Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1249 Curse 1 pulse

In the next few years, more and more bloodthirsty bats came out of the sealed land, and the bloodthirsty bats also kept their promises and did not attack any other groups.

Qin Lu came to Yanhuangzong this day.

"Caihan, do you think the bloodthirsty bats are really honest?"

"The attributes of bloodthirsty bats make it impossible to be safe and secure." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "The reason why bloodthirsty bats don't continue to attack, I think they are probably waiting for something?"

"wait for what?"

"They are aware of the attitudes of various ethnic groups towards them. If they continue to attack, it will easily lead to the cooperation of various ethnic groups." Lin Caihan analyzed, "I think they are waiting for an alliance."


"For example, groups like bloodthirsty bats."

Hearing this, Qin Lu's face changed drastically.

"how do you know?"

"I guessed it." Lin Caihan said softly, "Look, bloodthirsty bats will definitely choose when each race is weak."

"Then what do we do?"

"Take advantage of this time to crazily strengthen the foundation of the sect." Lin Caihan said solemnly, "Don't hide the resources in the treasury of the sect, you must know that if you can't stop their attacks, keep so many What do the resources do?"

"I see." Qin Lu left with a heavy heart.

Lin Caihan found Zhao Yang who had just finished teaching.

"What do you think the bloodthirsty bat family is waiting for?"

"First, the bloodthirsty bat family has just come out of the sealed place, and their strength needs a certain period of time to recover; second, with the strength of the bloodthirsty bats today, it is simply impossible to compete against the entire Tianwaitian." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "What the bloodthirsty bat has to do now is to lurk and wait for new changes in the outer world."

"Are you referring to the Underworld Emperor?"

"The living planet of Underworld Emperor has been transformed into a king's paradise by Underworld Emperor. Just watch, after Underworld Emperor's cultivation level recovers to a certain level, this guy will also bring disaster to the world." Having said that, Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan asked, "Have you asked Qin Lu about the emperor-level life planet of the Qin clan?"

"I asked, but Qin Lu told me that Qin Gong hasn't contacted Zu Ting these years, and they don't know how Zu Ting has been doing these years?"

"Don't they have a secret passage?"

"Unless you encounter a crisis of extinction, you must not open it."

"Forget it, let's just develop our strength with peace of mind." Zhao Yang said after saying this, "I'm going to take the battleship at the peak of Emperor Realm to the planet of Underworld Emperor."

"Are you going to have a conflict with Emperor Hades?"

"I want to push the way of heaven in the small world to the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang said softly, "Once it reaches this point, the territory of the small world will expand to [-] million square kilometers, and all monks will enter it to practice , and there will be no cramps and insufficient space.”

"Then you have to be careful."

"You have to believe in the stealth ability of the battleship." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Besides, we have a long flow."

Immediately, Zhao Yang drove the battleship towards the planet where Emperor Hades was located, and when he was about to arrive, Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to hide his figure, and then Zhao Yang communicated with the Heavenly Dao of the small world, "It's up to you gone."

"I will absorb it carefully." Tiandao of the small world replied.

After Zhao Yang hummed, he sat cross-legged in the central control room to study divine arts.

Zhao Yang had tripled his fighting power at most when he was studying divine arts, but this time he actually tripled his fighting power under anger.

Zhao Yang wants to know why this is?

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

Underworld Emperor, who was retreating in the cave, woke up, and he faintly felt the passing of the power of heaven and earth.

Its spiritual thoughts permeated the entire living planet like a tide, and at the same time, the battleship immediately reminded the small world of the way of heaven.

The Heavenly Dao of the Small World quickly cut off the tentacles.

Emperor Hades sensed it for a while, but he didn't notice why.

"Could it be an illusion?" Underworld Emperor said in astonishment.

He soared into the sky to patrol around this living planet, and after patrolling around, he didn't find anything?

"Strange?" Underworld Emperor couldn't figure it out and went back to his cave to continue his practice.

At this time, Tiandao of the small world secretly stole the origin of this living planet again with the help of the battleship.

You must know that Zhao Yang's small world is also several million square kilometers, but the rules of Zhao Yang's small world are incomplete, and there is no so-called master of heaven in his small world.

This is why Zhao Yang spared no effort to help this small world of heaven?

This small world is a new life habitat.

At this moment, an altar appeared in the depths of the starry sky, and some figures in white robes appeared beside the altar.

There is an evil aura flowing from their bodies, but their eyes are extremely pious.

As these guys muttered words, inexplicable power poured into the altar, and these energies gave people a daunting feeling.


At this time, the figure of Underworld Emperor appeared in the mid-air. He looked into the depths of the starry sky and said, "What are those guys doing?" After a little pondering, Underworld Emperor still rushed towards there.

Tiandao of the small world saw that Emperor Hades had left, so he sucked it regardless.

Zhao Yang saw the strange behavior of the Underworld Emperor, and after pondering for a while, he ordered the battleship to call for surveillance.

It has to be said that the power of this battleship at the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm was unexpectedly strong, and it actually forcibly reflected the figure of the altar deep in the starry sky.

"Where did these guys come from?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

At this time, the figure of Emperor Hades appeared nearby.

"What are you guys doing?" Hades shouted at them.

"Underworld, you don't even have a physical body now, don't worry about us cursing the lineage." A figure in a white robe said lightly.

"Why do I think you are doing something bad?" Underworld Emperor looked at the altar, and the premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Underworld Emperor, if you don't want to die, then leave here." At this moment, an old voice rang out in the world, and then a domineering figure walked over from the void.

Seeing that figure, Emperor Underworld showed fear on his face.

"You have to tell me, what are you doing?" Emperor Ming said in a deep voice after a while.

"In less than a thousand years, Tianwaitian will be destroyed." The figure said indifferently, "What we are doing now is to prevent that day from coming."

"Who are you fooling?" Underworld Emperor said with disbelief on his face, "You are so kind to curse Yimai?"

"Believe it or not is up to you." The figure was too lazy to say anything to Emperor Hades.

Underworld Emperor's eyes flickered.

At this moment, a bloody bat appeared in front of Emperor Hades.

"The ancestor of the bloodthirsty clan." Underworld Emperor was startled.

How could Emperor Hades not know this person?

Back then, it followed Xuan Zheng to fight against the bloodthirsty bats?

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