Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1303 An Ancient Temple

Only after Li stepped into the peak of the Emperor Realm did Concubine Jin realize how terrifying Li was.

This man is simply not satisfied with his status as the son-in-law of Wanmoku.

What he wants is the entire Ten Thousand Devils Nest.

Then use the Ten Thousand Devils Cave as a springboard to create a force that dominates the outer world.

And now there is no way to get rid of the Ten Thousand Devils Nest.

for example.

With so many resources released today, can Wanmo Nest not be tempted?

As long as the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Nest come, they will also achieve the achievement of the Ten Thousand Demons Nest.

Because Li will become more and more powerful as time goes by, will Wanmo Nest be able to resist when Li wants to control Wanmo Nest?

Furthermore, don't forget who is Li's ancestor?


Xuan can give Zhao Yang a hole card, doesn't Li have it?

No one will believe it.


Ten years have passed.

Twelve years have passed.

Twelve years have passed.

By this time, the star beasts had already appeared in the third heaven of the emperor realm.

The existence of this level has already threatened some weak forces.

However, there have been many opportunities in Tianwaitian these years, which has also increased the cultivation bases of the major forces. Otherwise, if they still maintain their previous strength, they will be swept away by the army of star beasts in minutes.

On this day, an ancient temple appeared in the depths of the sky.

The temple exudes a soft radiance that diffuses in all directions.

Soon the entire cultivator in Tianwaitian was alarmed.

"What is the history of this temple?"

"This temple seems to be the ashram of Taoist Burning Lamp."

"Ran Deng Daoist, who was known as the second strongest person under the starry sky back then, the value of his dojo is unimaginable."

It didn't take long for one strong man after another to arrive here.

But no matter what means they use, it is always difficult to advance even one step?

While all parties were scratching their heads, a warship walked silently in the depths of the universe.

It hides all the breath, like a ghost.

In the battleship, a figure closed his eyes and practiced.

I don't know how long it has passed, that figure suddenly opened his eyes, and then a shocking aura spread in all directions.

Seeing that it was about to penetrate the battleship, the battleship's guardian formation appeared.

Lin Caihan and the others were shocked.

They went to the door of Zhao Yang's room one after another.

It didn't take long for the breath to calm down.

"I have already broken through, you don't need to worry." Zhao Yang's voice came from the room.

There was a look of surprise on everyone's face.

They have been dormant in the depths of the sky for 40 years, and now they finally waited for Zhao Yang to break through.

"It seems that they can kill back."

"Wait until the suzerain has stabilized his cultivation and then he can kill back."

"I'm looking forward to it."

It took Zhao Yang half a month to stabilize his cultivation, and he spent another half a month to comprehend various avenues.

With the blessing of Huangliang Yimeng, the many exercises he practiced quickly caught up with his realm.

When Zhao Yang came to the battleship center, Lin Caihan and others all appeared.

"Husband, how do you feel now?" Lin Caihan asked.

"Now my cultivation base has really advanced to the fifth level of Emperor Realm, and if I don't say I am invincible under the blessing of the plus sign, I will be almost invincible." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said solemnly.

"Where are the six incarnations?"

Zhao Yang took back the five avatars from the outside with a thought, and then Zhao Yang gathered six brand new avatars again,

The fighting power of the new avatar directly increased several times.

"They barely set foot on the threshold of the fifth level." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But it's enough."

It is indeed enough.

The six have set foot on the fifth level of incarnation.

Which force can have it?

"When are we going back?" Lin Caihan asked.

"Let the avatars check it out first, and see what happened in these years?" Zhao Yang said, and the six avatars went in different directions.

Immediately, Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and the others and said, "You all have made a breakthrough."

"We have made a breakthrough for nearly ten years." Lin Caihan replied.

Lin Caihan and the others were not injured, so they broke through earlier than Zhao Yang.

But the fact that they have broken through doesn't mean that their strength will be comparable to Zhao Yang's.

"The third princess has reached the third level." Zhao Yang quickly noticed that Chanjuan's cultivation had reached the third level of the peak emperor realm.

"I only broke through a few years ago." The third princess nodded and said, "It's just that I don't think I can help you yet."

The potential of the three princesses has come to an end.

She can no longer feel that the former has a way out.

"It's okay, there's no need to worry about this." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "It's a good thing that I was hit hard this time."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zhao Yang one after another.

"This time my state of mind has increased a lot, and I may be able to challenge the seventh level of the pagoda." Zhao Yang said in the eyes of everyone, "Based on my relationship with the pagoda tool spirit, I will ask for some weapons that can increase my cultivation level." I don’t think there are many problems with the elixir.”

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed surprise.

No one wants to stand still.

"Battleship, go to Huiwangxing." Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to turn around.

As a result, before the battleship had gone far, an avatar landed on the battleship.

"What happened?" Zhao Yang asked.

"The ancient temple of Taoist Ran Deng appeared." The avatar replied.

"Ran Deng Daoist?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"All major forces are trying to plan the ancient temple of Taoist Ran Deng, but unfortunately, no one can defeat the radiance of the ancient temple." The avatar replied.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and then said, "I'll go and have a look."

Then Zhao Yang took the battleship at the peak of the Emperor Realm into the small world, and then Na Ying sneaked towards the ancient temple of Taoist Ran Deng.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to arrive at his destination.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of monks gathered here, and all of these monks looked at the ancient temple with burning eyes.

Zhao Yang stood there and watched for a while.

He realized that the radiance emanating from the ancient temple was actually a large array of runes.

Normally, unless it is a formation master of the fifth level, there is no way to crack it at all.

And just when Zhao Yang was thinking about the solution, the ancestor of the sword clan came.

He made an earth-shattering sword.

It's a pity that the ancient temple still couldn't be broken.

The eyes of the ancestor of the Sword Clan were uncertain, it did not expect that its peak strike would not break the restriction of this ancient temple.

He pondered for a moment and turned to leave.

"The ancestor of the sword clan is gone?"

"Let's go? It's probably going to invite the existence of the same level."

"The ancestor of the Sword Clan is of such a level, if there are two or three statues, this ancient temple will definitely not be able to stop it."

At this moment, Zhao Yang finally saw through the loopholes in the restriction.

He walked forward stealthily with Naying, who could block the brilliance of all things, but he couldn't stop Zhao Yang.

After a while, Zhao Yang finally descended into the ancient temple.

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