Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1302 Li's Means

The battleship broke through the space and walked towards the depths of the sky.

In the process of leaving, the battleship used the limit speed and made several orbit changes.

After repeating this many times, the battleship turned on the stealth mode, roaming in the depths of the sky like a ghost.

And when the spies of the Sword Clan and the Kun Clan saw Yan Huangzong retreat decisively, they were all terrified.

"Yanhuangzong has really left."

"In the future, Yanhuangzong will be born again, and we probably won't be able to survive."

"We have to prepare in advance."

"Yes, some elites can leave now."

The whole Tianwaitian knew that Yanhuangzong was only avoiding temporarily, and when Yanhuangzong was born again, the whole Tianwaitian would be shocked.

"Sovereign, how long are we going to hide?" Yuan Jin'er asked.

"Wait until my husband has set foot on the second level." Lin Caihan said softly.

Once Zhao Yang stepped into the second level, his combat power was at the fifth level, not to mention invincible.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang's six incarnations will also reach the fifth level.

Who will be afraid of coming?

In addition, Zhao Yang's array will also be upgraded to the fifth level.

At that time, Yanhuangzong will be able to truly return.

"Before Xuan gave the ten marks of the great way, now I will distribute the marks of the ten great ways." Lin Caihan glanced around the senior members of the sect.

The sect's top management immediately became excited.

The mark of the avenue.

This means being able to reach the third level in the future.

"Xu Hui'er, Yuan Jin'er, Blue Crucian Carp, Leng Qingqiu, Ruoxi, Ruoqing, Tiehan, Jianchen, Xiaomi, Xiaoluo." Lin Caihan announced ten places.

Po Jun and the others didn't say anything.

Now that their potential has reached the second level of the peak of the Emperor Realm, they are already very satisfied.

"Since Xuan took out the Scar of the Great Dao, it proves that the Scar of the Great Dao still exists." Lin Caihan glanced at Po Jun and the others and said, "Cultivate well in the next time, you can practice in the battleship, of course you can also go to the small Practice in the world."

After Lin Caihan confessed, everyone went to that small world one after another.

Lin Caihan arranged for several avatars of Zhao Yang to closely monitor the surroundings of the battleship.

Then Lin Caihan returned to her room on the battleship to practice.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Zhao Yang originally thought that three years of healing would be enough.

But he spent more than ten years back and forth.

After he recovered, Zhao Yang learned everything about Yanhuangzong from Lin Caihan's ears.

"Your decision is correct, Yanhuangzong is indeed not suitable to stay in Huiwangxing." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Can we go back after your cultivation reaches the second level?" Lin Caihan asked.

"After my cultivation reaches the second level, I may not be invincible at the fifth level." Zhao Yang's words surprised Lin Caihan.


"If I meet Xuan, who is qualified to step into the divine realm, I will be powerless." Zhao Yang said slowly, "You have to know that anything can happen in this era." After a pause, Zhao Yang continued Said, "But when I have the cooperation of the six incarnations, even if there is a existence of that level, I will be able to retreat unscathed."

"That's right, by then your six avatars should have reached the fifth level." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "At that time, the Yanhuang Sect will really gain a foothold."

"With the help of formations, Yan Huangzong will not be afraid of any forces when he arrives." Zhao Yang said with a cold light shining in his eyes.

Zhao Yang has been preparing his hole cards all these years, but unfortunately he still fled in embarrassment in the end.

This is a disgrace to Zhao Yang.

"Next, I will continue to retreat."

"Don't worry too much."


It is very difficult to advance to each level of the peak of the imperial realm.

And when Yanhuangzong was retreating, Li came to a palace with a dozen figures.

"Husband, what's in this palace?" A girl in a goose-yellow dress leaned against Li Jiao Didi and asked.

This girl is none other than the golden concubine of the Ten Thousand Devils Nest.

"This palace is the treasure house left by our ancestors." Li said and led everyone to the first floor of the treasure house.

There are tens of thousands of medicinal materials on the first floor of the treasure house. These medicinal materials are from all levels of the emperor's realm, and there are even hundreds of them at the peak of the emperor's realm.

Seeing these medicinal materials, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Young master, with these medicinal materials, we can rise in the shortest time."

"Yes, with these medicinal materials, more emperors and powerhouses can be created."

"My lord, now we have these medicinal materials, but if we want to reach the imperial realm, do we need other resources?"

These dozen or so people are all from the line of Concubine Jin.

And now they are all trained by Li to become masters.

They have been loyal to Concubine Jin from the beginning, and now they are loyal to Li.

After Li collected these medicinal materials into his own small world, he opened the second floor of the treasure house, and what caught everyone's eyes was one after another Dao Dao seal.

These dao seals have the third heaven of the emperor's realm, the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm, and even the peak of the emperor's realm.

"What's the matter with these Dao seals?" Concubine Jin asked in surprise.

You must know that these emperor seals have reached tens of thousands.

"These imperial seals are all left by the coalition forces strangling the congenital creatures." Li said arrogantly.

"Young master, I counted. There are thirty emperor seals at the peak of the emperor's realm, sixty at the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm, 120 at the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, 240 at the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, and 480 at the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm. There are [-] of the fifth heaven."

"It's all multiplied." Li interrupted the man's words.

"Young master, with these emperor seals, we will no longer lack masters at the emperor level."

"But my husband, we lack masters at the peak level of the Emperor Realm." Concubine Jin said softly, holding Li's hand, "It's nothing to be able to reach the first level of the Emperor Realm."

"Of course I know." Li said as he opened the third floor of the treasure house, and what everyone saw were mottled marks.

Everyone looked at those traces with serious expressions on their faces.

They realize it's a good thing, but don't know what it is?

"This is the trace of the Great Dao." Li pointed to the trace floating in the air and said, "After refining, the cultivation base can step from the second level to the third level."

"Second level to third level?"

"With these traces of the Dao, we can also become strong."

"There are thirty traces of these avenues, which means that we will have thirty third-level existences in the future."

"In this way, we can become the top power in Tianwaitian."

When these guys were excited, Li said lightly, "In addition, there is a natural Dao rhyme in this treasure house, which can enhance everyone's practice speed."

"That means we can practice here now." Concubine Jin's eyes lit up.

"Concubine Jin, you and I are a husband and wife, I will leave the choice to you, but you should know what I need in the future?"

"Can you not touch the higher-ups of the Ten Thousand Devils Nest in the future?" Concubine Jin said after a moment of silence.

"As long as the higher-ups of the Ten Thousand Demons Nest don't disobey me, then I will definitely not touch the Tens of Thousand Demons Nest."

"I believe you."

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