Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1234 You are too weak

Unless Zhao Yang is walking in the way of killing, but even if he is walking in the way of killing, it is impossible to have such a majestic killing intent?

How many souls have to be slaughtered?

For monks who walk the way of killing, it doesn't make any sense for you to slaughter ordinary monks.

Only powerful creatures can.

What it didn't know was that most of the star beasts that Zhao Yang slaughtered in the formation were of the quasi-emperor level, of course there were also those of the holy level, and many of them were of the emperor level.

And Zhao Yang slaughtered hundreds of billions of people, that's why the killing intent on him is so terrifying.

This is what Mu Yi doesn't understand.

"Hundreds of billions of creatures were slaughtered in the illusion." Zhao Yang said with his hands behind his back, "Mu Yi, I know you are arrogant, so I will give you three chances to attack."

The audience was in an uproar.

What did Zhao Yang say?

He said to give Mu Yi three chances to make shots?

How dare he?

How can he?

You must know that Mu Yi is the top existence of the younger generation standing at the top of the pyramid?

Qin Xuan's pupils shrank fiercely in the formation, "Zhao Yang, he...?"

"He's stronger." Qin Lie stared at Zhao Yang and said slowly.

"Can you see through?" Qin Lu asked curiously.

"I can't see through it, but I think his strength has surpassed mine."

"How is it possible?" Qin Lu exclaimed.

"This is just my intuition." Qin Lie said in a deep voice.

Mu Yi fixed his eyes on Zhao Yang, and said in a deep voice after a while, "You will pay for your arrogance."

Immediately it soared into the air, and its body rose very high.


When it reached a certain height, a thunderbolt resounded through the territory with a radius of ten thousand miles, and then everyone saw Mu Yi holding a thunderbolt and lightning and swooping towards Zhao Yang.

And as Mu Yi got closer to Zhao Yang, the energy of that thunderbolt became more terrifying, and in the end it reached the point where everyone was trembling with fear.

"Splitting the Sky and Thunderbolt." Mu Yi roared.

The thunderbolt in its hand slammed down towards the top of Zhao Yang's head.

The vast thunder force immediately submerged Zhao Yang's body.

Mu Yi panted heavily, didn't he think that Zhao Yang would be safe and sound under his full blow?

It was only after the thunder had dissipated that it was shocked to find Zhao Yang standing there as if nothing had happened.

The corner of Zhao Yang's mouth reveals a slight sarcasm, "That's all you have."

"How is it possible?" The expression on Mu Yi's face was like seeing a ghost.

It didn't think about counting on this blow to hit Zhao Yang hard, but it also didn't think that Zhao Yang would be fine.

"You still have two chances to make a move." Zhao Yang said calmly.


Mu Yi felt deep humiliation from Zhao Yang's words.


Mu Yi took a step towards Zhao Yang.

At this step, the mountains and rivers swayed, but Zhao Yang remained motionless.

"Muyi has used the unique skill of the Tiantian Clan again."

"Heaven-shattering deceitful step."

"It is rumored that every step of the sky-shattering deceitful step is more terrifying, one step splits the blood, two steps split the body, three steps split the soul, four steps are strange, five steps wither and die."

"If you say that, Lin Caihan can't stop the fourth step?"

"The premise is that Lin Caihan won't let him go to the fourth step."

"I just don't know if Zhao Yang can stop it?"

After Mu Yi saw that Zhao Yang was motionless, he took a second step forward.

Zhao Yang still didn't move.

He just looked at Mu Yi with a smile.

But in Mu Yi's view, this is a mockery.

"I don't believe you can stay still?" Mu Yi thought in his heart and took the third step forward.

Ripples appeared in the divine light surrounding Zhao Yang.

But that's all.

"You..." Mu Yi was startled.

Lin Caihan almost couldn't hold on when she took three steps before, why did Zhao Yang just glance at someone who was okay?

What it doesn't know is that one Zhao Yang is stronger than Lin Caihan, and the other Zhao Yang's current combat power has tripled, so what if Mu Yi can do nothing to get him?

Four steps!

When Mu Yi took the fourth step towards the front, Zhao Yang's Body Protector God Emperor shook violently, and then calmed down.

"That's it?" Zhao Yang frowned.

The audience was in an uproar.

what's the situation?

The peerless supernatural powers of the Lietian Clan didn't even break through Zhao Yang's divine light for body protection.

"My lord, you use the fifth step of the Sky-Splitting Deceitful Step!" the young patriarch of the Bang clan shouted hastily.

Mu Yi gave the young patriarch of the Bang clan a hard look.

Did you think it didn't want to be used?

The problem is that it simply won't.

Unless his cultivation base reaches the seventh level, it is possible to perform the fifth step in the deceitful step of splitting the sky.

It's just that at present, it seems that even using the fifth step in the deceitful step of splitting the sky is useless.

"It seems that you don't know how to take the fifth step." Zhao Yang said lightly, "You still have one chance to make a move."

Mu Yi's eyes struggled for a while, and then he sighed softly, "I'm defeated."

The two consecutive blows had consumed a lot of energy in his body, and he knew that he was no match for Zhao Yang.

The monks present looked at Mu Yi and sighed. Who would have thought that Mu Yi would fall into Zhao Yang's hands?

"Wasting my time." Zhao Yang turned and left after saying this.

Mu Yi's expression changed a few times, and finally he left here lonely.

After Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, the disciples of Yanhuangzong looked at Zhao Yang like gods.

"Sovereign, I want to fight with you." The third princess came to Zhao Yang and said with bright eyes.

"Let's find a place in a few days." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"By the way, suzerain, Lord Ming has been making a fuss again these days."

"What's the fuss about it?"

"It reminds us that it's time to go to that emperor-level planet."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "We'll talk about it after my cultivation has reached the peak of the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm."

Zhao Yang also has his own considerations.

After he defeated Mu Yi this time, Zhao Yang needed to consider the subsequent impact.

In other words, it was impossible for him to leave Yanhuangzong immediately.

He needs to upgrade the Zongmen's mountain guard formation to the Eighth Heaven. After upgrading to the Eighth Heaven, he will further improve his cultivation base. Combat strength can also be raised to the eighth heaven.

Zhao Yang felt that he would have the strength to fight even against those at the peak of the Emperor Realm.

It is true that Zhao Yang has the battleship at the peak of the emperor's realm and the talisman that can severely damage the peak of the emperor's realm.

But Zhao Yang still felt that he could use it or not.

"Caihan, order the warships at the peak of the imperial realm to start monitoring the territory of Yanhuangzong."

"I think it is enough to focus on monitoring the Yanhuangzong's ancestral home, and routinely scan and monitor the Yanhuangzong's territory." Lin Caihan thought for a while and put forward his own suggestion.

"Consumed a lot?"

"Monitoring the entire territory of Yanhuangzong consumes [-] drops of imperial liquid every day, but if we focus on monitoring the ancestral court of Yanhuangzong and routinely scan and monitor the territory of Yanhuangzong, then we only need to consume [-] drops of imperial liquid."

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