Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1250 Shouyuan Was Beheaded

"Underworld Emperor, it seems that your situation is not very good?" The third ancestor of the bloodthirsty bat said lightly.

"You don't need to worry about my situation." Underworld Emperor snorted coldly, "I'm curious why you didn't die?"

"There is no unparalleled road, and you don't know this?" The bloodthirsty bat looked at the altar after saying this, and then it frowned deeply, "What are you doing cursing the lineage?"

"We are offering sacrifices." An old man presiding over the ceremony replied, "We sacrifice the curse power collected over the years to the Heavenly Dao, so that we can delay the lifespan of Tianwaitian to a certain extent."

"You guys are so kind?" The third ancestor of the bloodthirsty bat looked disbelieving.

The cursed lineage has existed for a long time. Although it is said that the cursed lineage has not done any evil, everyone is very afraid of this mysterious group.

"You will know soon." The eyes of the old man presiding over the ceremony were full of burning colors when he said these words.

The bloodthirsty bat and Hades immediately saw worry in each other's eyes.

"Do you want to make a move?" Emperor Ming asked.

"Why do you want to take action?" The bloodthirsty bat sneered, "Qin Zu of the human race and the patriarch of the Tiantian clan, why didn't these two stop them? Besides, the more chaotic the outer world, the better for my lineage."

"It doesn't matter to me, I just know the whole body, and I can curse any line." Underworld Emperor pondered for a while and said.

Zhao Yang stared at this scene.

He instinctively felt that the cursed lineage was doing something heinous, the question was how could he stop it?

Emperor Hades has a grudge against him, and the bloodthirsty bat has a grudge against him, and there are two other peak emperors in the curse lineage, so what's the use of Zhao Yang showing up?

The battleship at the peak of the Emperor Realm can severely damage one, but what about the remaining three Zhao Yang?

He doesn't know how far these people have come to the peak of the Emperor Realm. Is it necessary for Zhao Yang to spend all his wealth?

He knew very well that even if he exhausted all his family resources, he might not be able to stop it, and Yan Huangzong would start fleeing next.

As more and more curse power gathered on the altar, the old man who presided over the sacrifice became more and more excited.


When the power of the curse reached a certain level, a skull appeared above the altar. When this skull appeared, both Hades and the bloodthirsty bat felt a burst of shock.

"What is this skull?" Hades exclaimed in surprise.

You must know that the Underworld Emperor is at the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm, and there are very few things in this world that surprise him.

The old man presiding over the sacrifice said excitedly, "The power of the curse that lasted nearly a hundred thousand years has finally turned into the source of the curse." It swallowed the skull like a whale with one mouth.

The next moment its aura rose sharply.

Constantly skyrocketing.

Insane skyrocketing.

Hades and the bloodthirsty bat looked at each other and saw something in each other's eyes.

"You are breaking a crucial step." Underworld Emperor pointed to the old man who presided over the sacrifice.

The old man presiding over the sacrifice showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "I don't know why you would speculate like this. Maybe you think becoming a god is the most important thing, but in my opinion, replacing the way of heaven is the most important thing."

"Replace Heaven?" The bloodthirsty bat exclaimed, "You...?"

"The Dao of Tianwaitian is getting old, and this is the best time to replace it." When the old man said this, his eyes turned into a sharp cold light, "Tiandao, you should roll down from your high position. "

"Bold." Tiandao was shocked.

The Dao of Heaven has been in charge of everything these years, has anyone ever provoked him like this?

"Aren't you bold? You'll know soon." The old man rushed towards the depths of the sky with the altar in his hand.

The collision in the depths of the sky made the monks of the whole Tianwaitian shake. They faintly felt that this battle was related to their fate, and they didn't know how long it had passed before a blood rain suddenly fell from the sky.

This rain of blood made everyone's hearts tremble, and everyone knew that this was a bad premonition.

This rain of blood lasted for three days and three nights, and when it was over, some monks found that their lifespan had been cut off a lot.

"My lifespan is only less than a thousand years."

"My lifespan is five thousand years."

"Aren't the strong ones in the imperial realm immortal? Why are there only [-] of mine that can't be planted?"

"My lifespan is only two hundred years old, who can tell me what's going on?"

Totally messed up.

The cultivator of Tianwaitian found that his lifespan had been cut.

After seeing this situation, Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, and many monks of Yanhuangzong also looked uneasy at this time.

When you reach the Holy Realm, you will have ten thousand years of life, when you reach Emperor Zhun, you will have one hundred thousand years of life, and when you reach the Emperor Realm, you will have one million years of life, but now it has been reduced and cannot be resisted.

"Sect Master, my lifespan is only a thousand years." A young man said with red eyes.

"What's wrong with the thousand years?" Zhao Yang stared at the young man and said, "Work hard to improve yourself, let your cultivation level rise again, and your lifespan will increase." At this point, Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said, "You just need to remember that the established things cannot be changed, so try to accept the reality. Your lifespan has been cut, do you think I have not been cut? Do I have to feel sorry for myself like you?"

The disciples of Yanhuangzong hung their heads in shame at what Zhao Yang said.

"Give me practice. Before the end, if you can't resist, what are you talking about about longevity?" Zhao Yang said coldly.

After the monks present left one after another, Zhao Yang came to the meeting hall.

"This time, the lifespan has affected all the monks. According to my investigation, the lifespan of quasi-sacred and lower realms has been directly reduced to [-] years, and the lifespan of monks at the holy level is [-] years. Depending on your own cultivation level, The increase in lifespan is also different." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice, "Among them, the lifespan of the quasi-emperor realm has been reduced to three thousand years, and the lifespan of the quasi-emperor peak is less than [-] years."

"Sovereign, do you know what happened?" Xu Huier looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"The patriarch of the cursed lineage wants to replace Tiandao, but it seems that most of them have failed at present, but Tiandao has also been severely damaged." Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said, "For example, our life essence has been cut off."

"Is there any way?" Bi Luo asked hurriedly.

"No." Zhao Yang shook his head and said.

Hearing what Zhao Yang said, everyone's faces showed frustration.

No one wants to die.

"I said, are you thinking too far, you need to know where we can escape after the catastrophe of doomsday comes?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "Don't think about everything, hard work is the kingly way. "

"Sovereign, should we speed up and break through to the king's realm?" Blue crucian carp asked softly.

"No need, you just practice step by step, and to be honest, you don't care about these ten or eight years." Zhao Yang shook his head and said.

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