Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1236 Go to Emperor Star

"But there are still many branches and affiliated forces that are willing to follow. I think the number of 4000 million is definitely not enough." Kong Yao expressed his opinion.

"At that time, the Kong family will focus on selecting some potential geniuses. As for so many mediocre talents, there is no need to bring them along." The head of the Kong family said in a deep voice, "Do you know how difficult it is to get a ticket for the Yanhuangzong?"

"What do you mean?"

"It has been less than a thousand years since the destruction of Tianwaitian, and many forces are still dreaming of death." The head of the Kong family said leisurely, "The Kong family is now following the Yanhuangzong, so it is possible to survive in the future."

The head of the Kong family is not thinking about the present, but the doomsday in 900 years.

The study of the three princesses!

During this time, the three princesses were also practicing and enlightening.

Ever since Lin Caihan taught her the Supreme Qingming Jue, she has been comprehending it. She knows very well that this technique will greatly enhance her combat effectiveness.

But during this period of time, Ming Jun has been clamoring to go to the fallen Emperor Realm planet.

And Mingjun had to break out a breaking news after seeing the three princesses ignoring him.

"If we don't go again, my master may cheat the corpse."

"Fake corpse?" The third princess was startled when she heard this.

The existence of the peak of the imperial realm cheats the corpse?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

"My master is the emperor of the underworld. He has been exploring the true meaning of death. Why do I want you to extract the source of that planet of life? I also don't want my master to be resurrected." Procrastinate, procrastinate and it’s over.”

The third princess didn't know whether what Ming Jun said was true or not, but she reported this matter to Zhao Yang immediately.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying, "You tell Lord Ming, we will leave in a month."

During this period of time, Zhao Yang's cultivation has reached the peak of the sixth heaven, and at the same time, Zhao Yang has also improved his formation. The reason why he said one month later is because he needs to upgrade the mountain protection formation again. grade.

One month later, Zhao Yang Zhao Yang finally raised the level of the mountain protection formation to another level.

"Even if you're at the peak of the Emperor Realm, don't even think about entering the Great Mountain Protector Formation easily." Zhao Yang said confidently.

"Is my husband going to the planet that Lord Hades mentioned?"

Zhao Yang nodded lightly and said, "Now my strength is still capable of fighting against the peak of the emperor's realm. When I go this time, I will leave you the battleship of the peak of the emperor's realm."


"It's enough for me to have the talisman that can severely damage the peak of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Don't worry, with this lineup, even if the Underworld Emperor is resurrected, I will be sure to retreat."

"During this period of time, I built a battleship of the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm. This time, you can take this battleship when you go." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.


Lin Caihan summoned the battleship she built.

This battleship is more than twice the size of the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm that Zhao Yang was on before.

"Theoretically, there are not many artillery shells that can stop it in the seventh heaven of God Realm. In addition, the shells of this battleship can support three large-scale wars." Speaking of this, Lin Caihan said with some distress, "Now I finally understand why many forces do not build warships. ? It’s really because the shells of the light battleship are an astronomical number.”

"How much imperial liquid did these shells consume?"


"It's okay." Zhao Yang didn't tell Lin Caihan about getting a hundred times the resources in the pagoda, he wanted to give Lin Caihan a surprise in the future.

"I didn't spend space stones on this battleship to open up a new world." Lin Caihan continued, "But it's no problem for thousands of monks to live in the living area."

"It is indeed unnecessary to create a new small world." Zhao Yang agreed.

He also didn't think it was necessary.

When the Emperor Zhun can open up his own small world, then why open up a small world for the battleship?

What a waste of resources.

"Okay, I should go." Zhao Yang called the third princess.

After the third princess boarded the battleship, she looked around and said, "The king-class battleship looks much more magnificent than the sixth heaven of the imperial realm."

"After you reset a new seal on Ming Jun's body, then bring him out."


After a quarter of an hour, the three princesses appeared on the battleship with Ming Jun.

At this time, there were dense seal runes flashing on Mingjun's body, "Actually, you don't need to be so cautious? Do you think I can still run away?"

"Can we talk about space coordinates now?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Mingjun gave a space coordinate, and Zhao Yang immediately ordered the battleship to go with all his strength.

And halfway through, Mingjun gave another coordinate.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yang asked unkindly.

"I'm also doing it for my own safety. God knows if you have sent someone to ambush you?" Mingjun said with a smile, "You get the resources and I live. It's that simple."

Zhao Yang suppressed his anger and said nothing.

On the way, Hades changed the space coordinates back and forth more than a dozen times, and each time it required the battleship to move forward with all its strength.

"It's almost there." Ming Jun said abruptly.

Zhao Yang and the third princess who were lying on the sofa suddenly stood up.

They looked at the huge glass screen in front of them, their expressions became serious.

Soon they noticed the difference in this world.

"Maybe it's here." The third princess whispered.

"It's possible." Zhao Yang nodded.

Then Zhao Yang looked at Ming Jun, "It's your turn."

"You have to break the seal on me." Mingjun said with a smile.


"I need to use the seal unique to my sect to summon the dead planet."

Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

He finally understood why Ming Jun didn't care about the three princesses setting a seal on it before?

"Untie it." Zhao Yang looked at the third princess.

The three princesses helped Mingjun break the seal.

"I still have the seal you set on me." Mingjun looked at Zhao Yang again.

After Zhao Yang released the seal on Mingjun's body, he said coldly, "Is it alright?"

Mingjun stepped out of the battleship and came to the bow of the ship.

It looked into the distance, holding the seal with both hands.

And when Yinjue took shape, a huge attraction came towards Zhao Yang and others.

Zhao Yang knew that this was due to the appearance of a behemoth nearby.

Gradually the behemoth became clearer and clearer.

A vast world.

But that side of the world gives people a very gloomy feeling.

"There are creatures in this world." The eyes of the third princess were shining brightly, and she saw some strange and evil creatures.

"This world was ruined back then, and now most of these weird and evil creatures were spawned in this environment." Having said this, he looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Now you can let the small world absorb the energy of this world." Origin."

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