Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1300 The Scar of the Great Dao

"A scar of the great way can make the second level of the peak of the emperor step into the third level. In this way, how about I give you ten scars of the great way?"

When Lin Caihan was hesitating, Zhao Yang's voice transmission sounded in her ears.

"Promise it."

Lin Caihan nodded and said, "I promise senior."

Xuan Yi beckoned and grabbed ten Dao Dao marks from the depths of the void.

"Give you."

Lin Caihan put away the traces of the Great Dao and asked, "Senior, can you patrol the top of Yanhuangzong for three days?"

"I'm just a talisman. I've been doing it again and again, and my energy is about to run out." Xuan replied.

"I don't need seniors to do anything, I just need seniors to inspect."


Immediately Lin Caihan turned around and arranged for Yan Huangzong to evacuate.

Not long after, Qin Lu and Qin Lu came to Yanhuangzong.

"Now that the four top masters have been severely injured, why did the Yan Huangzong retreat?" Qin Lu asked puzzled.

"To be honest, Yanhuangzong really has no cards." Lin Caihan replied, "In this case, we have to leave."

"Didn't Yanhuangzong still have that fifth-level battleship at the peak of the Emperor Realm?"

"But what if there are two statues of the fifth level?"

"The probability of this is not high, and who knows if Yanhuangzong still has a hole card?"

"Yanhuangzong doesn't want to take risks."

After pondering for a while, Qin Lu asked, "Can Qin Gong evacuate with me?"

Qin Lu knew that the reason why the Qin Palace was safe and sound all these years was largely due to Yanhuangzong's secret protection.

The major powers dare not come to Huiwangxing to act wildly. To put it bluntly, they are afraid of Yan Huangzong.

And after Qin Gong loses Yan Huangzong's protection, all major forces will definitely kill it.

"How many people does Qin Gong want to evacuate?"

"At least tens of billions must be evacuated."

"Do you know how much territory tens of billions need to occupy?"

"After these years of development, the Qin Palace has reached more than 700 emperors. These monks can go to the small world of the emperors." Qin Lu said carefully.

Lin Caihan pondered for a while and looked at Qin Lu and said, "First, you solve the problem of resources; second, you coordinate the problem of human resources; third, I will arrange these emperors into a battleship at the peak of the imperial realm. "

"Among the battleships at the pinnacle of Emperor Realm?"

"Among the battleships of the second level, the territory of the small world is a million kilometers."

"no problem."

Qin Gong's priority protection is Qin Gong's 12 billion direct descendants.

"Three days." Lin Caihan continued, "Three days later, Yan Huangzong will withdraw."

"In such a hurry?"

"We can't give the opponent too much time."

"I understand."

After Qin Lu finished speaking, she left in a hurry.

After returning to Qin Palace, Qin Lu explained the situation to Qin Lie.


"Qin Xuan, please inform me." Qin Lu glanced at Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan nodded and left.

"Wait, I haven't agreed yet." Qin Lie said hastily.

"Over the past few years, there have been hundreds of statues at the peak of the Emperor Realm. Why does our Qin Palace occupy a piece of fertile land?" Qin Lu asked, "If it weren't for the threat of Yanhuangzong, our Qin Palace would have been invaded long ago. You Believe it or not?"


"After Qin Gong left, it's not like we won't come back in the future." Qin Lu continued, "If we don't follow Yanhuangzong at this time, and Yanhuangzong leaves here, all clans will attack us immediately, believe it or not?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qin Lie was moved by the persuasion, "Is just three days enough?"

"The 12 billion direct lineage must go." Qin Lu said in a deep voice, "As for the affiliated forces, those who are willing to follow will go, and those who are not willing to go, we will not force it."

After a pause, Qin Lu continued, "Of course, this is a lot of work, so everyone needs to cooperate sincerely."

"I'll help too." Qin Lie said immediately.

There was more movement on Qin Gong's side than on Yanhuangzong's side.

Who made Qin Palace occupy too much territory?

The movement of Qin Gong also shocked Xianting.

"Sovereign, what shall we do?" the first general asked.

"I don't know either." The Lord of the Immortal Court said distressedly.

The continuous expansion of the Immortal Court over the years is largely due to the Yanhuangzong.

Without Yanhuangzong's invisible protection, who would give Xianting face?

"The withdrawal of Yanhuangzong and Qin Gong is a certainty, so our Xianting lineage will be left on Huiwangxing." Huang Qingchan said in a deep voice, "I believe that all clans will definitely attack us at that time. "

"Then what should we do now?" Huang Qingming said in a panic.

"We have two choices now." Huang Qingchan pondered for a while before saying, "First, take refuge in Yanhuangzong, of course Yanhuangzong may not accept us; second, take refuge in Qin clan, but Qin clan may not like it us."

"Be prepared." Huang Wuji said at this time, "Number one general, you go to Yanhuangzong and explain to Yanhuangzong why we are here."

"What's the purpose of coming here?" The first general asked, "Should our Immortal Court submit to Yanhuangzong or follow Yanhuangzong?"

"Ask if you can go with me first, and if the other party disagrees, then let's talk about submitting." Huang Wuji said after a while.

Huang Wuji has been very tired all these years.

Even if Xianting is expanding very much now.

Because Xianting has never been guarded by strong people.

Especially after seeing Yanhuangzong being targeted by various parties, he was even more disheartened.


Fight for wool?

Yanhuangzong has so many hole cards, isn't it desperate to escape?

After the first god general left, Huang Wuji looked at Huang Qingchan and said, "Your brothers and sisters went to the Qin Clan and asked if they could submit."

If he could choose, Huang Wuji would still choose the Qin family.

After all, the lineage of Xianting does not deal with Yan Huangzong.

Yan Huangzong!

The first god general explained to Yanhuangzong his intention.

"Yanhuangzong has no intention of accepting your fairy garden, but if you have nowhere to go, you can follow us temporarily." Lin Caihan said after thinking for a while, "but the resources need to be resolved by you, and the space for you is also limited."

What Lin Caihan said was similar to what Qin Gong said.

A look of surprise appeared on the face of the first general.

He originally thought that Yanhuangzong would not accept it.

"I'll go back and tell the suzerain." The first general said hastily.

"Remember, you only have three days."


The first god general returned to the Immortal Court to tell Huang Wuji the good news, only to find that Huang Wuji didn't show much happiness on his face.

"Sovereign, what's your opinion?"

"The Qin clan has agreed to accept our Immortal Court." The second general said at this time.

The first general was stunned, but then said seriously, "We don't know anything about the Qin Clan, and the Qin Clan didn't help the Human Clan when they were in disaster these years. Relatively speaking, the Yanhuang Sect is not bad. Even if they are unfriendly to us, since we are all from the ancestral land, the Yanhuang Sect will not make things difficult for us."

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