Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1248 The Belonging of the Three Princesses

Since Zhao Yang got the divine art, he didn't worry about the survival of Yanhuangzong at all.

Since these ethnic groups don't pay attention, why should I care about them?

"How do you feel now?" Lin Caihan stepped forward to support the third princess.

"It's much better." The third princess said softly.

"That's good." Lin Caihan helped the third princess to her residence, and the maid of the third princess hurried over to help.

Lin Caihan left after a lot of busy work.

After arriving at Zhao Yang's study, Lin Caihan hesitated and asked, "Do you like the third princess?"

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"Why do you ask?"

"Then do you know that the third princess likes you?"


"When I was helping the third princess just now, I found that she was far from being as weak as she appeared, but she was still willing to be supported by you. Do you know what this means?"

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"The third princess is ice and snow holy, which man have you seen her get close to these years?"

Zhao Yang was silent.

"Before I noticed that the third princess looked at you differently. When I came back this time, I found that the way she looked at you was deeply rooted in love."

"It's not as mysterious as you said, is it?"

"The third princess has made great contributions to the Yanhuang Sect over the years. I think you have to give them an account of your feelings and reason."

"This... I don't have that kind of affection for the third princess?"

"Don't you think the third princess is not good enough for you?"

"That's not it."

"You don't know what to say?" Lin Caihan immediately understood Zhao Yang's expression.

"I really don't know how to say it?" Zhao Yang said with some embarrassment.

"Leave it to me." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

After waiting for several days in panic, the various ethnic groups found that there was no bloodthirsty bat clan in the sealed land.

what's the situation?

Why don't they take advantage of the victory and pursue it?

In the subsequent investigation, they discovered that the patriarchs of the Tianshu and Yuheng clans had fled back. They went to these two clans to inquire, but were told that the patriarchs had retreated.

Puzzled, they take it for granted that the bloodthirsty bat family may think that now is not a good time to be born.

But at this time, no one mentioned the alliance anymore.

Let's sweep the snow in front of our own houses, shall we?

Lin Caihan went to the Three Princesses' Court very frequently these days, so it took half a month before Lin Caihan got to the topic.

"Third princess, what do you think of the suzerain?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

The third princess looked at Lin Caihan puzzled, "The master is very nice, why do you ask?"

"You are the only high-ranking member of the sect, and I have to worry about your life affairs." When Lin Caihan said this, the three princesses blushed, because she noticed that Lin Caihan had mentioned Zhao Yang before.

"Deputy Suzerain, you might as well speak up if you have something to say." The third princess bit her bright red lips and said.

"Then I'll get straight to the point. With your qualifications and cultivation, no one in the sect is worthy of you." Lin Caihan said softly, "The suzerain has always been interested in you, but I don't know if you are willing or not?"

"Ah, the suzerain is interested in me?" The third princess was stunned.

"Yes." Lin Caihan nodded and said, "Of course, if you don't want to, I will tell the suzerain and reject him."

"Don't." The third princess realized that she was a little anxious when she said this.

"Third princess, although you are thousands of years older than idiots, I have always regarded you as a good sister in my heart." Lin Caihan said, holding the hand of the third princess, "If you are interested, I will hold a wedding for you two .”

"Don't." The third princess refused without even thinking about it, "You haven't done it yet, so what can I do?"

"You agreed to what you said?" Lin Caihan asked with a smile.

The three princesses responded.

"I'll tell my husband the good news." Lin Caihan said and left in a hurry.

After Lin Caihan went to Zhao Yang's study and told him about it, Zhao Yang was stunned.

"The third princess is really interested?" Zhao Yang murmured.

"Now it's your turn to take the initiative." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"I do not know what to say?"

"What about all the tricks you used to pick up girls?"

"To be honest, I was always chased." Zhao Yang said shyly.

Lin Caihan thought about it and found out that this is really the case?

Whether it's Mingyue, Xu Huier, or blue crucian carp, etc., Zhao Yang has always been passive.

"You have to go over at this time and make a statement." Lin Caihan said softly.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and walked towards the courtyard of the third princess.

When Zhao Yang arrived at the courtyard, he found that the third princess was sitting in the courtyard awkwardly, and the maids in the courtyard were not there.

Zhao Yang sat beside the third princess, "You have been fighting for the Yanhuangzong all these years, you have worked hard."

"As the general of Yanhuangzong, this is what I should do." The third princess said softly.

"But I won't let you do this again in the future." Zhao Yang pondered for a while and put the third princess's soft and boneless little hand in his palm, "From now on, you only need to stand behind me."

The third princess said shyly, "I like fighting."

"I know you like to fight, but when I heard that something happened to you, I still panicked. I don't know what would I do without you?"

The third princess was a little moved, "Are you so worried about me?"

"Very worried." Zhao Yang met the eyes of the third princess and said seriously.

"It seems that I entrust someone to someone else." The third princess said softly.

"From now on, you will be my Zhao Yang's wife just like Cai Han, there is no big or small between you." Zhao Yang said and pulled the third princess into his arms.


The appearance of Zhao Yang gave the bloodthirsty bat a great shock, so the bloodthirsty bat waited for three years before appearing in front of the world again.

This time the bloodthirsty bat dispatched an existence at the peak of the Emperor Realm, and it was under the leadership of this bloodthirsty bat that it dared to show up.

After appearing, the bloodthirsty bats flocked towards a nearby royal-level life planet. Most of the three emperor-level forces and nine royal families of that life planet were killed, and very few escaped.

This news shocked the entire Tianwaitian, no one thought of an emperor-level life planet, and it was over after talking.


"If we don't form an alliance, we will be defeated one by one by the bloodthirsty bats."

"I don't think we would be able to defeat them without the leadership of the Sky Splitting Clan."

After discussing with each other, the major royal families found Mu Yi of the Lietian Clan.

What Mu Yi meant was to discuss with the bloodthirsty bat clan first.

Mu Yi sent envoys to discuss with the bloodthirsty bats, but the bloodthirsty bats said that they just want a habitat, and they will not cause trouble to the whole outer world like before.

After receiving this news, both the Tiantian Clan and the major royal families were very happy.

The only one who is unhappy is the family members who fled from the planet of life. Originally, they thought that the major royal families could help revenge?In the blink of an eye, people cheered and jumped up.

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