
When the sword in Zhao Yang's hand stabbed at Qin Zu, the extremely terrifying pure Yang power turned into a round of scorching sun and bloomed in an instant.

Qin Zu's nine old brothers originally thought that they were strong enough to withstand the aftermath of their battle, but at this moment they had no choice but to retreat.

Qin Zu watched the sun crushing towards him.

He exhales.

The breath in his mouth turned into a galaxy.

The mighty Milky Way collided fiercely with the sun.

But the sun was crushed in an instant.

Zhao Yang looked at the Milky Way that was continuously crushing towards him, and he used magic.

plus one!

Plus two!

plus three!

When Zhao Yang's combat power tripled, the sword in his hand turned into a hotter sun.

This round of the sun is more than several times stronger than the previous one.

This round of sun traversed between the sky and the earth, completely blocking the Milky Way.

I don't know how long it took for both sides to annihilate at the same time.

Qin Zu looked at Zhao Yang with scorching eyes and said, "Before, your fighting power has tripled. I didn't expect such amazing skills to exist in the world."

Qin Zu's nine old brothers were all shocked.

You must know that after reaching the peak of the Emperor Realm, there is no way to enhance the combat effectiveness.

But on Zhao Yang's side, it has increased by three times abruptly.

"Senior's talking about the Milky Way is also an eye-opener for me." Zhao Yang said sincerely.

"What if I told you that I only used [-]% of my strength just now?" Qin Zu looked at Zhao Yang with a smile and said.

Zhao Yang's mind moved, and the six incarnations of Yanhuangzong retracted, and then he exhaled a breath of alchemy, which turned into a new Sanqing.

Zhao Yang exhaled another mouthful of Dao Qi, and the Dao Qi turned into a new Sanqing.

The six Sanqing were standing around Qin Zu, and the aura emanating from them made Qin Zu startled.

"How could your avatar reach the fifth level?" Qin Zu was really shocked.

Qin Zu is confident that he has gone a long way in the fifth level, but it is not easy to kill these six deities.

Not to mention that Zhao Yang is still watching him covetously?

"Their combat effectiveness has barely reached the fifth level. Besides, they are good at the technique of combined attack and formation. I wonder if the seniors can handle it?"

"They can't stop me, but if you are added, I don't have much confidence." Qin Zu said solemnly after his eyes flickered for a while.

Zhao Yang smiled slightly, and took Sanqing back casually.

"I didn't believe you had reached my height before, but now it seems that I am Meng Lang." Qin Zu sighed softly.

"The human race has successors."

"Yeah, it seems that we can survive this catastrophe."

"With such fighting strength at such a young age, it is impossible to say that he will become an existence like Xuan in the future."

When Qin Zu's old brothers spoke, Qin Zu suddenly thought of something, "How far have you reached now?"

"Senior, it's better not to know my realm." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Qin Zu didn't ask any more questions.

Zhao Yang didn't want to say, there must be a reason.

"Go, go back and drink." Qin Zu laughed loudly.

Returning to the previous courtyard, Qin Zu introduced his nine brothers to Zhao Yang.

Through introducing Zhao Yang, I learned that among his nine brothers, two reached the fifth level, three reached the fourth level, and four reached the third level.

"Qin Zu, these nine brothers of yours are all heroes of the human race." Zhao Yang said sincerely.

The previous Qin clan was very powerful.

However, with the emergence of major ethnic groups such as the Sword Clan, the Qin Clan could no longer enjoy the high status it had before.

But when Qin Zu and his nine brothers came to the world, the Qin clan once again became the top power in Tianwaitian.

"If it wasn't for the elder brother, how would we have the status and strength we have today?" An old man said with a smile.

"Don't say such things between us." Qin Zu glanced at the old man, and then his eyes fell on Zhao Yang, "With the current status of Yanhuangzong, why do we still live in Huiwangxing?"

"In my opinion, all life planets will fall sooner or later, so what's the difference between staying on King Hui and staying on other planets?" Zhao Yang replied.

"Now this planet of life of the Qin people has given up an olive branch to the human race. As long as they are human races, they can come to this planet of life to spread their branches and leaves." If so, the Qin Clan can divide a quarter of the area for you."

A quarter area is really a lot.

Qin Zu's words startled Qin Ri and Qin He who were standing aside.

a quarter?

Is that too much?

"Yanhuangzong has no intention of going to the Qin clan." Zhao Yang refused.

"Are you going to flee when King Hui falls in the future?" Qin Zu frowned, "If Yan Huangzong comes to this living planet, it will also greatly enhance the power of the human race."

"Yanhuangzong has his own way to go." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I still hope that you will carefully consider this matter, but if you don't want to, the Qin family will not force you." Qin Zu randomly exposed this topic.

The two sides chatted and discussed the avenue.

What shocked everyone in Qin Zu was that Zhao Yang's understanding of Dao surpassed them.

For example, Zhao Yang gave the answers to their puzzled questions in a very short time.

"Sect Master Zhao, I wonder if you can teach the skill that increases combat power?" Qin Ri asked suddenly at this time.

Qin Ri's words made the voices present stop abruptly.

Qin Zu looked at Qin Ri with a cold face, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Qin Zu, if the human race obtains this skill, they will be able to deal with crises more calmly in the future." Qin Ri said solemnly, "I am thinking of the righteousness of the human race. Of course, Zhao Zong mainly wants the Qin clan I also offer the cultivation technique with both hands."

"How can Qin Clan's skills compare to Zhao Yang's?" An old man snorted coldly, "Qin Ri, your eating looks a bit ugly."

"I just think that the human race should stand by and help each other before facing a life-and-death crisis. At this time, don't hide it." Qin Ri said solemnly.

"Shut up." Qin Zu scolded.

"Qin Zu." Qin Ri was about to say something, but was slapped by Qin Zu, "I said it, shut up, didn't you hear?"

Qin Ri looked aggrieved.

"You can't learn this skill to increase combat power." Zhao Yang said at this time.

"How do you know I can't learn it?" Qin Ri asked back.

"My wife Lin Caihan's potential is at the fifth level, but even so, she can't learn it." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The audience was in an uproar.

They were shocked by two things.

The first is Lin Caihan, who would have thought that Lin Caihan's potential is at the fifth level?

The second is that Lin Caihan is so amazingly talented, yet she still can't learn it?

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