
The great emperors were also worried that Zhao Yang would be killed, so they threatened Yanhuangzong.

"It's impossible for me to hand over the flounder." What no one expected was that Zhao Yang would say such a thing.

"Zhao Yang, do you know the consequences of rejecting us." The old man of the Meteor clan said with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it just a fight?" Zhao Yang shrugged.

All the emperors in the audience were stunned.

They really want to know where Zhao Yang's courage comes from?

How dare he have such courage?

In fact, the emperors didn't want to do anything to Zhao Yang, because Zhao Yang's strength was not low, and if Zhao Yang destroyed those flounder, they would have no chance to stop them.

"Since he wants to die with all his heart, that's enough to satisfy him." The patriarch of the Yinghuo Clan said as he rushed towards Zhao Yang.

The patriarch of the Yinghuo clan has almost recovered during this period of time, and he is confident that he can compete or even defeat Zhao Yang himself.

Of course, in the face of killing array and Sanqing teaming up, they are powerless. The question is, didn't Zhao Yang summon Sanqing?

Zhao Yang really wanted to have a hearty fight with the patriarch of the Yinghuo Clan to test how much he had just improved, but he also knew that this was not the time for nonsense, so he immediately summoned Daotu.

Daotu is illusory.

It was lightly draped over Zhao Yang's body.

In an instant, Zhao Yang's cultivation soared.

Emperor Realm Seventh Heaven!

Emperor Realm Eighth Heaven!

It can be said that in an instant Zhao Yang's cultivation has been continuously improved by two small realms, and Zhao Yang feels that the energy in his body is overwhelming, and even the stars can be pierced with a wave of his hand.

"Today I want to avenge the Yinghuo clan." The leader of the Yinghuo clan roared when he came to Zhao Yang.

"I'm afraid you don't have this chance." Zhao Yang said here that the energy in his body exploded suddenly, and at the same time, the fist that penetrated the entire sky mercilessly landed on the head of the Yinghuo clan.

Nine Suns Divine Fist!

At this time, Zhao Yang had used the Nine Suns Mysterious Art to the extreme.

Therefore, in just a moment, the patriarch of the Yinghuo clan turned into ashes amidst the shocked expressions of the monks present.

"how is this possible?"

"The patriarch of the Yinghuo Clan is the existence of the eighth heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"Even if the patriarch of the Yinghuo clan is not strong in the realm of the eighth heaven, it is still a terrifying existence at this level after all."

"Zhao Yang's breath seems to have stepped into this realm."

Amidst the shocked expressions of many emperors, Zhao Yang appeared in front of the patriarch of the Skyhawk Clan.

"Die to me." Zhao Yang roared.

Zhao Yang's voice was like a world-shattering magic sound, which made the body of the Skyhawk Clan patriarch sway.

"Help me." The patriarch of the Skyhawk clan hurriedly shouted when he saw the flames covering the sky engulfing his body.

When several emperors wanted to rescue them, they were shocked to find that the power of heaven and earth under their feet had turned into runes, locking them firmly in place.


"When did Zhao Yang use the formation method?"

"We must not let him continue to shoot."

"That's right, otherwise, if he breaks through one by one, what's the matter with us?"

Just when the seventeen emperors present made their moves one after another, Zhao Yang severely injured the patriarch of the Skyhawk clan with one punch, and blasted the patriarch of the Skyhawk clan into ashes with two punches.

At this time, cracks appeared in the array that Zhao Yang had quietly laid out, and after a glance, Zhao Yang rushed to the head of the Mian Clan.

"Why did you kill me?" The head of the Mian clan was full of horror.

If the patriarch of the Yinghuo clan was careless, then the patriarch of the Tianying clan was killed by Zhao Yang head-on.

Killed an existence of the same class with two punches.

Even with his toes, he could guess that Zhao Yang would step onto the peak of the Emperor Realm in the future.

"Because I don't like you." After the words fell, Zhao Yang swung his fists and slammed down on the head of the Mian clan.

Brilliant energy lit up in the entire outer sky. The patriarch of the Mian Clan had never seen such a bright brilliance. The blood in its body was evaporated almost instantly, and the fire of its soul was almost gone in an instant. to the point of extinguishing.

One punch!


Just when Zhao Yang was about to end the patriarch of the Mian clan, the formation he had set up was broken by the sixteen emperors.

Zhao Yang opened his mouth and exhaled a mouthful of Alchemy Qi, which turned into three figures against the wind.

The bodies of the three figures were filled with the aura of the eighth heaven of the emperor realm, and they looked at the sixteen emperors with ferocious killing intent in their eyes.

"Are they all eighth heavens of the Emperor Realm?"

"How did he do it?"

"Should we still make a move?"

"His three incarnations can't stop us!"

Just when they were hesitating, Zhao Yang punched and killed the head of the Mian clan.

"Zhao Yang, don't go too far." The head of the Eagle Clan said with a sullen face.

"Too much? I have gone too far, what can you do?" Zhao Yang exhaled a burst of Dao Qi while speaking, and the burst of Dao Qi turned into three figures.

These three figures stood beside Zhao Yang, and there was a terrifying aura flowing from them, which shocked all the emperors present.

"Zhao Yang, even if you have six emperor-level avatars, it is impossible for you to defeat us." The patriarch of the Qing clan said with a sullen face.

"If you don't believe me, see if one of my avatars can compete against the two of you?" Zhao Yang sneered, "You have only sixteen avatars left now? Do you think you have any chance of winning?"

After Zhao Yang's voice fell, Qin Lie and the third princess walked over, and they stood by Zhao Yang's side.

This shows their attitude.

Firmly support Zhao Yang.

"A mere incarnation, can it compete with the two of us?" the prisoner clan's patriarch said with a look of disbelief.

"Don't believe it?" Zhao Yang looked at the prisoner clan leader provocatively and said, "Try?"

The patriarch of the prisoner clan changed his face, but in the end he still didn't dare to make a move.

Zhao Yang's fighting power is so strong, no one dares to say that his avatar is not strong.

"Zhao Yang, I quit." The patriarch of the Tianji clan said and withdrew from the battle circle.

"Zhao Yang, I quit." The head of the Tianshu clan said and also quit the battle circle.

The number of emperors who withdrew soon reached eight.

"Aren't you worried that Zhao Yangqiu will settle the score?" the patriarch of the Qing clan sent a voice transmission to the eight emperors.

"Even if we teamed up to draw and even defeat Zhao Yang today?" the patriarch of the Tianshu clan said in a deep voice, "Didn't you see that he is the emperor of the array, that is to say, if he wants to leave, no one can stop him?" .”

"That's right, with such a peerless existence, if we find a place to live for a hundred years, will there be a way for us to survive in the future?" the patriarch of the Yuheng clan said bitterly.

"His state is very strange, and it is destined to be impossible to last, you know?" the patriarch of the Meteor Clan said solemnly.

"There are six incarnations around Zhao Yang, plus those two human emperors, do you think we have a good chance of winning?" the patriarch of the Shannan tribe said helplessly, "Believe it or not, even if we defeat him, our side will not If you lose seven or eight statues, don't think about it."

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