Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1226 Balanced Development

Zhao Yang put away the phantom formations around him with a wave of his hand.

Only then did the patriarch of the evil spirit clan realize that he was still on this planet.

"Illusionary array? You activated an illusionary array on me?" How could the patriarch of the evil spirit clan not understand at this time?

His face was extremely ugly, and he realized that he had been tricked.

His consciousness is controlled by phantom array.

"Now what do you have to do with me?" Zhao Yang sneered.

The patriarch of the Evil Spirit Clan changed his expression a few times before he said, "This time, I did not behave properly. In this way, the Evil Spirit Clan will be loyal to the Yanhuang Sect in the future, and only want to give the Evil Spirit Clan a way out."

It could see that there was no chance of a comeback today, so it might as well swear allegiance to Yanhuangzong.

"You said I have so many flounder, why should I accept your allegiance?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

After Zhao Yang's voice fell, the third princess made another move.

The patriarch of the evil spirit clan was beheaded by the three princesses after struggling to resist hundreds of moves.

"Let's go back." Zhao Yang glanced at the audience and said calmly.

The scene of the confrontation between the three princesses and the patriarch of the evil spirit clan attracted the attention of many emperors, and Zhao Yang still had the fighting power of the emperor level at this time, which made many emperors tremble with fear.

"I also thought about kidnapping people from the Yanhuang Sect before. Who would have thought that Zhao Yang's formation is so profound?"

"Before I suspected that Zhao Yang could not maintain this state for a long time, but now it seems that this guy can enter this state at any time."

"The huge evil spirit clan is over when it's over."

"What's more important is that Zhao Yang is still on the rise, so I don't think he will be interested in Yan Huangzong in the future."

Zhao Yang had already left this living planet when many emperors communicated in secret.

After returning to Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang checked Xu Huier and the two maids, "It's okay, are you all okay?"

"This time I made my husband bother." Xu Huier lowered her head and said.

"What are you talking about? I am your husband, and I was supposed to protect you from the wind and rain." Zhao Yang said, holding Xu Hui'er's hand.

"From now on, I will stay in the ancestral court honestly and will not run anywhere?" Xu Hui'er said softly.

"No need." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Where should we go in the future? After this incident, I believe that no one who doesn't have a good eye will target us again."

It's not necessary to stay in the ancestral courtyard all day just because you are worried about danger.

"I think the most urgent thing is to raise my cultivation level to the sixth level of the Emperor's Realm." Xu Hui'er thought for a while and said, "After reaching the sixth level of the Emperor's Realm, I will have some strength to protect myself."

"That's fine. In this way, the senior leaders of the sect should raise their cultivation to the sixth level of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

This time, Zhao Yang got a lot of Daoquan sources from the Daoquan person. With these Daoquan sources, there would be no problem for the high-level officials of Yanhuangzong to be promoted to the sixth heaven.

Of course, they can also be improved by flounder, but this kind of improvement is a bit wasteful.

Because if you give a flounder to the first level of the emperor, then as long as you give him time and give him Diye, he can be promoted to the sixth level.

"What about the flounder?" Lin Caihan said at this time.

"Take out half of the golden and silver flounder. You draw up a list, and you must find those who are loyal to the sect." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Won't the purple flounder come out?"

"Why does the younger generation respect the older generation? Do you really think it's because of their awe?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "Isn't it because of the tyranny of the older generation?" After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "Yan Huangzong In the future, there will be several peak emperors, but most of the high-level ones are in the eighth heaven. Think about it, if there are twenty eighth heavens in the younger generation, you want those guys to be sects safely Do you think it's possible?"

Once a person has strength, he will have ambition.

This is also the reason why Zhao Yang does not allow the younger generation to step into the realm of the emperor.

In fact, Zhao Yang's resting skills of the younger generation are also limited. After Zhao Yang destroyed so many ethnic groups, he obtained some exercises of the imperial realm and king realm.

These exercises were organized by Zhao Yang into the exercise hall.

Unless you are a senior member of the sect and follow Zhao Yang's first batch, you don't even think about practicing the highest level of exercises.

Never test humanity.

"I understand." Lin Caihan said softly, "I will draw up the list carefully."

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

After Lin Caihan left, Zhao Yang went to the Gongfa Hall.

Now that some inheritances have been obtained, Zhao Yang needs to sort out these exercises.

After sorting them out by categories, Zhao Yang comprehended the exercises of the emperor and king realms of the various ethnic groups in the exercise hall.

In fact, Zhao Yang doesn't need these exercises, Zhao Yang just wants to find some things he needs from these exercises.

Normally speaking, no one would do this, after all, everyone's energy is limited, but who made Zhao Yang have a dream?

With such cheating devices, Zhao Yang didn't worry about running out of time at all.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Zhao Yang stayed in Yanhuangzong Gongfa Hall for ten years.

In the past ten years, Zhao Yang's Taoism has become more and more refined, but he still has not broken the boundary of the eighth heaven.

"I feel that my strength has improved a lot, but this bottleneck is destined to be unbreakable." In Zhao Yang's study, he looked around the audience and said slowly.

"Unless the potential can go further, how difficult is it to go further?" Lin Caihan said with a soft sigh.

"How has the sect developed over the years?" Zhao Yang changed the subject after thinking about it.

"Only the three princesses of Yanhuangzong have reached the eighth heaven. Those who have reached the seventh heaven are Biluo and Taichang. Those who have reached the sixth heaven are you, me, Mingyue, Tang Yiren, Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, blue crucian carp, Leng Qingqiu, and Ruoxi. , Ruoqing, Jianchen, Xiaomi, Xiaoluo, Xiaoxia, Xiaojin, Tiehan, Pojun, Tanlang, etc., Ao Qing of the dragon clan who has reached the fifth heaven; Hanmei, Gao Bowen; Taixun, Taikang, and Taian from the Taisui lineage; Wuliang and Wuyan from the Wuliangshan lineage, and 26 disciples from Xianting's direct line Zhang Huangliang, Xu Duomu, Nalanran, and Tian Gaoliang."

Let me talk about Ao Qing first.

After so many years of making up for it, Ao Qing still failed to catch up with Lin Caihan and others.

However, Ao Qing is already very satisfied, and now he has reached the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm, and he is only a thin line away from Lin Caihan and the others.

In fact, Yanhuangzong has started to break down the barriers of various strengths in recent years, and after these years of integration, they have been well integrated.

The reason why Lin Caihan introduced it this way was because she was worried that Zhao Yang didn't know where it was from?

"Eighteen statues from the sixth heaven of the imperial realm, and 36 statues from the fifth heaven of the imperial realm." Zhao Yang muttered, "Our current high-end strength should not be inferior to the royal family."

It is only now that Yanhuangzong has caught up with the royal family in all aspects.

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