang replied.

"You are creatures from the lower world, how could you come here?" Rotten Fruit asked in astonishment.

The old man and Zhao Yang looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

"You mean this is God?" The old man trembled when he said this.

You must know that Qin Zu's greatest long-cherished wish in this life is to go to heaven.

"Yes, this is God." The fruit replied.

"I used God's means to come here." Zhao Yang calmed down after a while.

"No wonder." Rotten Guozi felt relieved.

"Is every fruit of God conscious?" Zhao Yang asked a question.

"The heavens are far more miraculous than the lower realms." The fruit changed its voice after saying this, "Actually, strictly speaking, this is not the heavens?"

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