Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1235 Find a way back

"Okay, just do as you said." Zhao Yang nodded and said.

Zhao Yang also felt that there was no need to focus on monitoring the entire territory of Yanhuangzong.

Next, Zhao Yang did not stay idle, but upgraded Yanhuangzong's mountain protection array.

It took half a year to finally raise the level of Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation to the level of the eighth heaven.

"Currently, even the most top-notch formation of the eighth heaven should not be easily pierced." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Can you stop the peak emperor realm?" Lin Caihan asked curiously.

"I'm not sure." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while, "I'm going to retreat next."

"Retreat?" Lin Caihan was startled.

"I want to push my cultivation to the sixth heaven in one fell swoop, and at the same time improve my formation and alchemy." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "In this way, the strength of the formation can be improved, When I thought about it, even those at the peak of the Emperor Realm would not be able to spy on it."

Zhao Yang doesn't have much confidence now, but he is confident that after reaching the peak of the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm, he will definitely be able to stop the existence of the peak of the Emperor Realm.

And at that time, there will be no need for the battleship at the peak of the imperial realm to focus on monitoring the Yanhuangzong's ancestral court.

"One more thing."

"You said."

"These days there are quite a few human factions who want to join the Yanhuang Sect."

"Human power?"

"Including the Kong family."

"what is your opinion?"

"The total number of Yanhuangzong's disciples, relatives, and the human race we brought before us is 68 billion, but I think that if Yanhuangzong wants to reach the emperor-level power, it may need to expand its scale."

"How much do you think it needs to be enlarged?"

"At least a third more."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "If this is the case, there will be chaos inside Yanhuangzong."


"The disciples of Yanhuangzong are extremely xenophobic forces. Even though there are many human races in Tianwaitian, we don't think they are of the same origin." Zhao Yang said lightly, "If Yanhuangzong accepts too many human races from Tianwaitian, then the two are different. Yuan's clansman will clash."

Lin Caihan was stunned.

"Yanhuangzong can accept some human races, but this number must not be too many." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang asked, "How many people are there in the Kong family?"

"There are about 12 billion Kong family's main line and affiliated forces."

"Tell Kong Jiayan that Huang Zong only accepts 3000 million."

"Is 3000 million too little?"

"In addition, tell the Kong family that after the Kong family joins the Yanhuang Sect, the Yanhuang Sect will disrupt the Kong family. As for the high-level members of the Kong family, the sect will make reasonable arrangements. Of course, don't even think about touching the high-level seats in the early stage." Zhao Yang said faintly. Said.

The reason why Zhao Yang only wanted the figure of 3000 million was because 3000 million disciples of the Confucian family could easily be diluted. If there were [-] million or [-] million, they would form a group and it would be very troublesome to deal with.

"Is the condition too harsh?"

"We are under a lot of pressure, and we have to think about the future." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "Actually, I didn't even think about expanding."

"Then what about the other forces?"

"Not for the moment."


When Zhao Yang went to the study to practice, Lin Caihan called a personal maid, "You go to the Kong family and let the head of the Kong family and Kong Yao come."

The personal maid bowed and left.

Not long after, the head of the Kong family and Kong Yao came to the meeting hall.

"I've seen Sovereign Lin." The head of the Kong family and Kong Yao saluted Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan signaled the two to sit down, "The main reason for the two of you to come here today is to discuss the matter of the Confucius family joining the Yanhuang Sect."

Hearing this, the head of the Kong family and Kong Yao immediately sat upright.

"Just now I asked the suzerain, the suzerain does not want outsiders to enter the sect." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Why?" Kong Yao was a little anxious.

"The suzerain said that the monks of Yanhuangzong are all from their homeland, and they have a strong sense of belonging, but if foreign monks enter, there will definitely be conflicts between the two parties."

Lin Caihan's words made Kong Yao stunned.

"Sect Master Zhao is very thoughtful." The head of the Kong family nodded unexpectedly, "Once there are large-scale human monks from the sky outside the sky, there will definitely be many conflicts between the two. Because of their lack of strength, they might be humbled, but after they rise up, the Yanhuang Sect may split."

"Yes, but the suzerain said that the Kong family is an exception." Lin Caihan said immediately.

The faces of the head of the Kong family and Kong Yao suddenly showed surprise.

"But the quota for the Kong family is 3000 million." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

"3000 million?" Kong Yao's face changed, "Is 3000 million a little too little?"

"After the monks of the Kong family entered the Yanhuangzong, the Yanhuangzong would guarantee their interests, but for the convenience of management, they would disperse the members of the Kong family to various legions, and the high-level members of the Kong family just entered the Yanhuangzong at most. The middle level of the sect." Lin Caihan said the conditions.

"Can't the Kong family become independent?" Kong Yao asked tentatively.

"In the past, Yanhuangzong was composed of three parties. Later, there were many problems among the three parties, because each party wanted to have more say." Lin Caihan shook her head and said, "Currently, Yanhuangzong only has two external forces. One is the Taisui lineage, and the other is the Wuliangshan lineage, these two lines are relatively independent, but they cannot participate in the core of the sect, and the sect also has many reservations about it."

"Can the Kong family be like the Taisui lineage and the Wuliangshan lineage?" Kong Yao asked after thinking about it.

"Yes." Lin Caihan said after pondering for a while, "But Yanhuangzong can still accept 3000 million."

"Can this number be more?" The head of the Kong family said softly.

"Since you have brought it up, I can't help you. I will give you another 1000 million quota." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it, "But I need to say something first. Your Kong family has become a subsidiary of Yanhuangzong." power, but the Yanhuangzong headquarters has jurisdiction over you, do you know this?"

"I understand this." The head of the Kong family said hurriedly.

After the two sides finalized some details, the head of the Kong family and Kong Yao left Yanhuangzong.

"Patriarch, is the 4000 million quota too small?"

"Less? 4000 million is already a lot, okay?" The head of the Kong family said with a smile, "Our Kong family has 3000 million in the main line, 6000 million in the branch line, and the rest is the subsidiary forces." Pause The head of the Kong family continued, "I think there will be many who are unwilling to follow the main line."


"After we became a subordinate force of Yanhuangzong, we still imagined that we were free and easy before?" The head of the Kong family said softly, "Many people will object to joining Yanhuangzong for various reasons."

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