Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1221 I'm Passive

They are coveting flounder, but they don't want to die.

The remaining eight emperors looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes. They knew that it was impossible to get flounder from Zhao Yang's hands now.

But just when they wanted to leave, they didn't expect Zhao Yang's avatar to surround them.

"Zhao Yang, what do you mean?" the prisoner clan's chief said with a disturbed expression.

"Didn't you doubt my avatar's strength before? I think it is necessary for you to try it." Zhao Yang waved his hand and said, "Kill."

Zhao Yang's six emperors rushed towards the six emperors immediately.

At this time, Sanqing didn't bother to use the killing array, because they were not afraid in one-on-one situations.

Qin Lie has an impulsive personality.

He also chose one.

"Third princess, you are rushing to the side." Zhao Yang said something to the third princess and then went straight to the patriarch of the Meteor Clan.

Jin Wuchang said before that the old patriarch of the Meteor Clan is No. 1 under the peak of the Emperor Realm.

Zhao Yang didn't believe it.

"Today I want to let you know who is the No. 1 under the peak of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang said, his eyes turned into two balls of flames, and there was a terrifying flame flowing from his body that made the mountains and rivers change color. .

Flames can burn mountains;

flames, to boil the sea;

Flames can push the heavens across.

The old man of the Meteor Clan's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water, he didn't expect Zhao Yang to be so domineering.

The aura on its body exudes endless mist, which exudes a strange and ominous aura. The nearby emperors receded after feeling this aura, but Zhao Yang had nothing to be afraid of.

Nine Yang Xuan Gong, the most divine and holy, how could he care about the strangeness?

"This old man has never had an opponent in 8000 years. Although I don't know how you ascended to the Eighth Heaven, you can't be my opponent." The eyes of the old man of the Meteor Clan were stern.

"Who have I never been afraid of at the same level?" Zhao Yang said loudly.

Nine Suns Mysterious Art exploded the space around Zhao Yang like a nuclear explosion, and the force of Nine Suns billowing like a tide permeated every inch of space here.

Even though the elders of the Meteor Clan tried their best to block it, the mist was still ignited.

Its skin turned red, and its eyeballs also turned red.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible." The old man of the Meteor Clan roared angrily.

It doesn't believe it will fail at the same level.

It doesn't even believe that it will be defeated by a junior.

But the fact is that it can no longer hold on.

It is retreating.


Two steps!

Three steps!

The old man of the Meteor Clan stepped back for more than a dozen steps, his clothes were already in tatters, and his beard was also stained with blood.

It looked at Zhao Yang who was close at hand and said bitterly, "I'm defeated."

"If you lose, you have to look like a loser." Zhao Yang said with his hands behind his back.

"You have already won, do you still need to humiliate me like this?" the old man of the Meteor Clan shouted angrily.

But at this moment, it heard a scream, but it was the patriarch of the Yin clan who was killed by Zhao Yang's clone, and blood dripped down.

"Don't waste the blood, and its body, buried in the soil as fertilizer." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Yang's words made the elders of the Meteor Clan feel cold all over their bodies.

"How dare you treat the emperor like this?"

"What's wrong with the emperor?" Zhao Yang looked at the old man mockingly and said, "You can treat low-level monks without any scruples, and then one day you will be treated in the same way."

"There is an agreement between the emperors."

"I'm not the emperor, I don't need to abide by your rules." Zhao Yang interrupted it unceremoniously, "In addition, my rules are, whoever provokes me must be prepared to fall."

Zhao Yang's words were very arrogant.

But the emperor present did not dare to say anything?

Everyone knows that Zhao Yang's rise is unstoppable, so who would take offense?

"Zhao Yang, are you going to kill all the emperors present?" The old man of the Meteor Clan sighed softly after another emperor fell.

"They can kill me, but I can't kill them?" Zhao Yang asked rhetorically.

"In less than a thousand years, Tianwaitian will usher in its doomsday. At that time, raging star beasts will sweep the entire Tianwaitian. If there is no emperor to stop it, how long do you think Tianwaitian will be able to defend?" the old man of the Meteor Clan said bitterly. said.

Zhao Yang waved his hand when he heard this.

Sanqing and Qin Lie stopped immediately.

"I don't need to kill them, but they need to pay the price." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a moment.

"What do you need?" the old man of the Meteor Clan asked.

Zhao Yang waved his hand and a list appeared in the air, "Each of you forces needs to prepare one hundred materials on this list for me."

The Meteor Clan and other major emperors looked at the materials on the list and their faces darkened.


The materials on the list are all king-level or even imperial-level materials.

Even if there are not many of them?

"My Yanhuang Sect also wants to make friends with all the sects, so I compromised." Zhao Yang took out another list, "You must give the resources on this list."

Everyone's eyes fell on that list, and there were many types on this list.

After some calculations in their minds, they found that the resources on this list were almost equivalent to the treasury of a royal family.

"Is this too much?" The patriarch of the Qing clan said with a wry smile.

"I think you should ask the four clans of Skyhawk, Yinghuo, Silver, and Iron about this sentence." Zhao Yang said with a sneer.

The patriarch of the Qing clan fell silent.

There is no doubt that these four clans are destined to become history.

"How will the resources be given to you?" the old man of the Meteor Clan asked after a while.

"I will give you three days to prepare, and you will be sent to Yanhuangzong in three days." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Immediately, Zhao Yang looked at Qin Lie, "Sect Master Qin, the Yinghuo Clan is a disaster for King Hui, so the Yinghuo Clan might as well leave it to you."

"I..." How could Qin Lie not know that Zhao Yang wanted to give him the resources of the Yinghuo Clan?

"Sect Master Qin, you must have heard the Millennium Crisis mentioned by the Patriarch of the Meteor Clan. If the Qin Palace cannot have enough strength within a thousand years, then the lineage of the Qin Palace may become extinct by then." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't worry about anything anymore, "Since this is the case, I won't be polite."

After speaking, Qin Lie walked towards the life planet of the Yinghuo Clan.

"Third Princess, you take 300 million soldiers to the Skyhawk Clan." Zhao Yang looked at the Third Princess and said.

"Obey." The third princess said respectfully.

"You two follow." Zhao Yang ordered his two Sanqings to follow.

"The three of you go to the Silver Clan." Zhao Yang summoned another 300 million troops, and let the three gods and three Qings lead the team to the Silver Clan.

Then Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan, and Yizun Sanqing led an army of 300 million to the Iron Clan.

The Iron Clan surrendered directly under the leadership of the deputy patriarch.

The Iron Clan was very cooperative.

Give what you want?Zhao Yang is very passive here.

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