Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1301 Betrayal of the 1st God General

"Why do we want to eat Yanhuangzong's supercilious eyes? I think the Qin clan is reliable." Huang Qingming said in a deep voice, "In addition, the Qin clan allowed us to relocate to the life planet of the Qin clan."

"Have you ever gotten along with the Qin family? If we move there, we will be manipulated by others in the future." The first god will argue vigorously.

"Don't we follow Yanhuangzong, don't we let others manipulate us?" Huang Qingming sneered.

"At least we know Yanhuangzong well."

"Maybe you didn't realize that we are fleeing with Yanhuangzong."

"But we'll be back sooner or later."

"Then I don't know when it happened?" Huang Qingming looked at the first general and said, "In addition, if the Yanhuangzong chooses to escape, then they will be out of touch with this world in the next hundred years. Do you know that a hundred years of out-of-touch means what?"

Huang Wuji saw what the first general had to say, and interrupted him, "Okay, there's no need to say anything, I've made up my mind, Xianting has decided to submit to the Qin clan."

Seeing Huang Wuji's final decision, the first general opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Also, everyone, prepare to move. After the Yanhuang Sect withdraws, we have to go to the Qin Clan." Huang Wuji glanced around the audience and said, "Three days, we only have three days."

Following Huang Wuji's order, all the ministries of Xianting took action one after another.

The first general found the second general.

"You want to follow Xianting?"

The second general looked at the first general in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"I always feel that following the Qin family is a wrong decision."

"Don't tell me you want to take your copy to Yanhuangzong?"


"You're crazy, do you know that this is a betrayal of Immortal Court?" the second general exclaimed.

"Have you ever thought that all of Xianting will follow the Qin clan, and if something happens, the blood of Xianting will be cut off." The first general said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the second god general fell silent.

It took a long time for the second general to say, "Let's go, take your branch to Yanhuangzong."

"Aren't you going?"

"I won't go." The Second God General shook his head.

"OK then."

The first god general went to Yanhuangzong after recruiting the soldiers of his department.

When Yanhuangzong was approaching, he summoned the emperor and quasi-emperor in the small world.

The first god general has trained 32 emperors and 540 eight quasi-emperors over the years.

"Call out all the soldiers and family members in your small world." The first general said loudly.

Everyone didn't know why, but they did as the first general said.

Soon more than 5000 million soldiers appeared here.

"I'll just say something straight." The first general looked around the audience and said, "Now that the Immortal Court is facing a life-or-death decision, we must either follow the Yanhuang Sect or the Qin Clan."

Everyone knows about this.

What they didn't understand was what the first god would say next.

"The suzerain and the higher-ups decided to follow the Qin clan, but I think this choice is stupid." The first general said in a deep voice, "Whether the Qin Palace or the Yanhuang Sect is facing crisis these years, has the Qin clan stood up? ? No. So why do we believe that the Qin people will treat us kindly.” After a pause, the first general continued, “It is true that the Yanhuangzong is not friendly to us, but every time we encounter a crisis, the Yanhuangzong has never I have stood by and watched, so I decided to follow Yan Huangzong."

The audience suddenly whispered.

"Now I give everyone the right to choose. Those who want to follow Xianting can just leave and go in that direction." The first god general pointed in the direction of Xianting and said, "Whoever wants to follow me, please follow me." I'm going."

"Number one general, I want to know that if I go to Xianting, won't you attack us?" An emperor asked after hesitating for a while.

"Absolutely not." The first general said solemnly, "I respect your choice."

"Sorry, I don't want to betray Xianting." The emperor said and left.

After him, monks left one after another.

Soon, more than 2000 million monks left one after another.

"What about you?" The First God General looked at the remaining 3000 million soldiers.

"We trust your choice."

"We will always follow you."

"Where you said to go, where shall we go?"

Looking at these soldiers, the first general had a look of relief on his face.

"With your company, what can I say?"

When the first god general brought 3000 million monks to the gate of Yanhuangzong, Lin Caihan came to meet him.

"Why are these people?"

"I betrayed Xianting." The first general said and knelt down on one knee, "I will take my followers and submit to Yanhuangzong."

"You are the most staunch supporter of Xianting." Lin Caihan said with emotion.

"I think Xianting's path is wrong. I want to leave a bloodline for Xianting." The first general expressed his inner thoughts.

"But you have to know that if you submit to Yanhuangzong, the Immortal Court will have nothing to do with you in the future." Lin Caihan asked solemnly.

"Naturally, I was mentally prepared before making this choice." The First God General nodded.

"Yanhuangzong needs to test you, and you will be allowed to join after passing the test." Lin Caihan said after a while.

Then Lin Caihan arranged them in her battleship at the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm.

"The internal space of this battleship is 100 million square kilometers. Since there are 3000 million people on your side, I will give you a territory of [-] kilometers." Lin Caihan said and drew an area in midair, "There is no permission You must not leave this area."

"As ordered."

Lin Caihan left after the first general was arranged and continued to arrange the evacuation of Yanhuangzong.

In less than two days, the Yanhuangzong had almost moved.

The rest cannot be moved.

At this time, Qin Palace also came to Yanhuangzong one after another.

On the third day, all the senior officials of Qin Palace came to Yanhuangzong.

"How many people are there in Qin Palace?" Lin Caihan asked.

"All the 12 billion direct descendants of the Qin Palace have arrived, and there are 160 billion affiliated forces."

"What about the rest of the affiliated forces?"

"Some of them were reluctant to leave, some thought carefully, and some followed other forces." Qin Lu said a little angrily.

"Everyone has his own ambitions." Qin Lie was also a little sad.

He thought that if he raised his arms, the subordinate forces would follow him, but in the end, more than 80 billion monks ignored him.

"Let's enter the small world first." Lin Caihan said.

Qin Lie and the others also knew that time was running short.

After they entered the small world of Lin Caihan's battleship, Lin Caihan greeted the senior officials of Yanhuangzong to enter the battleship at the peak of the imperial realm.

"We should go." Lin Caihan said leisurely.

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