Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1222 Severing Relationships

It is impossible to loot wantonly.

After staying with the Iron Clan for two days and plundering a huge amount of resources, Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong.

Not long after arriving at Yanhuangzong, the other two parties also came to Yanhuangzong.

After the resources of the three parties were pooled together, Zhao Yang and the others showed shock on their faces.


The resources of the emperor-level forces are five to eight times more than those of the king-level forces.

After Yanhuangzong plundered the resources of the three major imperial sects this time, it can be said that Yanhuangzong will not need to worry about resources for thousands of years in the future. In addition, Zhao Yang also asked for a large amount of resources from the rest of the meteorite clan and other groups this time. resources, and these resources together have reached the level of an imperial power.

Of course, this does not include high-end resources. You must know that there are not many king-level forces in such high-end resources.

Half a day later, Qin Lie personally came to express his thanks to Zhao Yang.

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while, Qin Lie asked, "Why did your strength suddenly soar to the eighth level of the Emperor Realm?"

"I reached an agreement with the creatures of Daoquan, and it gave me a Dao map, which allows me to maintain the cultivation level of the eighth heaven for a short time." Zhao Yang said frankly after thinking about it.

In fact, it doesn't matter.

There is still a lot of energy contained in the Dao Diagram, which is enough to support Zhao Yang in two high-intensity battles.

Before, Zhao Yang didn't even use up his energy once.

"No wonder, I was curious before." Qin Lie suddenly realized.

"By the way, this is for you." Zhao Yang said and handed Qin Lie a jade bottle, "There are two purple flounders, four golden flounders, and ten silver flounders in the jade bottle."

"This... you have already helped Qin Gong so much, how could Qin Gong have the nerve to ask for your things?" Qin Lie immediately declined.

"The Qin Palace can better protect the human race only when it grows stronger." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "It's all for the sake of the race, so don't be too polite, Sect Master Qin."

Qin Lie took it after hesitation.

With these resources, Qin Gong's strength can be multiplied several times.

At this time, Huang Qingchan from Immortal Court touched the number one general beside him, "Look, Zhao Yang gave Qin Lie so many flounders, you should remember to ask for a purple flounder later, and the rest should be golden." That's enough."

The first god will show a look of embarrassment.

"What? You don't want to go?" Huang Qingchan seemed to realize something.

"I always feel that it's not good to take the initiative to ask for it." The first general said shyly.

"This is related to the future development of Immortal Court, and you should also know that after a thousand years, star beasts will invade Tianwaitian, what can we do to resist then?" Huang Qingchan said anxiously.

The first general thought about it and came to Zhao Yang's side.

"Sect Master Zhao."

"Is there something wrong?" Zhao Yang asked suspiciously.

"Well... can you give me some flounder?" The first general lowered his head when he said this.

Zhao Yang glanced at the first general, and then he looked at Huang Qingchan not far away, why didn't he understand what was going on?

"I can only give you one flounder." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while.

"One?" The first general was startled.

"That's right, a silver flounder." Zhao Yang nodded.

Hearing this, Huang Qingchan rushed over, "Zhao Yang, you gave Qin Gong two purple flounders, four golden flounders, and ten silver flounders, but you gave us a silver flounder in Xianting, don't you think it's too much?" Do you favor one over another?"

"Excuse me, what is my relationship with your Immortal Court?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "Back then, your Immortal Court targeted Yanhuangzong everywhere, and even made trouble for Yanhuangzong more than once. Yanhuangzong didn't trouble you, right?" Dun Zhao Yang continued, "I rescued you the first time you were hunted down by interstellar thieves, right? I rescued you from Jarvis again a few days ago? I really want to know how you Still don't know how to be satisfied?"

"The First God will be kind to you." Huang Qingchan emphasized.

"The number one god general is indeed kind to me. I have helped me several times in Immortal Realm, and even gave me a battleship of the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm in Tianwaitian. What? The kindness of the first god general to me will last forever. Are you still not clear?" Zhao Yang was irritated by Huang Qingchan's words.

"Do you want a flounder? Here." Zhao Yang summoned a silver flounder from the small world and threw it at Huang Qingchan's feet. "From now on, I will never have any relationship with your fairy court."

The first god shook his whole body.

He knew that Zhao Yang was also speaking to him.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have come, and I shouldn't have spoken." The First God General said bitterly.

"Number one general, I thought you knew how to advance and retreat, but I didn't realize that you didn't know how to measure." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "I think I have given Xianting too much favor for your sake all these years, but I didn't To think you'd be so pushy."

"I..." The First God General opened his mouth to say something, but in the end it turned into a long sigh.

Huang Qingchan's face became hot for a while, she didn't expect that Zhao Yang would not give her face, she gritted her teeth and picked up the flounder, "Sword slave, let's go."

The first god general followed Huang Qingchan and left here.

"The Immortal Court is a bit aggressive." Qin Lu said at this time, "In order to expand the territory of the Immortal Court over the years, it has hurt the interests of some clansmen. In terms of the relationship between the Immortal Court and the Yanhuangzong, Qin Gong did not come forward. Who can tell?" Thinking that the two of you have conflicts."

"If it was me, I would have attacked Xianting long ago." Qin Xuan said angrily.

"Forget it, it's over." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Not long after, Qin Lie and the others left.

"Caihan, I'm going to Yanghuangxing." Zhao Yang said softly at this time.

"You want to kill the Sword King?"


"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No need, the current Chunyangzi is no longer my opponent." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Yang Huang Xing!

The sword king knelt in front of Chunyangzi and begged Chunyangzi to save it.

A look of vicissitudes appeared on Chunyangzi's face, "My cultivation base has increased a bit over the years, but I am on the same level as the one from the Meteor Clan, and Zhao Yang's potential is at the peak of the Emperor Realm, and in this realm Among them are also strong, sorry, I can't protect you."

"His state won't last long." Sword King said in a deep voice.

"Who dares to gamble?" Chunyangzi said lightly, "The price of losing the bet is his own life, and don't forget that he has six incarnations, and the six avatars teaming up will be enough for me."

The sword king fell silent.

"He has already risen, not to mention that there are strong men from the eighth heaven like Chanjuan beside him, and the Qin Palace is not far from the Yanhuangzong, and Qin Lie of the Qin Palace has also stepped into this realm, in other words, he wants to kill him At least five emperors must be mobilized."

"Five emperors?" Hearing this number, the Sword King smiled wryly.

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