Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1225 Illusory Array

"Good job." Zhao Yang said softly, "Just wait for a while, and wait for me to carve this phantom map."

"Phantom map?"

"It can make the opponent fall into an illusion." Zhao Yang explained, "After the formation map is completed, the main attack task will be handed over to you."

The reason why Zhao Yang didn't want to make a move was because he didn't want to waste too much energy.


After the phantom array was engraved, Zhao Yang quietly sneaked into the side of the leader of the evil spirit clan, but the leader of the evil spirit clan still noticed it the moment Zhao Yang started.

It's just that the moment he wanted to leave, he found that the surrounding power of heaven and earth had locked its whole body.


The Chunyang Fist landed on it.


The patriarch of the evil spirit clan was severely injured on the spot.


As soon as it finished speaking, the third princess appeared in front of him.

"It's you?" The patriarch of the evil spirit clan turned pale with shock.

it backs off.

It's just that when he stepped back, he found himself locked again by the power of heaven and earth.

"Zhao Yang." The patriarch of the evil spirit clan came to his senses, is Zhao Yang still hiding in the dark?

The third princess didn't say much and collided fiercely with the head of the evil spirit clan.

The third princess has been using the power of time to enhance her own morality during this time, and Lin Caihan has also taught her the skills of the peak of the emperor, such as Supreme Qingming, so the fighting power of the third princess is more than twice as strong as before. .

The fighting power of the leader of the evil spirit clan is no longer comparable to that of the third princess, not to mention that it was severely injured by Zhao Yang's surprise attack before.

Therefore, every time the third princess collided with it, he was seriously injured. When it sprayed a mouthful of blood again, it hurriedly shouted, "Stop."

When it saw that the third princess didn't want to stop, it quickly detained Xu Hui'er from his small world.

It pinched Xu Huier's neck and said, "If you make another move, I will kill her."

The three princesses couldn't help but stop.

"Try it?" Zhao Yang appeared at this moment, and he said with a sullen face.

"Zhao Yang, you have finally appeared." The patriarch of the evil spirit clan stared at Zhao Yang and said, "Then let's talk."

"Let Xu Huier go, I will spare you." Zhao Yang said coldly.

"I took such a big risk, do you think I will let him go easily?" the patriarch of the evil spirit clan said with a cold face.

Zhao Yang waved his hand and hundreds of emperors from the evil spirit clan appeared beside him, "Do you know him?"

Seeing the patriarchs of the Emperor Evil Spirit Clan's face changed drastically, "You... what did you do?"

"Most of your Evil Spirit Clan members have been kidnapped." Zhao Yang looked at the leader of the Evil Spirit Clan and said, "If you don't let them go, they will all die."

The face of the patriarch of the evil spirit clan changed, but finally he gritted his teeth and said, "You kill it."

"it is good."

With a wave of Zhao Yang's hand, hundreds of emperors were instantly ignited, and they turned into ashes without even making a scream. Then Zhao Yang summoned another hundred emperors, "Do you want to continue?"

The patriarch of the evil spirit clan was stunned.

It didn't expect Zhao Yang to kill so decisively.

"You are not afraid that I will kill your wife."

"I said, as long as you touch my wife, your whole clan will be buried with you." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"You can continue to kill if you have the ability." What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that the patriarch of the evil spirit clan said these words, "I'm not afraid to tell you that the blood of my evil spirit clan is all in my small world. Even if you kill all the evil spirits, I won't care."


Another hundred emperors were killed by Zhao Yang.

The emperor of the evil spirit clan didn't even frown?

"Kill it, Zhao Yang, the more you are like this, the more you value Xu Huier." The patriarch of the evil spirit clan laughed and said, "I will let your Yanhuang Sect go bankrupt."

Zhao Yang, the patriarch of the evil spirit clan who looked a little crazy, had to admit that he had grasped his weakness.

So Zhao Yang quietly released the phantom formation in the formation.

When the phantom array filled thousands of miles around, a trace of confusion appeared in the eyes of the head of the evil spirit clan.

"Tell me your conditions." Zhao Yang said helplessly.

"First, I want ten purple flounders, twenty golden flounders, and a hundred silver flounders."


"Secondly, the Yanhuang Sect needs to return the members of my evil spirit clan who were imprisoned by you."


"Third, I want one-third of the resources in your treasury."


Seeing that Zhao Yang agreed so simply, the patriarch of the Evil Spirit Clan was a little taken aback, "Fourth, you need to promise in front of many emperors that you will not target the Evil Spirit Clan in the next millennium."


"Then hand over the flounder and my people now." The leader of the evil spirit clan stared at Zhao Yang and said.

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Yang gave hundreds of flounder to the head of the evil spirit clan, and then returned the captured one billion clan members to it.

The patriarch of the evil spirit clan immediately sent a billion people to his small world.

"Can you return Xu Huier to me now?" Zhao Yang asked.

"I'll let you go after you give me the resources in the treasury and make a promise in front of many emperors."

"Alright, follow me to Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang nodded.

After arriving at Yanhuangzong, the patriarch of the evil spirit clan ordered tens of thousands of people to move Yanhuangzong's resources, and after looting one-third of the resources, he summoned the remaining emperors.

Zhao Yang made a promise in front of many emperors.

Seeing Zhao Yang's aggrieved appearance, the patriarch of the evil spirit clan felt extremely happy.

"Return it to you." The patriarch of the evil spirit clan said and returned Xu Huier to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang immediately sent Xu Huier to his own small world, "Where are the two maids?"

"We didn't talk about maids when we were discussing conditions before." A smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the chief of the evil spirit clan.

Judging from the performance of the two maids and Xu Huier before, their relationship is very close.

In other words, it is impossible for Zhao Yang not to save the two of them.

And in order to prevent Zhao Yang from breaking the contract, it wants to take the two maids as hostages.

"It's meaningless to say that." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Xu Hui'er, I've already given it to you." The patriarch of the evil spirit clan felt that his world was directly torn apart by two powerful forces just after he said this. His face changed drastically and the three princesses turned into arrows that left the string. rushed over.


One of his arms was mercilessly severed.

"Zhao Yang, don't you want those two maids?" the patriarch of the evil spirit clan roared.

"Are you talking about the two of them?" Zhao Yang pointed to the distance.

Only then did the patriarch of the evil spirit clan discover that there was a maid standing beside Yuqing and Taiqing respectively.

"When did you enter my small world?" the patriarch of the evil spirit clan asked dumbfounded.

You must know that it had scanned its divine sense before, and it was also worried that Zhao Yang would send his own people in.

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