Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1227 Double Rewards

"Yes, but if you want to improve further, it will take a little more time." Lin Caihan said softly.

This is also normal.

The time it takes to upgrade from the sixth heaven to the seventh heaven is not a star and a half.

"Let them polish their realm more, and Yanhuangzong is not in a hurry to improve." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Yanhuangzong currently has no external pressure, so there is no need for so many kings to sit in charge.

"I'm going to go to the pagoda after polishing it up." Zhao Yang said softly.

"To the pagoda?"

"That's right, my Rock Heart has evolved to the third stage, and I think I may be eligible for the rewards of the fifth and sixth stages." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Should I be more prepared?"

"I know."

In the following time, Zhao Yang continued to enlighten and practice in the Gongfa Palace.

After staying for three years, he took out the teleportation jade talisman, and the moment he tore it apart, he was teleported to the foot of the pagoda.

"You're here." When Baota saw Zhao Yang, his words were full of excitement.

"I want to know if the rewards for the fifth level are what you said?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

To be honest, resources like 300 drops of Imperial Liquid, [-] million drops of Quasi-Diye, and [-] million drops of Holy Liquid could no longer impress Zhao Yang.

Does any king-level force have these resources?

"The previous rewards are indeed what I told you, but considering that Tianwaitian is about to collapse now, I decided to increase those rewards by a hundred times." Baota said with a smile, "I don't know if you are satisfied now?"

"One hundred times?" Zhao Yang was immediately moved.

You must know that the resources of one emperor-level force are equivalent to seven or eight king-level forces. In other words, one hundred king-level forces are equivalent to more than a dozen emperor-level forces.

The value of this resource far exceeded Zhao Yang's expectation.

"Satisfied, satisfied, satisfied." Zhao Yang said quickly.

"Then challenge now?"


After Zhao Yang's voice fell, he found himself in a melting pot.

Surrounded by hot magma.

"No, this is not magma." Zhao Yang said in surprise after taking a look.

This is an inexplicable substance, but its temperature is tens of thousands of times that of magma.

"Formation?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise after feeling that the formation was getting higher and higher, "Are you sure this is a formation?"

No response!

But after a while, Zhao Yang's hair was ignited, and his flesh and blood were also burnt and oily.


Zhao Yang felt that the furnace was going to burn him to death.

After his bones were also fused, Zhao Yang wondered if this was a formation?

If it is a formation, it is too real.

"This is a test."

"Yes, this must be a test."

"I just have to believe it's a test."

Zhao Yang thought so hard to keep a little clarity in his heart, and he didn't know how long it took for his body to completely melt, and even his soul was evaporated by the high temperature.

After a wisp of ashes dissipated, Zhao Yang completely disappeared in this world.


"Everything is an illusion."

"I want to come back."

Although everything about Zhao Yang was smelted in the furnace, his consciousness remained in the world.


Zhao Yang's consciousness forcibly broke through layers of confusion, and then Zhao Yang suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp and bright, full of the luster of wisdom.

He looked around again, only to find that it was empty and there was nothing.

"What a terrifying illusion." Zhao Yang said with lingering fear.

Zhao Yang was convinced that if he hadn't evolved to the third stage of Rock Heart, he would never be able to complete this challenge.

"Congratulations, you have completed the challenge of the fifth level." At this moment, the voice of the pagoda rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

Immediately, Zhao Yang saw a Qiankun bag in front of him, and after scanning with his divine sense, he found that there were unimaginable resources in the Qiankun bag.

After collecting these resources into the small world, he tentatively asked, "Is the reward for the sixth level a battleship at the peak of the imperial realm?"


"If that's the case, senior might as well give me a teleportation talisman. When my state of mind improves in the future, I'll break through again." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Hearing this, the pagoda suddenly exploded.


You just pass a level?

do you play?

"Aren't you going to go on?"

"To be honest, I don't need a battleship at the peak of the Emperor Realm right now."

"What else do you want?" Baota seemed to understand Zhao Yang's meaning.

This guy Zhao Yang wants more things.

"I want to break the threshold of the peak of Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"The threshold of the peak of the imperial realm?" The pagoda fell silent.

I don't know how long it took before the pagoda said, "If you can get the battleship, I will help you break the bottleneck of the realm, so that you can become a god in the sky in the future."

"Spirit?" Zhao Yang's heart trembled.

"That's right, the gods." The pagoda said solemnly, "The gods are truly superior, they hold the supreme principles, and they have insight into the avenue between heaven and earth."

"With one thought, mountains and seas can be leveled; with one thought, all things wither; with one thought, the world can be changed."

"I'll break in." Zhao Yang said with firm eyes.

If it was said that Zhao Yang hadn't thought much about making a breakthrough before, then he had a hundred reasons to do so now.

"However, I still need to tell you that the sixth level is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may really not be able to get out." Baota said after pondering for a moment.

"Risks and benefits have always coexisted."

"Then you are ready to challenge." After Baota's voice fell, Zhao Yang found himself in a battlefield.

The battlefield is full of densely packed star beasts.

These star beasts were filled with a powerful aura, and when they saw Zhao Yang, they rushed towards him.

Zhao Yang wondered if it was an illusion?

But he still swung his fist and rushed towards the star beast.

One punch!

After Zhao Yang killed hundreds of star beasts with one punch, more star beasts rushed over.


Zhao Yang didn't have the slightest fear, he activated the Nine Suns Mysterious Art, and ruthlessly killed star beasts one after another.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

After Zhao Yang stayed on this battlefield for half a month, even if the Nine Suns Mysterious Kung Fu could continuously provide energy, Zhao Yang was a bit tired of killing at this time.

Zhao Yang killed millions of star beasts in half a month, and this number is not enough to break Zhao Yang's mind. The problem is that the star beasts seem to be endless, and there is no time for him to rest at all.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

Two of the six Sanqing summoned by Zhao Yang have been lost.

"Are you letting yourself keep killing?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Didn't Zhao Yang kill so many star beasts before?The question is when will it be the head?

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